Departure for a new continent 3

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The next morning I was shaken awake... What? I asked yawning... Babe, it's the morning... Matt said... Oh... Alright... I sighed... I yawned standing up and picked up Yukimibotamon in my arms... Our Digimon were knocking down some trees so we can make a raft so we can sail our way to Server. Timber! Tai yelled as Agumon blasted a tree down. That was only two trees. And we have a lot more to go. I sighed... At our current rate, it'll take us forever to build a raft. Izzy sighs... Don't worry about it Izzy, it's not like we're in a hurry or anything. Sora said placing her hands on her hips. I look behind us and gasped. Guys look! I said... Leomon! Izzy said. So I heard you were all going to Server. He said and stopped... How did you know that? Sora asked. Oh you know us monsters, we all love to gossip. Leomon said making me giggle. I really like him... I thought I'd see if you wanted some help. He said making Sora and Izzy smile... You mean you'll really help us? Sora asked. I've got some friends who'll want to help as well... Leomon said. Lalamon! I said... RedVegiemon! Sora said... Elecmon! Izzy said when we see the Digimon walk over to us... Hi Y/n! Hi Sora! The Lalamon greeted. Hey... How are you guys doing? I asked... Good... Thanks to you and Sora... We've heard you were heading for Server... We wanted to help... Think of it as a thank you... Lalamon said. Monzaemon! Mimi giggles the bear walks up to us. Hey, look, it's Frigimon! Tk said as the bear Digimon came over... And it's Meramon too! Boy, all the Digimon we saved is coming to help us! I said... With our friends helping us making the rafter so we can sail to Server... Thank you for helping get to Server. Tai said... No thank you... You got rid of Devimon... We won't have to worry about him again... I gasped and saw the Leader Numemon... Ew! Not you again! I yelled... Mimi looked and him and cringes. How about a kiss for your hero sweethearts? He asked... How about... I start... NO! Mimi finished cheerfully... He faints muttering what woman... I heard a low growl... I turn around... Seriously? Your jealous again Matt? I asked fluttering my eyelashes at him... n-No. He lies... I giggled kissing his cheek... No need to be so jealous... You know I only love you... I giggled... I know... But I can't help it. He sighed...

We got on the raft after our Digimon friends helped us... Take care Y/n, Sora! Lalamon said... We will! Sora and I said smiling. Hey, it really worked! Matt laughs... All right. Tai said... It's hydrodynamically designed... Izzy said... In English, please, Izzy... I said making Matt chuckle... It means It will work. Izzy said making me nod. I think I'm getting seasick already. Joe groaned. Get a grip, Joe, It will have to do for now. Tai said... Believe me, that raft is strong enough to get you across the ocean. Leomon said as he walked over to us. Thanks Leomon, we never could have done it without your help. My best friend said. Tk gasped making us all look at him... I smiled knowing what's about to happen. What is it? Matt asked... We all watched Tk's Digi-egg hatch... Poyo, Poyomon! Poyomon said and we all smiled... Congrats Tk... I pat his head... Tk smiles up at me... He is so cute! I said... Very! Mimi giggles... That's great! Sora said... Yukimibotamon pouted up at me... Of course, you're cute too sweetie... I giggled.  Yukimi! Yukimibotamon! She giggles... Poyomon is a jellyfish type Digimon of a few words, but if his friends are in trouble, he's ready for action. Tentomon said and Tk hugged Poyomon... We all said goodbye to our friends and they wished us well on our journey...  All of us sat back as we sailed onto the sea. I was leaning against Matt Yukimibotamon in my arms... We watched the waves under us and looking around for any sign of Server. Tai used his trusty mini telescope to see. Matt was pointing out random clouds that looked like different shapes of animals... I giggled nodding seeing the clouds... Yukimibotamon was sound sleep in my arms... I look down at her... I don't see anything... Tai said after an hour passed. I wonder how much longer this trip will take? Joe said... Chill out, Joe. We just left. Tai said. The salt is killing my sinuses and we've only got enough food for two weeks. Joe said. I sighed and leaned into Matt's chest... Have you ever met someone that complains like Joe? I whispered... Nope... Matt muttered...  If we run out of food, we'll catch some fish... Tai said... Or we could eat Tai... I said earning a glare from my gogglehead friend... Kidding. Kidding... Sheesh... Learn when to take a joke Taichi... I rolled my eyes... 

Well, the one good thing is. This is beautiful weather for sailing. Sora said... Oh, I don't feel so good. Mimi groaned and Palmon tries to comfort her as the waves splashed around us. I didn't calculate these waves being so rough. Izzy whined weakly... I move around a little so I was sitting on Matt's lap... His arms resting around my shoulders... And my face resting on his chest... I don't get seasick... I've been on rafts and boats before... Nothing good like the old fresh air... I said cheerfully... Sure... Rub it in... Joe muttered... Matt laughed quietly... Not my fault you aren't used to rafts and boats Joe... I said... Well, I'm not like you who is used to being on boats her whole life! Joe groans... I'm not that bad... I muttered. No your not... Joe didn't mean in that way... Right Joe? Matt asked with a death glare. o-Of course. Joe gulps. Best boyfriend ever... I muttered... Matt smirks... Uh-oh! Tai said... Oh! I hate it when you say that! When you say that something bad is about to happen! I yelped... Tidal wave! Tai said... I yelled and held onto Yukimibotamon when Matt held onto me tightly... Then we were knocked back... That had to have been twelve feet tall... Matt said. 18.3 to be exact. Izzy said. Was there another boat that caused that wave? Joe asked. There's no boat that could do that. Tai said as he looked around and then this huge thing appeared... An island! My gogglehead best friend said. An island? Since when does an island have fins?! Sora asked as we sailed closer to it and then it when back underwater, making waves shake us up... Oh... I don't like this. Mimi whined... 

Friendship and Innocent Yamato Ishida x Reader RoseWhere stories live. Discover now