Saving? Saving!!

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I woke up yet again in this weird place. I'm pretty sure by now that it isn't just a dream. Fukase was sitting around the entrance to this room with Jerry on his head. It looks like he's lost in thought. I'd put on my blue hoodie and stand up. "Morning!" I said and he'd snap out of his thoughts. "Oh, great. You're awake. Let's go." He said and started walking. Jerry would fly over to me and sit on my shoulder. "Oliver! Oliver!" he'd squeak. "Goodmorning to you too, Jerry!" I said. Fukase would stop. "I think two people are walking over there." I stopped walking while he stepped forward slowly to see what it was. "Oh, it's just Piko and Len." He finally said. "They can be on level 1?" I asked. "Yes, Piko and Len can be on level 0, 1,  and 4." he'd reply, and they started to walk over here. "Hello Oliver. Hello Fukase. A little Yuki told us that there's someone waiting for you on level 2." They said. "Don't trust her. She's a liar." Fukase replied. "Oh, ahaha! We know, we know. But we're pretty sure she isn't smart enough to come up with something like this." They'd say. "Alright, so, who's waiting for us?" I asked them. "Vflower! We lost our faces for no reason, because she is alive and well! Ahahaha- AHHHAHAHHAHH-" They walked away, laughing like maniacs. I looked on Fukase and his expression was surprised, worried and it had some hints of happiness. "We have to hurry. Level 2 is dangerous. I know Vflower is smart, but I don't want her to get hurt." Fukase said. "Alright, of course! We'll get your friend." I replied and he'd start moving. "So, Fukase. What kind of relationship did you have with Flower? Were you close?" I asked. "Yes, I'd call her my sister. She was very stubborn and even though she was harsh at times, she always meant the best." He'd reply. "To be honest, she sounds a lot like you! I can't wait to meet her!" I'd say joyfully. "Yeah, I guess you're right." Fukase said, kind of shutting down the conversation. But right after that, the lights turned off again and I'd immediately move faster to keep up with Fukase. He grabbed his flashlight and put it on. Anxiety was like a big hole in my chest. I do not like to know the fact that in this darkness, we're not alone. When we're this quiet, all the small cracking noises are so much easier to hear. By instinct I'd grab his hand, it made me feel a bit less scared. He looked back at me with an expression that kinda said; "It's fine, but don't get used to it." It stayed dark for quite a long time, but thankfully not for hours. The light was back on again. I'd stop holding his hand and the feeling of security would leave my body. Fukase stopped again and I could see why. The scientist from before was standing right in our way. His stepdad. He would put his glasses into place before talking. "Hello Fukase." I looked up on Fukase with a worried expression. Is he going to trap us again? Fukase turned red out of anger when looking at that man. "What do you want?" He said. "Well, that bird, to begin with. If you leave him over, we will leave you and your boyfriend alone. If not, we'll take him by force and continue to hunt you down after this." Boyfriend? I'd ignore what he said and grab Jerry, putting him close to me. "You're not getting him!" I said. "No, no you can have the bird." Fukase said. What? "Fukase, what are you saying? He saved your life!" I said. "Well, rather a bird than us." He replied. "No, I'm not handing him over!" I'd yell, and he sighed. "Fine." He said after a bit. Fukase would whisper in my ear; "attack in 3..2..1." And he took his axe out running towards them while me and Jerry did the same, without the axe part. More scientists would come and attack back with some sort of guns. Fear started filling my chest for the fact that maybe they'd hit me or Fukase. Jerry was flying towards them, trying to make them mindcontrolled. Then from nowhere this awful pain got in my leg and I fell right down. "AAAUGHH!!" I'd scream. The pain was unbearable. Did I get shot? I'd see Fukase run up to me with an extremely worried look and I'd see the scientists have Jerry in a cage. This was a trap... This was a stupid idea! I'd see the scientists walk away with Jerry in a cage and hear Fukases stepdad say something. "I wish you turned insane, instead of Yuki." and then they'd wander off. Fukase got to where I was lying, and it was hard to breathe. We just lost Jerry. I got shot. Fukase would pick me up and walk into a room instead of being in an hallway and then put me down. It was very hard to realize what was happening. It hurt so bad. "Don't fall asleep. Look, I have bandages." He showed me some bandages he were holding. "I-I'll be- fine. It was just a shot..." I groaned. Fukase would inspect my leg where it got shot. "They didn't shoot you with any sort of bullet it seems, just with some laser ish thing. So, no bullet is stuck or anything. You'll be fine." Fukase would take the bandages and wrap them around my Leg. It did feel a bit better, but I don't think that I'd be able to walk for a bit." Thanks for helping me out... But how are we going to get Jerry back?" I asked him. "I'm sorry Oliver, but I don't think we can..." Fukase replied. "What? Why do you give up that easily? Please, please can we atleast look for him a little bit later or just atleast keep a watch for any scientists...? Jerry got captured helping us." Fukase would sigh. "Do you think your leg will just magically get better in a bit? We need to be extra careful when that has happened." I tried standing up but it took a bit. "But I won't give up! Giving up is stupid! Jerry didn't give up! Jerry cares about us!" I yelled. "Oliver, please sit down. You need time to heal. Atleast take a nap, when you're asleep I'll think about it." He said, and I'd sigh. "Fine. But please wake me up if I've been sleeping for wayy too long." He'd nod and I'd try going to sleep, but it was very hard. The pain in my leg was aching and my thoughts couldn't stop thinking about Jerry. We need him back. We need him back!! We need.. Him back.

