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⋰˚☆ The Pancake Squad Radiating Big Sibling Energy
(Fai Cut)

(On screen texts will be in italicised, [] are actions)

We all wish to have this sort of relationship with our siblings right?

Jeno: Yesterday Fai and I went to my parent's home.

Fai: Yes! We went and saw his three cats, and then we ate with his family. We couldn't stay for long, but I had fun a lot of fun.

JE: I haven't seen the cats in so long so my allergies were acting up, but I had fun too! It was a stress reliever.

Jaemin: It's good that you visited them since we rarely are able to do so. Like Jeno, Haechan and I's parents live in Seoul, but we can never find the time to truly spend time with them. I truly feel for you and Renjun, to be far from your family is the worst.

FA: I feel like, the more time I spend away from them, the less I know them. Do any of you have a clue about what your parent's favourite colour, activity, food is today? Like for example, when I was eight my dad's favourite colour was red and I thought it was that up until a couple of days ago when he told me that his favourite colour is actually green.

Haechan: The more you speak, Fai, the more I feel like a terrible son to my parents.

JE: But she has a point though. All of our parents say that they're missing out on our life, but they're forgetting that we miss out on there's as well.

Renjun: You're right, we miss out on a lot of our family's life. That's why I'm so thankful to have you guys by my side because seriously you guys have become family to me. I never miss out on a thing with you guys. [Fai, Haechan, Jaemin and Jeno pretend to vomit.] Oh come on! Fai can say sappy things but it's a problem when I say it?

JE: It just doesn't sound right coming from you.

Well, it's definitely not in this household. These are all the times these 5 '00 liners proved that they were family.
In other words, the '00 liners bullying each other for 13 mins and 59 secs.


FA: You guys want a TMI?
[She spotted Jaemin walking towards her and she put her arm around his shoulder] Jaemin is a big sleep talker.

JA: How is that your TMI?

[Ignores him] FA: When he sleep talks, he does the eottokhae aegyo. Eighty percent of the time, when he's asleep you can hear him go "eottokhae ettokhae."

JA: What is she even saying?

FA: Am I wrong?

JA: Yes, you are wrong!

[Takes out her phone and goes into her camera roll] FA: Would you guys like to see it?

JA: Cut! Cut! Switch off the camera.

[She pushed Jaemin away] FA: Here's the video everyone! [Jaemin put his hands in Fai's shoulders, pushing them down really hard and causing her to fall on the floor out of the pain] Ow! Ow! Okay, I'm sorry! The video doesn't exist anymore! I was lying!


FA: I think we can both agree that cheesecake is the best dessert out there. [She spoke as Haechan was coughing]

Haechan: Oh my god.

[Continuing while he was chocking on his food] FA: It's just so tasty! There's so much variety as well, you can pick whatever flavour you like depending on the mood and your preference. The options are limitless! [Coughing continues to get louder] Yo can you not be choking on your food right now?

HA: I almost died.

FA: You didn't die though.


[Jeno comes dressed in yellow and green] FA: Woahhh, you look like a watermelon.

JE: Aren't watermelons really cute? They're round.

FA: Yeah but, yellow watermelons don't taste nice, it's the red ones that taste good.

JE: So what are you trying to say?

FA: You're only ideal on the outside, but in the inside, you're just so-so.


HA: Were you born two weeks early?

FA: Why?

HA: You know if you were born a couple of days later then you would have to call me Oppa, right?

FA: And your point is?

HA: Fai-ssi, call me Oppa from now on.

[Fai burst out laughing while Haechan looked at her with a blank face] FA: Oh my god; this guy has completely lost it.


RE: Here she comes, probably the most annoying person I've ever met.

FA: I help people, not annoy them.

RE: What?

FA: I help people, you know, assisting them.

RE: Excuse me, who are you helping?

FA: I helped you.

RE: With what?

FA: I let you go outside and buy some juice for me so that you can exercise! I helped you lose some weight!


[Jaemin slightly shoved Fai as they're walking causing her to fall on the iced ground] JA: Stand up quick before anyone sees you on the floor and realises that I pushed you.

[Jaemin rushed to Fai's side and gave her his hand to help her stand back up] FA: Pain lasts two seconds, but the embarrassment lasts five.

JA: Okay now you're overreacting. [He pushes Fai again but she quickly held onto him which caused him to loose his balance]

FA: If I go down, you're going down with me!


FA: Do you know that vegetable?

JE: Which one?

FA: The one that's inside another thing...like you have to peel it and circles come out and then that's the actual vegetable.

JE: ...

FA: Peas! Green peas! [Says the words mispronounced]

JE: It's green peas Fai. [Correcting her pronunciation]

FA: Don't look down on me.


FA: You're handsome!

HA: Thank you! [He says it in aegeyo]

FA: Eww [Pretends to gag] I take it back.

HA: You can't take it back you already said it, they recorded it.

FA: Cut! Cut! Edit that out! My reputation is on the line now!

- - -

⋰˚☆ Funkwav's Thoughts
What do you guys think about this type of chapter? Should I make more of these? Was it even funny to a certain extent?

Fai | K-Pop SoloistWhere stories live. Discover now