Characters Biographies

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Kate Becardis
Full name: Kate Cassandra Becardis
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Designing
Future Goals: Fashion designer/model
Parents: Camilla and Tom Becardis
Siblings: Blake and Sabrina Becardis
Relationship: Ken Trayton
Pet: Cassandra

Michelle Reese
Full name: Michelle Becky Reese
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Designing, dancing and singing
Future Goals: Fashion designer/popstar
Parents: Mackenzie and Troy Reese
Siblings: Nikki Reese
Relationship: None
Pet: Becks

Sabrina Becardis
Full name: Sabrina Burru Becardis
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Cooking, acting and art
Future Goals: Famous artist
Parents: Camilla and Tom Becardis
Siblings: Kate and Blake Becardis
Relationship: None
Pet: Urru

Blake Becardis
Full name: Blake Henmur Becardis
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Hobbies: Football
Future Goals: Famous football player
Parents: Camilla and Tom Becardis
Siblings: Kate and Sabrina Becardis
Relationship: Nikki Reese
Pet: Murhen

Nikki Reese

ull name: Nikki Janelle Reese
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Cheering
Future Goals: Model
Parents: Mackenzie and Troy Reese
Siblings: Michelle Reese
Relationship: Blake Becardis
Pet: Jacks

Ken Trayton
Full name: Ken Jackson Trayton
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Hobbies: Soccer
Future Goals: Famous soccer player
Parents: Florian Brice and John Trayton
Siblings: Ben Trayton
Relationship: Kate Becardis
Pet: Bull

Ben Trayton
Full name: Ben James Trayton
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Hobbies: Soccer
Future Goals: Famous soccer player
Parents: Florian Brice and John Trayton
Siblings: Ken Trayton
Relationship: None
Pet: Bull

Camilla Becardis

Full name: Camilla Bèy Morgan Becardis
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Baking
Future Goals: Best Bakery in Town
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Samantha Morgan
Relationship: Ex-husband Tom Becardis
Pet: None

Tom Becardis
Full name: Tom Fill Becardis
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Hobbies: Watching action movies
Future Goals: Have no video gamer at home
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Tina Jones
Relationship: Ex Camilla Bèy, Current Florian
Pet: None

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