Kate Becardis
Full name: Kate Cassandra Becardis
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Designing
Future Goals: Fashion designer/model
Parents: Camilla and Tom Becardis
Siblings: Blake and Sabrina Becardis
Relationship: Ken Trayton
Pet: CassandraMichelle Reese
Full name: Michelle Becky Reese
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Designing, dancing and singing
Future Goals: Fashion designer/popstar
Parents: Mackenzie and Troy Reese
Siblings: Nikki Reese
Relationship: None
Pet: BecksSabrina Becardis
Full name: Sabrina Burru Becardis
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Cooking, acting and art
Future Goals: Famous artist
Parents: Camilla and Tom Becardis
Siblings: Kate and Blake Becardis
Relationship: None
Pet: UrruBlake Becardis
Full name: Blake Henmur Becardis
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Hobbies: Football
Future Goals: Famous football player
Parents: Camilla and Tom Becardis
Siblings: Kate and Sabrina Becardis
Relationship: Nikki Reese
Pet: MurhenNikki Reese
Full name: Nikki Janelle Reese
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Cheering
Future Goals: Model
Parents: Mackenzie and Troy Reese
Siblings: Michelle Reese
Relationship: Blake Becardis
Pet: JacksKen Trayton
Full name: Ken Jackson Trayton
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Hobbies: Soccer
Future Goals: Famous soccer player
Parents: Florian Brice and John Trayton
Siblings: Ben Trayton
Relationship: Kate Becardis
Pet: BullBen Trayton
Full name: Ben James Trayton
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Hobbies: Soccer
Future Goals: Famous soccer player
Parents: Florian Brice and John Trayton
Siblings: Ken Trayton
Relationship: None
Pet: BullCamilla Becardis
Full name: Camilla Bèy Morgan Becardis
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Baking
Future Goals: Best Bakery in Town
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Samantha Morgan
Relationship: Ex-husband Tom Becardis
Pet: NoneTom Becardis
Full name: Tom Fill Becardis
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Hobbies: Watching action movies
Future Goals: Have no video gamer at home
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Tina Jones
Relationship: Ex Camilla Bèy, Current Florian
Pet: NoneIf you don't like the first chapter then comment please.
Kate And Michelle (On Hold/Discontinued)
RandomBFFs Kate and Michelle have to live in the same house when Kate's parents go broke. At first it's fun but do you think they will always get along. Read to find out more. Don't forget to comment and follow 😉