A month later
It was a month since the funeral, a month since their fight and Frank was still in the packhouse. Gerard had allowed him to stay more on a probation period than anything else and Frank was doing his best to make amends to both the pack and to Gerard. Most of the pack had seemed to forgive Frank for the most part, except for the Watson's who would throw him dirty looks when he would pretend he didn't see. The worst part was Gerard.
Frank had at first tried to reconcile with Gerard, try to make everything better between them but when he had almost been attacked a second time, he took the message and every ounce of guilt disappeared in that instant. And then he ignored Gerard, the anger and contempt spiking whenever he looked at the Omega, the negative emotions mingling with the soft spur of heat in his stomach. He hated how guilty he felt about how badly he had hurt Gerard and he had tried to make things better between them. He still wanted to.
In fact, Frank had realized now that he hadn't seen Gerard in days. Four days, he remembered now as he counted back on his hand, the last time being when Gerard had merely walked out of the house with a cigarette between his lips and his hands tucked into his jacket pockets. Frank couldn't even recall that Gerard had come home that night. Not that he was paying attention to the comings and goings of the Omega. Nope. Never. Why would he?
Frank merely shrugged it off as he walked outside that evening, noting that the sun had just set, the forest taking on the hint of darkness from beneath the trees, above the leafy canopies it remained barely light. He stood on the porch, surveying everything around him from the termites that were surrounding the bottom of a nearby birch to the deer that was about a yard away from the house. He stuck his hand into his pocket, pulling out the squashed to hell box of Marlboro's and slid one of the cigarettes out with a simple shake. He latched onto it with his lips, holding it loosely as he set the pack down and fished out his lighter.
He lit his cigarette, taking a deep inhale as he stepped off the porch and began walking through the forest. He felt the smoke burn at the back of his throat and he turned, giving a small wave to Pete, who was perched up in a tree, laying on his stomach like a jungle cat.
Pete gave Frank a solitary salute before closing his eyes and letting his arm drop limply. Frank took in another drag, inhaling deeply before he flicked ash on the ground and carried on. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket as he walked on through the trees and thick shrubbery, not even entirely sure where the hell he was going but he knew one thing was for sure. He had a stone in his shoe and it was eating at his soul. Frank had been walking for God knows how long now, his cigarette having been stomped on already as he trudged on into the growing darkness.
And then he caught the faintest scent of something he hadn't smelled beforehand but a scent that rang familiar, making him stop in his tracks and look to his left, squinting through the trees. He turned, stalking forward, taking in another lungful of air, his eyebrows knitted in a frown as the intoxicating scent began to unfurl in his very core. He continued, a small growl in his chest as his heart rate began to pick up, a coil in his lower stomach tightening as it pulled the heat into his body. He stalked silently, careful to avoid any fallen twigs or particularly crunchy looking leaves, his head tilted in piqued curiosity.
Frank raised his nose up, taking in another deep inhale, the thickly sweet smell of visceral heat-tinged orange blossom and sweat hit him, knocking him almost breathless. He let out a moan as he walked forward, his brain slowly misting and fogging from its sane and human state. Frank crept forward, feeling his skin warming up as he felt a low whine in his throat, the smell growing stronger as the heat traveled from his chest, mixing with the blood in his veins until it hit him straight in the crotch. He let out a groan, panting under his breath when he stopped, leaning against a tree, his flushed face pressed against the bark as his inner wolf began to pine and howl desperately. He subconsciously ran his hand down over the straining erection in his jeans, his frown deepening as he let out a sigh of relief at the touch.
The smell hit him in another wave, the sickeningly sweet aroma sending shivers down his spine as he began to creep forward, biting down hard on his lip. He knew what it was, he knew it was the smell of an Omega in heat, he knew exactly the ripe and soft undertone that every Omega had lingering beneath their own unique scent. Frank found himself wandering towards it despite his brain wanting him to walk away, his body overcoming every bit of fight he had left as he came to a dense part of the woods shrouded in bushes.
