{okay, so this chapter starts with a 3rd person POV, but it's more focused around Coresant and what's happening there. Keep that in mind :)}
"Have we heard anything from George? He was supposed to check in at Mustafar," Obi-Wan asked the Council.
"We haven't heard anything yet, but I'm sure he is fine. After all, it's only been a few hours," Master Windu replied.
Obi-Wan sighed. He wasn't going to admit it, but he was nervous. After all, this was his Padawan's first mission as a Knight, and they had not given him an easy task.
The Council meeting continued like normal, discussing the progression of the war and what the next move should be. But Obi-Wan wasn't even listening.
After another 20 minutes of boring discussions, the meeting was over. Obi-Wan made his way out of the Council Chambers, but was stopped by Master Windu.
"Obi-Wan," he said, grabbing his attention. Obi-Wan turned to face him.
"I know you are worried, but I'm certain George is fine," he said.
Obi-Wan nodded weakly, turning to leave.
"If it makes you feel better," Mace continued. "I'll do a scan over Mustafar's surface to make sure he is still down there in one piece."
This did make Obi-Wan feel better. And with this piece of mind, he began to make his way towards his apartment for meditation.
Obi-Wan often found that the best way to clear his mind and eliminate stress was meditating. Once in his room, he sat on his floor, legs crossed, facing his wall. He closed his eyes and breathed.
He must have been meditating for about 30 minutes when a pounding on his door snapped his mind awake. Confused on who it could be, Obi-Wan made his way to the door. He opened it to reveal a very worried looking Mace Windu.
"Can I help you?" Obi-Wan asked, not even considering why he was here.
"It's George. Dream had him."
Obi-Wan felt his heart drop. George was like his own son. Knowing that a Sith Lord has him and was doing god knows what to him, it hurt him.
"Well? When are we leaving?" Obi-Wan asked. He figured it was pretty obvious that their next move should be to rescue his old Padawan.
"We... we aren't entirely sure of where he is." Obi-Wan felt all of his hope shatter. I fabthey didn't know where George was, there was no way they would be getting him back. "We do, however," Mace continued. "Have a lead that the Sith may have a base located in the Illenium System."
Mace must have noticed the look of determination in his companion's eyes. "But... due to your attachment to the boy, the Council believes it would be best for you to sultan here on Coresant while me and my Padawan investigate it."
Obi-Wan was about to object, but Mace was already running back down the hallway, must likely to grab his Padawan and prepare a ship.
It had been a day, and so far, Mace and Sapnap had yet to discover anything.
They were given specific instructions to check in every 2 hours to ensure that they were still doing alright.
Obi-Wan was in a meeting with the Jedi Council when a hologram appeared in the center of the room. Sapnap and Mace has checked in just an hour prior, so this was unexpected.
"We've discovered the base," Mace said.
Looks of surprise passed over the faces of the Council. No one wanted to admit it, but they didn't believe George would ever be discovered.
"We are landing right now. As far as we can tell, we are off of their scanners since we are such a small ship," Sapnap said.
Obi-Wan felt relieved, but this was just one step closer to George. They still had to find and free the boy, all while trying not to die.
The transmission ended and the meeting continued. Unlike the last few meetings, Obi-Wan was attentive to what was being said. About 15 minutes later, the Jedi were dismissed.
Obi-Wan was sitting in his room when he received the transmission saying that the ship was landing. He sprung up from his bed and bolted out the door towards the hangar.
He should have felt an overwhelming sense of relief. Everyone was back! But Obi-Wan felt a disturbance in the Force.
Something's wrong, Obi-Wan thought.
And when the door to the ship opened, his thoughts were confirmed.
George was slouched over in a sitting position, Sapnap's head resting on his legs. And Master Windu was nowhere in sight.
Obi-Wan's heart dropped as he ran towards the ship. George and Sapnap were both unconscious and in very bad shape.
"MEDIC!" Obi-Wan screamed, now crouching by the boys. Only a few moments later, a few people ran onto the ship and hoisted the boys onto stretchers.
Sapnap let out an agonizing scream, still appearing to be unconscious. It hurt Obi-Wan to watch, but he really couldn't do anything to help at this moment.
He quickly ran through the ship, trying to find Mace, but to no avail.
I'll worry about that later, he thought. And with that, he jogged after the unconscious boys, heading towards the medical bay where their fate would be decided.{899 words}
This POV was different, but I promise we'll go back to the normal soon! Hope you enjoyed this chapter (please vote if you did lol). Follow my Instagram if you want to, @ sapitusnapitus.Much love,
Sa1ty Lettuce

~Galaxies Apart~ a dreamnotfound fanfic
Fanfiction{Completed} "Welcome to the Dark Side." George has just been promoted by the Jedi council to become a Knight. When he is given the mission to take down Dream, a Sith Lord and old friend, he is taken back by the fact that his teenage crush has only g...