I'd feel something tap on my shoulder. It was Fukase. "Alright, you've been sleeping for a really long time." He said, and I'd stand up quickly but... Too quickly so I fell down again. He'd sigh to himself. "I guess that means I'll need to carry you." He said. "No! I can walk myself, just give me a momeennt!" I'd stand up again and try walking. Everytime I tried moving my right leg it ached and hurt so much I almost started crying. Fukase would quietly chuckle to himself. "Did you just.. Chuckle? First time I hear you chuckle and it's because of my pain?! Wow, rude much???" I said with a frustrated tone. "Pfft- you are the weirdest human I have ever met. But seriously, you can't walk. I'll just carry you." he said while actually picking me up. "I forgot telling you that you are extremely light. Carrying you will probably not even hurt my back." I'd pout. "Let's just get going."

He had been carrying me for about maybe 1 hour (No, I don't know how he does it.) until we finally saw some sign of getting closer to finding Jerry. "It's a scientist poster! They must be around here!" I'd point at a poster some meters away from us. "Great. Let's be careful. Though, if you see 1 or 2 scientists, tell me. We'll take them out and steal their clothes." he said. "Take them out? We're not going to kill them, are we?" I asked. "No, we're going to hug them and give them rainbow cake." he replied sarcasticly. "Yes, we are going to kill them. I'm going to kill them." I'd sigh. "Alright... Over there!" I told him. "There are two scientists over there." He'd put me down and let me sit down on the floor. "Alright. I'll go and take them out." He said. "No, Fukase. Wait! Don't you think killing them will get blood on the clothes and- and you- you know.." I tried convincing him and he'd sigh. "There are other ways to kill people. We need to do this in order to save Jerry. It's either kill or be killed." Fukase would start walking towards them and I'd hear things like "Hey, you're coming with us, freak. What are you doing? Don't get close! Monster-" And it'd be cut of. I'd look into the room to see that they were laying on the floor. "Are they dead?" I asked him and he'd sigh. "Nooo. They've just fainted. Since you really wanted them to live that badly." I'd smile. "Thank you, Fukase. Now let's change." He'd remove the lab coats of those scientists walk over to me. Then put one on himself. I'd remove my hoodie and then I'd put one on too. "Can you walk for a bit?" He asked. "I'm not really sure, but you don't have to carry me." I replied. "It's fine, I'm stronger than you think... Or you're lighter." He'd say and I'd sigh. "Alright, just carry me then." Fukase would grab me, put me on his back and then start walking. "So, the actual lab and where they keep the creatures should be somewhere over here. Look for signs." He said and I'd look around for some. After a bit I'd see a sign that'd say "Creatures - safe".  "Maybe they consider Jerry as safe?" I'd say. "Yeah, they do. He can't do anything while being locked up, so he's considered safe. Let's go in." Fukase looked around for any scientist but the ones he saw did not see us and no scientist was in that room. He'd open the door and I'd see Jerry. "Look, there he is!" I pointed at a cage with Jerry inside it. "Okay, good. Let's get him." Fukase would put me down and go towards the cage. He'd try to open the cage with brute force and somehow succeded. "See? Stronger than you think!" he'd say and I smiled. "Now, let's get out of-" an alarm would start beeping and Jerry would screech; "Fukase! Oliver!" Fukase quickly grabbed me again, put Jerry on my shoulder and started running. I heard people yelling behind us. There were gunshots. How was Fukase so fast even though he was carrying me? It was very confusing... I'd hear the voice of his stepdad Kiyoteru; "I'll find another bird! Fukase! You are nothing to me besides a sc-" and it'd be cut off. He was too far away. I'd happily sing "wee did iitt~ weeee did iittt~" while Jerry was saying "Yes! Yes!" This was really a happy moment. I can't believe we were able to save him! "I guess you were right, Oliver. Sometimes you being naive can be good. Most of the times it can't though..." he said. "I'm not naive, I'm just very cheerful and hopeful!" I'd say. "Now, let's get to level 2 and find Vflower!!" I said. "Yeah, you're right. Let's do that." Fukase said.

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