He stopped suddenly, staring at the shrubbery for a moment when it hit him again, the smell. Only this time, it hit a part of him he didn't know he had, it smacked right through his chest, his inner Alpha howling hungrily at the anticipation of the near Omega. His Omega. Frank let out a growl, shuddering at the hard realization that the scent that was driving him mad with need was his own Omega.
He stalked closer to the bushes, expecting to see Gerard but no, more thick nature. He bent down, holding his breath as he reached in, his hand touching metal. He wrapped his hand around the cold iron and pulled, opening up a heavy- too heavy for a mere human to open- door that no likely belonged to a tornado bunker of sorts.
As soon as he opened the door, the excruciating scent knocked at his every sense. He could smell it, he could feel it lingering on his skin like a sheen of sweat. And he longed to taste it. Frank stepped down into the small hatch of the bunker, closing it quietly above him, hearing it click closed.
At least now he knew where Gerard had gone, and yes he understood why the Omega had disappeared. Frank could only imagine how humiliating it would be for an Omega who was trying to play Alpha and earn respect having to go through heat in the same packhouse.
Frank went down on his hands and knees, crawling through the small tunnel, holding his breath yet again as the smell grew stronger, trying his best not to shake aa his body threatened to transform right then and there. Frank crept forward silently, his breath jagged and then he paused, his entire body freezing in place, the hair on his body standing up when he heard the softest of whimpers emanating from somewhere ahead. From Gerard. Frank came to stop at the entrance to the rest of the bunker that was doused in a red emergency-save light. He crawled through silently onto the... carpet?
Frank was surprised to see the soft flooring, but then again he should have guessed that Gerard would have made this place more welcoming considering he'd be spending a solid week there in his most vulnerable state. Frank slid through and into the bunker, the waft of heat hit him strong force straight in the face, knocking him for a second as he closed his eyes and inhaled it, finally welcoming the scent into his body instead of fighting it the entire time.
He opened his eyes and looked at the room from the plain walls with the sharp claw marks deeply etched into the brick. He shuddered, his brain conjuring up mental images of how Gerard would look- wet and desperate and physically clawing at the walls for release. Frank swallowed heavily as he turned, his heart stopping in his chest when he caught sight of the bed at the far end of the bunker, bedding lay stripped on the floor, sheet included.
Frank stood up, his knees shaking as he looked around for Gerard, the scent of heat clouded around him like a thick fog enrapturing everything around him, every follicle of hair and every pore of his skin. He heard a low and desperate howl, a sound that all but killed him, sending his inner wolf on a rampage in his chest as he ambled forward towards the sound.
He walked over to the bed, looking at everything around him from the ripped and torn furniture to the trash of Gerard's few meals and oh- The one or two tools and toys that Gerard had obviously procured in desperate need to satiate the agonizing need in his body. Frank could almost feel sorry for the Omega, not necessarily being able to fully understand it, what with being unable to go through it himself- thank God- but the thought of it sounded like a nightmare.
"Oh..." Frank heard Gerard moan out softly, "Fuck."
Frank's body tensed up as he turned to see Gerard staring at him with wide eyes. They stared at each other in dead silence, with Frank standing at the entryway of the makeshift bedroom and Gerard... Oh, Gerard was laying on the bed, drenched in what Frank could only hope to taste, his body rising and falling as he panted desperately. Frank eyed him up and down, shuddering out whatever air was left in his body as he took in Gerard's trembling form, his clothing sticking to his sweaty skin.
"What the..."
"Jesus..." Frank whispered as Gerard gave a whimper, scooting back on the bed.
"Get out!" Gerard growled, "Get out!"
Frank could barely hear Gerard over the clouded lust taking over his brain from the heady musk that was rolling off of Gerard's skin, hitting Frank over and over. The sweet scent almost blinding over the bitter sweat seeping from Gerard's pores. Frank could almost taste the honey on his tongue, the thought of it making his mouth water as Gerard began to growl. The sound snapped Frank from his silent lusting, the growl in his own throat already making itself present. They stared at each other, Gerard's lip curling as he snarled at Frank, anger flashing in his eyes, "Get out."
