One Night Stand 2

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I make my escape quick as I bid everyone goodnight at the lobby. I can feel Hero's eyes burning a hole in my head as I scurry to the elevators and I sigh when I faintly hear Anna asking him to stay behind for a few words. I have a feeling he'll come after me and I sure as hell am not ready for a confrontation with him. All throughout dinner, he's made it pretty obvious that he wants to say something to me but couldn't because of the rest of our party.

Why did it have to be him? I never thought I'd be seeing him again after the night we shared, after he deserted me. So much for wanting to get to know me-note the sarcasm.

I can deal with him being my co-star so long as we don't bring up what happened that night in London. If he wants to talk to me, it better just be for the movie we're hired to act in. I'm a professional and I damn hope he is, too. But if not, I will gladly put a wall between us myself just so there's not confusion between our personal lives and our careers.

I cannot afford to screw this project up. This is my first big break and from what I heard over at dinner, the same goes to Hero although he'd probably have more opportunities considering the family background he has-his uncles and both his parents. Yeah, I absolutely have more to lose compared to him if I fuck this movie up.


"Are you ready to start rehearsals?" Jenny, our director, asks me as I enter the studio.

"Sure am." Not.

"Great! We're just waiting for Hero. He's in a meeting with Anna since he hadn't read the books yet."

I mentally applaud him for coming into filming without reading the books. I also mentally scoff at the arrogance he possesses.

A few minutes later, he walks in with Anna and we are introduced to Marcus, our acting coach. He will be guiding us in the intimate scenes. Just the thought of Hero and I playing out such scenes as in the script and book, I could already feel a tremble run down my entire body. His touch and the way his body moved against mine will be forever burned in my consciousness and just the mere thought of that happening again, even with cameras and prof that crew surrounding us, if enough to make me nervous for how my body will react.

I'm grateful that the intimate scenes won't be up for rehearsal until the end of the week, giving me enough time to make myself comfortable enough with Hero. I try to tell myself over and over that maybe he doesn't really care about that one night we had together. I mean, he did disappear the next morning so maybe I'm just overthinking things. Yeah, that could be it.

I mentally thank him for not making rehearsals uncomfortable as we end the day with some light banter. He's actually a pretty decent guy. A little flirty but decent. He hasn't brought up that night in London so I'm now one hundred percent sure he's long past that.

"So, Hero and Jo, as part of your getting to know each other, we've arranged some activities for the two of you. It's just somethings you could do together to build up on your chemistry and bond with each other," Anna tells us as we all walk out of the studio together.

"Activities like what exactly?" I ask anxiously.

"So for tonight, you're gonna go see a movie together and grab some dinner."

That sounds like a fucking date.

"Lovely," I force a smile.

"Brilliant," Hero grins devilishly, that sinful dimple indenting his cheek. "I'll pick you up at six, yeah?" He tells me and all I could do is agree with a forced smile as Anna looks on to us at the side.


At exactly six in the evening, there's a light knocking on my door. I've been pacing my room for a good twenty minutes now, trying to calm myself before Hero fetches me, but it doesn't seem to work when I open the door and see Hero standing outside looking deliciously fresh for my taking. Snap out of it, Jo!

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