Chapter 2

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       [ Pov: Kenma]

I soon split apart from Sakusa as breakfast arrived. I got in line, then we went our separate ways. I sat at a table that I thought to be empty, soon a white and gray hair male sat on my right while a black-haired boy sat on my left. I've never seen these guys in my life and depending on their eye colors they were most likely here to pick a fight, so I kept my head down knowing the guards were looking at me.
The gray-haired boy then spoke up, " Hey there! I haven't seen you around, you must be new!!"
The gloomier looking male looks over at his friend as he softly hit him over the head, " Bokuto~San, leave the boy alone he seems shaken up"
I stood quite knowing I could be killed for talking o them, I saw the number on the boy named bokuto wrist seeing the number 2 on it.
I decided on the thought to get up and  leave, but they kept bothering me so it left me choice but to sign, ' sorry but I can't talk to you..' I let them know but they seemed confused by it.
The Energetic one stood up calling two more males over to the table since it seemed that he didn't understand the sign language. A tall roster headed male and a white haired giant stood tall in front of me, this made me panic even more. The rooster head was number four, while the half Russians number was one...
I had to get away but their eyes were on me, fuck I feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack...
But then the rooster grabbed my arm, " no so fast kitten,you should stay with us~ and get to know us" was all he said with a shit eating grin. 
I pull away stepping on his foot hard before signing, ' fuck off'
His eyes laid on my number as he pulls me closer, " aww the lowclass think he can treat is upper class so sorely"
I pushed him away soon getting grabbed by a guard, my eyes widened in fear as I was grabbed , I could see the fear in the eyes of the four boys as well as I was dragged out the door. I kicked and punched and screamed. Doing anything for anyone to save me, I don't wanna die... but the four stood there in shock,while everyone pulled out their phone recording as I was dragged off. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Sakusa running after me....

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