"I-..." Frank was taken aback slightly, frowning at the seriousness he hadn't expected considering the way he could all but sense Gerard's body keening for him.
"I said leave!" Gerard snarled, his body sliding from the bed, standing in front of it in a defensive stance. Frank looked Gerard over, his bare feet, his jean-clad legs, his plain black t-shirt stuck to his skin and oh-
His hair just as sweaty, greasy from Gerard's habit of running his fingers through it, his hazel eyes slitted and primal, glowing under the red ambiance of the bunker. They snarled at each other, Frank's inner Alpha playing up to being challenged, completely forgetting for the moment all about his intense arousal as Gerard leered at him, growling persistently in warning, "I said leave!" Gerard yelled, "I don't need you!"
Frank scoffed, "Like hell."
"I've done this more than once with you gone!" Gerard yelled, picking up the nearest object, being an empty glass, and chucking it at Frank, who dodged the airborne object. The glass hit the wall behind him, shattering loudly and hitting the ground with another loud smash. Frank looked at Gerard incredulously when Gerard threw a lamp at Frank, who missed it by an inch, the cord hitting him in the face. He let out a grunt as the lamp hit the wall as well, backing up. Gerard followed, spewing curses as he threw whatever was near him at Frank. Frank grabbed a pillow, throwing it at Gerard, who batted it aside.
"Get the fuck out," Gerard growled, baring his teeth as Frank let out a snarl, throwing another pillow, feeling annoyance and anger taking over more than anything, his pulse picking up.
"What the fuck is your problem?!" Frank yelled back as Gerard grabbed a nearby chair, picking it up and swinging it at Frank, who miscalculated. Frank was struck in the side by the wooden chair, sending him toppling into the sofa and onto the floor. He rolled onto his back, clutching his ribs with gritted teeth, his body throbbing in pain as the chair leg broke from the stool.
"What the fuck?!' Frank yelled from his spot on the floor, looking up to see Gerard panting, another intense wave of pheromones hit Frank, making him groan as he got up, staggering. And that's when Gerard let out a yell, lunging at him with furious anger, knocking the Alpha over yet again, both hitting the floor with a loud crack. Frank felt Gerard's claws dig into his side, slashing a wide wound that had him scream out in agony, the pain shooting into his ribs and through the rest of his body.
He pushed Gerard off of him, kicking him back as he scrambled up and ran at the Omega, shoving him back, watching Gerard trip over the end of the sofa and fall flat on his back.
Frank pressed a boot-clad foot on Gerard's chest, the latter letting out a loud snarling grunt in pain, staring up at Frank with livid indignation. Frank clutched at his side, panting angrily, letting out a low growl, "What the hell is wrong with you?"
Gerard let out a howl, grabbing Frank's foot and pushing off with a force, with Frank launching up into the air. He hit the ceiling with a dull thud before falling back, landing on his haunches. Gerard rolled over onto his front, getting up onto his hands and knees, a low whimper escaping his lips as Frank grabbed Gerard by the hair, forcing him to sit up. Gerard let out a groan, panting loudly as he arched his back, leaning into Frank's tight grip.
"Stop." Frank hissed through gritted teeth before he pulled Gerard up onto his feet, the Omega crying out in pain as Frank pushed him against the wall and stalked off towards the entrance tunnel of the bunker.
"Cunt." Gerard hissed out as a pillow suddenly hit Frank in the back of the head with a puff, making him stop in his tracks. Frank turned slowly on his heel to look at Gerard, who was staring at him with narrowed eyes and clenched fists.
"Y'know what..." Frank took a step forward, "Fuck you."
"You'd better," Gerard muttered under his breath and Frank let out a small groan, crossing the few steps up to Gerard, looking at him for a moment when he bit his lip, suddenly angry again.
"No. Y'know what- You need to make up your fucking mind!" Frank yelled, making Gerard shy away, jerking back in fright at Frank's raised voice, "First you fucking hate me and try and fucking kill me and now you want me!"
