- #Thirty Three -

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I know you make me dance.

Pulling my limbs for your whims

And desires and pleasures. 

I know I'm a little marionette. 

Leaping and skipping on the stage

Forced to smile and play dumb. 

But hidden in this cute little doll's dress

Sits a pair of scissors in a pocket

Alongside a red ball of string

And a pretty double-bladed knife.  

When you turn your head

When the time is right

I will snip away my thin bonds

Unravel the ball of string

And the knife will serve its purpose.

Let you put on a show. 

Skip! Prance! A pirouette!

The beaming lights! How the crowd smiles! 

A 10! Do the judges agree? 

Roses and flowers! Applause! Feel the thrill!

How the praise gets to your head! 


When the time comes

You will never know 

You dance for my whims. 

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