Strange Comings

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The birds chirped and the light glistened through the leaves of the forest, I could hear the faint trickling noises of the rivers nearby and nothing but complete calm remained. The crunch of leaves underfoot and the gentle cool breeze is only part of what I call home. The low growl of my furry companion drew me from my thoughts and I looked down towards the proud tiger, Kai. While a slight smirk I scoffed and pulled a cut of raw meat from my rucksack, it was fresh and a nice juicy cut from the deer I had hunted only moments earlier. "Alright, but only because you were helpful today, alright?" Kai snuffed and groaned, snapping his jaws at the meat before tearing right into it. Sitting on the grassy ground, I waited for Kai to finish his small meal, letting the breeze gently stroke my face and whisk away stray hairs from off my shoulders.

Sloppy chewing noises, the tearing of meat and the metallic stench of blood filled the air. Looking at Kai, I smiled and watch what little meat was left be chewed and swallowed. As he finished his last piece, both Kai and I rose from the soft grass and kept walking through the forest, on our way home. Rucksack heavy with meat and many pouches filled with nuts and berries, all that we can find.

As we kept walking, the familiar dense amount of trees and bushes came to sight, pushing past was my home. There it stood in all it's might, a proud rustic cabin, high among the trees. Kai bounded over to his own home area I had made him myself, low to the ground so he could add an almost guard dog feel to the area. After all, it was a tragedy that brought us together.

An unfamiliar stench waft through the air, it smelt like burning leaves, dried leaves. Kai had smelt it too and got back up, I placed my freshly caught food away nearby and with no weight holding me down, I ran. Bolting to find the source of the smell, it seemed so familiar, but why is it so potent and strong? Soon I came skidding to a halt, the crunching of leaves and snapping of twigs, followed by heavy footsteps.

Immediately I climbed the nearest tree, keeping out of sight I looked over to see what the noises were. That's where I saw them. All 15 of them...

I found myself staring at them for quite some time. No one goes through this forest, not often anyhow, but there they were 13 Dwarves, a very familiar looking wizard and a rather big-footed but very short creature. "We must be in the forest of the daughter of the Ettenmoors. I believe she still lives here watching for danger or anything that threatens the forest. Her name is Dea I believe. Her father founded the Ettenmoor mountains so technically she is royalty if she ever found out her true identity she could rule as Queen under the mountain. Her father was a King of an almost unheard of clan, he was King Orzim and his wife, a woman named Cassandra. I have only ever seen Dea once but she is of skill, quick and precise, if we were to ever meet her, she is someone to be weary of."

That couldn't be me could it? I crawled along the branch further, keeping an eye on the wizard but making sure that I was hidden "Don't be alarmed, but she may be within the area." I growled and narrowed my eyes. He knows I'm here... I moved to a new branch and stood tall, jumping gently off the branch, dropping down with great elegance and landed on my feet, in a slight crouch in front of all the horses, making the large group and their horses rear back in fright and alarm. The scraping of swords exiting sheathes made Kai pounce out and take a defensive stance around me. "Swords away you fools!" the wizard cried, steadying his horse while the Dwarves tried to steady his own pony. I slowly rose, eyes glaring like daggers.

"Who are you?"

The Lady of the Forest ~Thorin Love~Where stories live. Discover now