"I could say the same except it's the other way 'round! How does it feel?!" Gerard yelled back, pushing Frank roughly by his chest.
"I told you I was sorry!" Frank yelled back in frustration, barely moving despite Gerard's hard shove.
"Yeah well, I don't believe you!"
"I wouldn't have stayed if I wasn't!" Frank yelled, pushing Gerard back, "But you're still harboring this stupid grudge for so long!" Gerard stopped, his mouth opening and closing more than once, obviously trying to find something to say in reply, but words seemed to have failed him then.
"Well?!" Frank urged, glaring at Gerard, who was merely panting before he grabbed Frank by the collar, his mouth on Frank's in a fervent kiss that seemed to knock the air out of Frank's entire body. He let out a groaning breath through his nose as Gerard's hands scrambled to clutch at every inch of Frank with the alpha pushing Gerard back towards the bed again. Frank's mind began to spin with the intoxicating proximity of Gerard, his stomach churning as he tasted Gerard.
Frank's hands pulled at Gerard's t-shirt with a rivaled impatience, his inner Alpha rearing and howling to get out. Frank let out a growl, tugging on Gerard's bottom lip as he dug his lengthy wolf claws into the black material, ripping it all the way down the middle with a hard swipe of talons. The material ripped effortlessly, as though it were made of the softest of paper, Frank's nails leaving welts on the Omega's pale flesh, the latter groaning out and shuddering at the pain.
Gerard let out a gasp, looking at Frank with wide, lusting eyes as Frank tore the material from Gerard's sweaty skin, the scraps of t-shirt falling to the ground when Gerard hit the wall beside the bed, his hands pulling Frank's jacket from his shoulders. Frank lifted his arms, pulling his hoodie off and throwing it aside with his t-shirt. Gerard let out a groan, pulling Frank against him as their mouths reconnected in a fiery kiss of spit and tongue that seemed to only build onto the tension instead of relieving the decade's worth of wanting between the two of them.
Frank's hands skimmed down over Gerard's body, tugging at his jeans, his nails clawing into the denims, ripping them open from the thighs up. Gerard gasped, arching his hips from the wall as he fumbled with Gerard's belt, unfastening it and Gerard's jeans. Frank shoved them down as Gerard tripped to step out of them, kicking them aside as Frank pulled off his shoes and his socks. Frank let out a growl, looking Gerard over before he grabbed Gerard by the hair with a fierce tug and throwing him onto the bed. Gerard fell on his stomach, rolling over with a groan, sitting up on his elbows as Frank stood there, looking him over.
"Wh- What?" Gerard breathed out as Frank tilted his head to the side, his fingers toying with the elastic of his boxers.
"'M gonna fuck you..." Frank breathed out and Gerard let out a moan, a wave of scent coming off of him, hitting Frank like a warm and heavy breeze. He inhaled as much of it as he could, closing his eyes as a hand traveled from his hip down over the straining erection hidden in his jeans.
Gerard let out a pathetic little moan, biting on his lip even harder as Frank slowly slid his hand into his jeans, palming himself through his boxers, feeling the coil of pleasure already striking up a flame in his stomach. He let out a groan, hearing Gerard whine desperately on the bed, his scent growing stronger as he descended even deeper into his heat. Frank tucked his other hand into his jeans and slid them down slowly, letting them fall before he tucked his thumbs into his boxers, looking up at Gerard from under his lashes, licking at his bottom lip. Frank slid them down an inch, exposing the hair that disappeared beneath the elastic.
"Frank..." Gerard whimpered, "Please."
Frank merely pulled his boxers down, letting the fall to pool at his feet before he stepped out of them and looked up at Gerard again as he slowly made his way over to the bed and slid onto it sinuously. Frank crawled up the bed, crawling in between Gerard's legs, leaning down to drag his tongue up Gerard's thigh, flat and long strokes that had Gerard trembling. Frank's nose met the crook of Gerard's thigh, curls of coarse hair against his skin as he took in a long and heady sniff, taking in the deep and heavy scent of Gerard.
