Sebastian & Meena's Date.

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**Meena's Outfit  is on the side

Friday Night.

[Meena’s POV]

I stood in the mirror, trying to think if this outfit was too much for a date.. With someone I don’t even like. Even though Chres picked it out, I still feel like it may be a bit much. But it’s whatever I guess. I threw on my shoes, grabbed my clutch, sprayed some of my “Love Spell” body mist by Victoria Secret and went downstairs.  It was only about 7:45 and Sebastian was supposed to be picking me up at 8. I tried to remember if I had everything I needed and if everything was okay with Chris. He went to spend the night with his friend after soccer practice. I’m really happy that people don’t judge him or make fun of him because of his cancer. It would crush my heart of someone did. Just as I was about to text him and see how things were going, the doorbell rang. Oh great. My date is here.( Note my sarcasm.)

Sebastian: Hey Meena!  (smiles)

Me: Hello.

Lol! I am so childish. I gave him that dry ass hello. Smh. I need to loosen up a bit.

Sebastian: I hope you don’t mind me coming 10 minutes early. I wanted to make a good impression..

Awww. How thoughtful!

Me: That’s so sweet.

Sebastian: Did it work?

Me: Hmmm, yeah.

Sebastian: (smiling) Wonderful.  Ready to go?

Me: Yep.

We walk out my front door and I lock up and head towards the car. He opens the door for me and I climb in.

Me: Thank you (smiles)

Sebastian: No problem.

He heads over to the driver’s side and climbs in.

Me: So, where are we off to?

Sebastian: Well,  justa simple dinner date. We’re going to this new sushi bar.

Ew. Sushi. Raw fish does not sound good. Why does everyone like it?

Sebastian: Is there something wrong?

Me: Um, well yeah. I never really had sushi, and I don’t want you to waste your money.

Sebastian: Ever tried sushi?

Me: No.

Sebastian: Want to?

Me: No.

Sebastian: Come onnn.

Me: No.

Does he not understand? I don’t want any damn sushi!!!!

Sebastian: Well, We’ll still go, and you can get something else. Maybe they’ll have steak or something. But I really want sushi. I heard this place was really good.

Me: Really?

Sebastian: Yeah!! My mom’s boyfriend told me it was. He’s really cool. He even gave me some tips on tonight.

Wtf. I do not care about his mom’s boyfriend.

Sebastian: Oh look, we’re here.

We pulled up to what looked like a night club. Just with the word “SUSHI SENTRAL” flashing in neon lights. Sebastian was too geeked. He parked the car, and nearly ran to the door. We got in and were seated right away because we had reservations. Our table, well counter, was right by the chef who cooked and messed with the fire.


Me: Thanks for leaving me back there.

Sebastian: Oh I’m so sorry! I was just really excited (laughs)

Me: Mhmm.

Sebastian: So Meena, tell me about yourself.

Me: Well, Im 17, favorite color is orange, I have a 11 year old brother, I play tennis, I can be very stubborn,

Sebastian: I’ve noticed (chuckles)

This nigga..

[Sebastian’s POV]

Meena: Yeah. Um, my “circle” is small, I like reading. It’s sort of an escape for me. So is music.

Meena went on, but my phone vibrated, AGAIN. Tiana’s been texting and calling me ever since I left the house. She thinks that Meena goes out with some guy that she used to date. Crazy.

Me: Excuse me, my sister’s calling. Be right back.

I step into the hallway and answer the phone.

Me: Hello?!

Tiana: Hey bro!

Me: What do you want? I’m on a date!

Tiana: I got bored.

Me: Didn’t I tell yo lonely ass to go find some friends?

Tiana: They didn’t wanna be friends.

Me: Gee. I wonder why!!!!

Tiana: Im sorry Tee. I tried.. But they just don’t like me.

Me: Go try again. I’ll talk to you later.

Tiana: WAIT!! I have to tell you something.

Me: What Sebastiana!? I don’t have time for this!

Tiana: Remember when I said I think Pashmina goes out with some guy I used to date?

Me: (sighs) Yes.

Tiana: Well, I tried to be friends with her friends, but they think I’m just trying to get to her boyfriend.

Me: What? Meena is single.

Tiana: No she’s not.

Me: You know what? Just shut up. You’re just mad because im with Meena right now and not with you. Like I said before, go find some friends.

With that said I hit end on my phone and went back inside.

[Meena’s POV]

Sooo, he just left me. Well, I guess I’ll text Chris and see how he’s doing.

Meena<3: Hey baby bro! Everything going good?

BabyBro!: Yup! Jordan and I are just plaing Black Ops 2. Aren’t you on a date?

Meena<3: How did you know I was on a date?

BabyBro!: Chres told me.

Meena<3: He has a big mouth. But yes, I am on a date. He just came back, but text me before you go to sleep!

BabyBro!: Real G’s don’t sleep!

Meena<3: Lol. You’re slow!! Bye lil boy!

BabyBro!: Bye old lady =p

I locked my phone to find Sebastian back at the table.

Me: Everything okay?

Sebastian: Yeah. But finish telling me about you (smiles).

Me: I pretty much told you what you needed to know about me.

Sebastian: What about you parents?

Me: They’re not around much. But let’s talk about you.

Sebastian: I’m 18, I have a sister and a brother, I live with my mom, her boyfriend and my sister.  My favorite holiday is Christmas, um, my favorite color is purple, and Im a Cancer.

Me: Where’s your brother live?

Sebastian: He just got out of jail last month, so he’s living with my aunt in Louisiana.

Im so glad the chef finally had our food done. I really did not know how to respond to that. Like, how would you respond? We ate, he talked about his dream car, his goals in life, his favorite subject, and how he likes the dentist.. Which I found weird. I shared some of my goals and things of that nature then it got to be about 9:30 or 9:45 and I’m getting tired of him.

Me: I had a good time tonight, but would you mind taking me home? I’m kind of sleepy.

Sebastian: No problem.

 [Meena's POV]

I went upstairs to my room, kicked off my shoes and walked into my closet to find something comfy to wear. I found some PINK yoga pants and an old tank. I walked out to find Chres sitting on my bed. What the hell? Creepy ass! 

[Chres’ POV]

Meena was so shocked when she saw me on the bed! Haha.

Me: How was the date?

Meena: Long and boring. His sister kept fucking calling and texting. But how the hell did you get in here?

Me: Chris let me borrow his key. So I decided I’d come over and we chill tonight. Maybe you can put on that outfit I picked out earlier for ya.

Meena: (laughs) You really want me to wear that?

Me: Yeah! I don’t see why not. It’s Friday, and we’re the only ones here..

Meena: Hmm.

Me: PLEEEEEAAASSSSSSSEEEEEE. Just put it on. That’s it.

She never answered; she just simply got up, and went into the closet. After about 10 minutes she finally came out, wearing that oh-so-sexy blue lace lingerie set.

Me: Well don’t you look delicious (smirks)

Meena: (laughs) The hell?

Meena climbed on to the bed and turned on her tv.

Me: What are you doing?

Meena: Watching tv. Duhh.

Me: But…. you put on the outfit.

I was so confused.

Meena: Yeah. You asked me to put it on.  That’s it. (smirks) We won’t be doing anything tonight boo!

Me: That’s what you think.

This girl was about to have the time of her life.

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