harry tries to teach draco how to cook...it always ends in a huge mess.
Draco pouted and crossed his arms, failing miserably as he merely tried to make toast. "Why does it keep burning?!" He whined.Harry walked in, only in a pair of basketball shorts and socks, and smiled. "Hey, baby. What's wrong?"
"I am hungry!" He whined again, walking over to Harry, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck.
"You burnt more toast?" He chuckled.
"Don't make fun of me, love!" He whined.
"Let me help you, yeah?"
"Mkay, Harry.."
Harry smiled as Draco let go of him. He walked over to the counter, getting rid of the burnt toast. "Come." He pat the counter.
When Draco walked over, Harry lifted him onto the counter. "What would you like, baby?" He asked his boyfriend.
"Anything, please?" Draco smiled and messed with the sleeves of Harry's hoodie, which he always seemed to be wearing.
"Mkay. You better watch, I won't be here 24/7 to make you food, baby." Harry warned.
"Mhm." Draco hummed softly, Harry found it adorable.
"Mkay. I'm going to make you some macaroni and cheese."
Draco's face lit up quickly and he swung his legs.
Harry filled a pot with some water and turned the stove on, setting the pot on it.
Draco smiled when Harry walked back over to him. "We gotta wait for a moment for the water to begin to boil." He smiled softly at his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around Draco's waist.
Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's necks and leaned forward.
Harry smiled and kissed Draco's lips gently. Neither of them were ready to pull away from the moment they kissed.
But then Harry heard the water boiling and pulled away.
Draco whined and made grabby hands to Harry.
"Baby, you have to wait. Give me a minute." He said, pouring the macaroni into the water.
He walked back to Draco, who immediately grabbed onto his shoulders and wrapped his arms and legs around Harry.
"You act like you haven't had any contact in years." Harry teased.
"Mhm." Draco grumbled back, leaning in to kiss Harry again.
Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's waist again, kissing him softly.
Draco giggled into the kiss.
They sat there, kissing and smiling for a few too many minutes.
Suddenly, Harry heard water sizzling. "Dray.." He whispered into his lips. "Draco, baby.." he pulled away and Draco gave him puppy dog eyes.
He pulled away from Draco's grip. "I thought you were hungry?"
"I am, bubba. For youuu!~" Draco teased.
"Mm-mmh. I am making you something to eat, baby boy." Harry laughed and quickly finished making the macaroni and cheese.
"I should just stop trying to help you make food. From now on, baby doll, only I make food for you." Harry teased.
How very babey of Draco.
< 477 words >
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