Frank let out a groan, letting the smell of his mate drive him drunk as he ran his tongue up the curved indent of flesh at the base of Gerard's dick, letting out a whine as he finally got to taste what he had been longing for. Frank could feel the goosebumps rising up over his skin as the taste lingered on his tongue, making his head race and a growl pull at his throat. He could feel his head cloud over slowly, his inner Alpha finally rearing up, taking over as it ripped its way out of his skin.
He grabbed Gerard's hips roughly, turning them over as he pulled Gerard up onto his lap, the Omega straddling his thighs, grinding down against Frank with stuttered and rapid vivacity. Frank let out a moan, his nails digging into Gerard's waist, raking them down and around Gerard's hips to his ass, squeezing it harshly. The submissive Omega let out a moan, his arms shaking as he fell down, his head buried in Frank's neck as he whimpered feebly. Frank bit his lip, his eyes squeezed shut as he slid his hands over Gerard's ass, sliding two fingers over Gerard's asshole, a gravelly moan escaping his lips as he felt how wet and ready his mate was... Just for him.
Frank slid two fingers in slow and agonizing, feeling Gerard clenching, hearing the Omega moan in relief and push down against Frank's knuckles. Frank sucked in a breath, looking up to see Gerard's parted lips, his eyes squeezed shut in a gleaning bliss as he panted, not even pausing for a breath before he scrambled up again. Frank let out a shaking gasp as he felt Gerard sliding on his fingers, moving up and back down in short bursts as his hands dug into Frank's shoulders, the sounds leaving his spit-slicked lips were almost as enrapturing as his smell.
Frank pulled his fingers out slowly, hearing Gerard's soft whine in repudiation as he tried to push himself down on Frank's hand, but Frank's free hand gripped Gerard's hip in warning, making the Omega lock eyes with him. Frank could feel the tightness in his stomach growing as his inner wolf reared up, digging its claws into every fiber and sinew beneath Frank's skin, pulling on it and pushing him forward, a sudden frenzy overtaking Frank before he could take in another breath. He let out a snarl, his hand knotting into Gerard's hair, pulling the Omega down, their lips connecting in a jagged and fury-laced kiss.
Frank could feel Gerard's hands clawing and clenching in his shoulders, the pain only egging him on even more as his own deft fingertips kneaded at Gerard's flesh. Frank slid his hand behind Gerard, groaning out as he came into contact with his own dick, feeling it slick beneath Gerard's warm body. Gerard was silent, panting and nodding, silently begging Frank, pleading restlessly for what they were both wanting- needing.
Frank dug his nails into Gerard's ass, lifting him up as Gerard went with whatever the Alpha wanted, his body submitting instantly, melting back into his Omega wolf. Frank landed a sharp, flat-handed slap to Gerard's ass, hearing the low grunt it had elicited had his teeth gritting, his hips lifting up as he wrapped a hand around himself, lining himself up as he stroked his slick palm over his dick.
The Alpha let out a loud moan, arching his back at the touch as he felt Gerard pressing against him, the warmth adding even harder palpitations in Frank's lungs as he tried to breathe, Gerard's claws digging into his collarbones, holding on as though Frank were his first bicycle. Frank felt Gerard's grip tighten even more before Frank let out a growl, lifting his hips up as he pushed Gerard down, feeling himself slide into Gerard. Both men let out a moan, Gerard's head tipping back as Frank felt a heavy shot of pleasure through his body, a warm and tight heat around his dick, slick and ready.
"O- Oh shit." Frank breathed out, feeling Gerard's ass flush with his hips, grinding sweaty flesh between the two of them when Gerard's hips stirred. Frank's eyes closed as he tried to concentrate on where their bodies met, trying to take in the moment as it was, trying to process that Gerard was now raking his nails down over Frank's chest as he bounced rapidly, small and raspy moans leaving Gerard's throat that had Frank spinning.
