Poetry Submission Requirements

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Here at WattpadPoetry, one of the main features are our reading lists. These features well-written works from poets all across the world. We offer the chance to be featured on these lists to everyone.

Before you submit your poetry for consideration, please check that it meets the following criteria.

- One Submission per writer/poet. We apologize for any inconvenience.

- Grammar - Your work must have proper spelling, use of punctuation and an overall finished quality. Please avoid use of texting language and other sloppy grammar practices.

- Content - Your submission is expected to be fitting for all readers. We do not at the moment feature mature works. Your work must also follow all of the Wattpad Content Guidelines, meaning that content glorifying self harm, suicide or rape etc will not be accepted.

- Completion - We accept works that are marked as both complete or incomplete. A single poem is acceptable, but it is preferable that your submission be a collection of poems.

- Originality - Works are encouraged to be from the author making the submission. They must be original. We will accept submissions of another poet's work, but keep in mind that only a single collection will be featured per author.

- Language - For now, we are only accepting submissions in English. We will make an announcement if this changes.

- Genre - WattpadPoetry does not accept prose. We also do not accept any Prose type poetry, as it is not seen as a reflection of our Profile.

Our current reading lists are as follow.

(These may be added to depending on demand. Suggestions regarding these categories are welcome via private message to our profile). When making a submission, please check the box which is most relevant to your work.

Directions to the link where you can submit your work is at the bottom of this page.

-Lyrical Poetry
-Narrative Poetry
-Dramatic Poetry
-Special Type Poetry
-Epic Poetry
-Pastoral Poetry
-Free Verse
-Acrostic & Villanelle
-Stygian Themes
-Romantic Woes
-DiverseLit Poems

We reserve the right to add or decline submissions based on whether or not they meet the above criteria. Good luck and good writing to you all!

If you think that your poetry has what it takes, submit your work to our Reading Lists through the Poetry Submission Form.

Open the link in your browser and complete the questions. Once everything is filled out, press submit (only once) and that's it.

Please, note that:

>> Submissions will be featured on Poetry Reading lists for a month.

>> Any submission attempts made on our message board, in the comment section, or via PM will not be considered.

>> Submission does not guarantee you a spot in our reading lists. All submissions undergo a level of screening before a decision is made. This is to ensure our readers get quality content for their reading pleasure.

>> Your work can only be added to one Reading List on our profile so as to keep space open for other collections. With that being said, please carefully consider the options when deciding which list to submit your poetry to.

Please be patient after a submission is made. As you can imagine, our list is long. You will receive a notification if your work is added to our Reading Lists, but we do not offer a notification if it is declined.

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