Frank's eyes opened, his breath stuck in his chest, his eyes fixated on Gerard's face, watching the unadulterated ecstasy etched into every pore. The lewd sound of skin slapping skin endered with heavy breath in the bright red glow of the room around them, in the midst of the chaos they created in their fight. Frank's head tilted back, his hands digging into Gerard's ribs as he felt his knot forming faster than he had expected and he stopped, gasping for the dense air around them.
"Fu- Fuck." Frank moaned, pulling Gerard off of him before he all but forcibly threw him over onto his stomach, scrambling up onto his knees behind Gerard, looking down at the sweaty, heat-slicked Omega. Frank wrapped a hand around himself, lining up before he thrust in, bottoming out in one swift and powerful stroke, his inner Alpha already taken over, his head in a frenzied fog.
He could hear Gerard's gasped pants as his body jerked back and forth in sync with Frank's rough pounding. He reached forward, his hand gripping Gerard's hair, the other hand raking over Gerard's flesh, claws deep, drawing blood that he brought up to his lips, licking and tasting. Frank let out a loud snarl, his teeth bared as he broke at Gerard's flesh, tearing up the Omega's back as the submissive wolf howled, his body jerking back to meet every thrust that Frank gave.
Frank pushed Gerard down against the bed, hands spreading Gerard's legs wider as he fucked into him, pressing Gerard against the sheets, his strong arms keeping himself up as he licked a long, flat streak up Gerard's shoulder. The Omega tilted his head up, exposing his neck as the small, choked moans left his throat, his eyes squeezed shut in pure blissful abandon. Frank continued the lapping of Gerard's sweaty skin, tasting the salt and intense sweetness mixed into one sticky melange. Frank snapped his jaw, his fangs bared as he grabbed a hold of Gerard, sitting the Omega up in his lap, snapping his hips up as Gerard bounced on his dick, screaming out, his voice cracking raw as he reached back to grab at Frank.
Frank's head buried into Gerard's neck as he sucked on the flesh, pulling at it with his teeth when he let go, feeling Gerard's pace pick up, his nails digging into the underside of Frank's thighs, splitting his skin, drawing blood that dripped into the sheets. Frank could feel his insides on fire, the delectation thrumming in every pore as he felt himself knotting harder, the tight pull in his crotch that only grew as the rest of his body tightened into almost agony.
"P- Please..." Gerard managed, his voice coming out in a hiccup as Frank pushed into him especially hard, hitting a spot that seemed to drive Gerard wild. Frank lifted a hand up, digging his nails into the wall, hoping there would have been something to hold on to but no, he hit concrete, his claws striking and burying, holding an arm up as he fucked into Gerard quickly. Frank looked down at the two of their bodies joined, watching Gerard groping at the bed, his talons digging, his back arching as he snapped his teeth. Frank wrapped his arm around Gerard, pushing off of the wall, grunting as he sat back and heaved Gerard up back onto his hands and knees, Frank's own body pressed over him.
Frank's inner Alpha fully taken over now, his jaw clenched as he continued his pressured onslaught. He watched the slick run down Gerard's thighs as the Omega began rutting back against Frank, his movements hindered by Frank's knot that was now almost completely full, "Please." Gerard moaned, "Fuck- please..."
"Shit." Frank groaned out, his head tilted back, every gash and scrape left my Gerard's nails was on fire, but he didn't care. He was far too close to his own climax to think about how badly he was bleeding and how bruised his mate was.
Frank pulled Gerard back up, sitting him in his lap, letting Gerard get himself off on the Alpha's dick as the latter wrapped his tattooed arm around Gerard's body, keeping them tightly together. Frank wrapped his hand around Gerard's dick, stroking him off roughly, hearing Gerard exclaim at the sudden touch- the first touch- to his dick. Frank let out a snarl, feeling Gerard tense up on the edge of his climax.
"Fu- Fuck ah..." Gerard gasped out, his head tilted back, mouth parted as Frank grabbed the side of Gerard's head, pulling it to the side as he ran his tongue over the pulsating vein, his mouth watering at the prospect of sinking his fangs into Gerard's neck. Frank could feel Gerard clenching around him and Frank instantly picked up his pace- both hand and hips, hearing Gerard's gasps for air as the sweat dripped between them.
And then Gerard came in a heavy burst, Frank taking the change, baring his sharp teeth and sinking them into the base of Gerard's throat, biting into the flesh like a hot knife in butter. Frank let out a moan, stroking Gerard as he came over Frank's tattooed knuckles. The taste of copper heavy on Frank's tongue, mingling with spit as a strong wave of vanilla-honey hit his nostrils, the smell of Gerard's intense orgasm hitting Frank like an earthquake, feeling Gerard's second wind picking up.
Frank let go of Gerard as he pulled his mouth off, licking at the wound and at his lips, hearing the smack of skin on sweaty skin as Gerard bounced on Frank's knot, grinding his hips as Frank squeezed his eyes shut, a sharp-clawed hand scraping up Gerard's chest to wrap around the Omega's bloodied neck. Frank let out a snarl as he collapsed forward, fists gripping the sheets as he pounded into Gerard, grunting with every stroke as his legs began to tense, his stomach almost burning as it knotted, releasing a heat throughout his body.
"Fuck..." Frank breathed out when he felt the build-up suddenly break like an old chain, letting his body crumble as he came inside of Gerard, groaning out with small jerking gasps of thickened oxygen around them, his body wracked with trembles as he thrust hard into Gerard. He could hear his mate's soft whimpers, riding out Frank's orgasm as the latter felt his body slacken, his frenzied haze waning out as he panted, looking at Gerard in the crimson light. Gerard's body quivered, clenching around Frank, who let out a yelping howl before he fell on top of Gerard, squashing the Omega onto the bed with a huff.
They lay there on the bed, with Gerard beneath Frank, who was still panting, his heart racing as he stayed knotted- attached to his mate.
"Fuck..." Frank breathed out against Gerard's flushed skin, giving his shoulder-blade a slow lick, tasting the same sweet bitterness on his tongue and he let out a hum. Gerard let out a moan into the pillow, goosebumps rising up over his skin, his body weak as Frank continued his slow lap of Gerard's shoulder, grooming his mate in a slow and sensuous manner."When's the next wave?" Frank asked, clearing his throat, frowning at how dry and rough his voice was.
"It's every two hours," Gerard whispered back and Frank let out another hum, continuing his preening.
"How do you feel?" Frank asked and Gerard bit his lip, laying on his cheek.
"Fucking amazing." He breathed out, closing his eyes and Frank tried to hide his smirk, rubbing his scruffy cheek against Gerard affectionately, trying not to act too smug.
"I'm glad."
Gerard preened delicately, nuzzling against the Alpha, "So am I."
"How so?"
"I finally found what I've been missing," Gerard replied with a slow roll of his back, pressing up against Frank, who let out a groan.
"Don't start..."
Gerard let out a chuckle, drawing a pattern in the ruined sheet, "Why not?"
"Because I need to build myself up for your next influx or I can't help," Frank muttered and Gerard bit his lip in thought.
"Or you can fuck me again and later on you can find another way of... Helping."
"Oh?" Frank raised an eyebrow, lifting himself up to lay his folded arms over Gerard's back, resting his chin on his arm.
"I have all sorts of other things you can use that I've collected." Gerard commented and Frank's eyes wandered over to the table in the corner, eyeing a rather extensive dildo collection that had his mind going into sordid places, "And besides... I still want to feel you skull-fuck me at least once."
"Jesus Christ." Frank sucked in a breath, "You're more crass than I remember."
"Call it 'afterglow'," Gerard merely smiled and Frank smirked, rolling his hips down slowly.
"What if I can't do it again right now?" Frank asked and Gerard peered at the Alpha over his shoulder.
"Oh, I'm pretty sure you can."

Choke on One Another
FanfictionFrank Iero is set to be the new alpha of the pack once he's turned eighteen and mated with his courted omega, Gerard. But that's not his plan, that's the Elder Alpha's fate for the young wolf. Ten years later, in the worst of circumstances, Frank re...