Chapter 5

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Usui gave a childish smile and entered the ice cream parlour, only to be met with the angry stare of Aiko...

He froze in his spot. "Great. Now I'll get told off at 'home.' "

Usui sighed and walked over to a table far away from Aiko. He's not in the mood to hear her nonsense.

"So what do you wanna order?" He asked, picking up the menu.

"Hmm...I don't know.." Misaki wondered out loud. "Why don't you pick for me, I don't really know which tastes good," she spoke and turned to Usui.

"Hm? Haven't you been to an ice cream parlour before?" He questioned.

"Not really, I'm always either working or studying and never have free time to spend," she admitted.

Usui sat there, eyes widened.

"Well then! I've been here before, their ice cream sundae is amazing! Should I order 2?"

"Sure," she replied, smiling at him.

Misaki stood up and walked over to the cashier-person. (A/N sorry I forgot what they're called-)

"Wait, I'll go ord-" Usui started.

"You're already paying, so relax, I'll order," Misaki demanded. (A/N lmao she's demanding him to relax XD)

She came back after a few moments, frowning slightly. "What? Something wrong?" Usui asked.

"They only have enough for one ice cream sundae," She mentioned.

"Sooo?" Usui questioned.

"Soooo...we are two people" She put emphasis on the "two."

Usui chuckled, " know we can share one ice cream sundae right?" He questioned.

"Isn't that something couples do? We are not a couple." She stated, scanning the room to find couples sharing an ice cream.

"We'll see~" Usui took the chance to tease her. "Ha!? What did you just say!?"

He burst out laughing. "Calm down I'm just teasing..!" Usui said while wiping away his tears.


"Here," Misaki passed Usui a spoon. "It looks tasty doesn't it?" Usui replied while taking the spoon from her. Misaki took a small scoop of the ice cream and tasted it.

The minute she took that bite, she forgot about literally everything and enjoyed the heavenly taste.

"Oh my goodness how is this so good!?" She practically yelled.

"I'm surprised you've never been here before, everyone in town talks about this place!" Usui wondered.

"You see, I don't live in this town. I'm just here because of my work. Speaking of whi-"

"Takumi! There you are! How dare you go on a date with this other woman when you're engaged to me!?" Aiko cut Misaki off.

"Um, we're not on a da-" "Shut up peasant!" Aiko yelled at Misaki, cutting her off again.

"I'm just going to freshen up.." Misaki announced while standing up. She headed to the bathroom, not wanting to interfere with the argument.

"Aiko that was rude," Usui said, not an ounce of emotion in his voice. Aiko scoffed.

"Excuse me!? You're on a date with another woman and I'm the rude one!?" She questioned in disbelief.

"I'm not on a date! I'm having ice cream with a friend!" Usui put emphasis on "friend."

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"Oh please! Do you expect me to believe that!?" Aiko yelled as if she knew everything.

With Misaki.

"Jeez, that couple has trust issues," Misaki thought while splashing water on her face.

"Maybe I should leave, I need to reach the café in time." Misaki grabbed a tissue and wiped her face, exiting the bathroom.

Misaki approached their table, "Usui I'm gonna g-"

"Shut it you whore!" Aiko yelled, gaining everyone's attention. Misaki was not bothered, but Usui was.

"Enough!" He almost screamed, getting tired of Aiko's tantrums. "Misaki I'm so so sor-"

"It's fine, I need to go," Misaki gave a small smile and left.

"Great, she's mad," Usui facepalmed. He turned to Aiko, "you had no right to insult her like that!"

"Oh so now you're defending her!?"

"Why do you have to overthink everything!? Can you accept the fact that we're just friends!? I literally met her yesterday!" Usui spoke, not letting Aiko day a word. He was becoming irritated.

Usui started to walk towards the counter.

"Where are you going!?"

"To pay for the ice cream! Not everyone gets their way because of fame." He stated, getting angry.

Aiko's face turned red from that sentence. Usui paid for the ice cream and walked out of the store, not looking back at Aiko.

Everyone in the shop was staring at her, whispering about how she was making a fool out of herself by turning this into a big deal.

"URGHHH!" She groaned and ran into the bathroom.

With Usui.

"Damn it! Aiko just had to ruin it. Here I thought that I was getting another friend but no." Usui cursed under his breath, looking for Misaki.

"I don't even know where she works...I should've asked her about it! God, I'm so stupid! He facepalmed.

"Screw it." Usui got his phone out and dialled Kuuga's number. "Hello?" "Hey Ku— wait aren't you supposed to be in class?" Usui questioned.

"I'm skipping today, why?"

"Aiko threw a tantrum in an ice cream parlour and I just lost any chance of being this girl's friend." He stated in an annoyed tone.

"Oooh?~ You were gonna be friends with a girl?~" Kuuga 'asked' in a sing-song voice.

"Shut up, it's not what you think. Anyways, Misaki walked out of the shop and I can't find her anywhere."

"Misaki? I feel like I've heard that name before...well anyways, do you know where she works? Or what school she attends?" He questioned. "No, she never mentioned it," Usui replied.

"Ummm...well the only thing you can do right now is look around for her. Maybe try looking in places that you think she works in?"

"Are you crazy! There's like a million places where she could be right now," Usui facepalmed, again.

"Well then I don't know what to say, gimme your location, I'll take you to this café that I like," Kuuga offered.

"Wh- how is that going to help?" Usui asked, genuinely confused about how that would benefit the situation.

"Well, it would help you calm down!" He stated in a cheerful tone.

Usui rolled his eyes, "fine, I'm near Dream Cones,"

Kuuga gasped. "You went to Dream Cones without me!?"


"I can basically see you frowning haha, just wait for me, I'll be there in around 10 minutes," He said.

"Ok see ya, and hurry," Usui our emphasis on the "hurry."


Usui opened the car door and got in the passenger seat, while Kuuga waved at him.

"This café is really really good, the workers are really nice too!" Kuuga mentioned.

"I look forward to it. I hope I can patch up with her..." Usui mumbled that last part.

"So how'd you guys meet?" Kuuga curiously asked.


"Ah, here it is!" Kuuga cut Usui off before he was able to say anything. He opened the door and headed towards the café entrance.

They entered the café and a nice looking girl with dark green-ish hair greeted them. "Okaerinasaimase goshujin-sama!" (A/N "welcome back master!")

Usui nodded his head and Kuuga waved at the girl. "This way please!" The girl guided them to their table, informing them that another waitress will come by to take their order.

A few minutes later.

A waitress (/maid) was walking by with a tray in her hand. Kuuga noticed her and said "Hey Misa-chan!"

Usui thought that name felt familiar, so he looked up from the menu and was not expecting to see what he saw.

His eyes widened when the girl with raven hair and sparkling amber eyes approached them.

"May I take your orde-" Misaki stopped her sentence when she noticed Usui.

"Oh no," she thought, those were the only words in her head.

"Misa-chan, can you help out here when you're done with that table?" An orange-haired girl called out to Misaki. "Uh- hai!" (A/N "Uh- yes!")

She turned to face Usui and Kuuga when she noticed the blond male smiling. "Hello...Misa-chan~" He teased.

"Kill me now." Misaki cursed under her breath.

"M-may I take your orders...m-master?" Misaki stuttered slightly. "Ehhh? Do you and Usui know each other??" Kuuga questioned, noticing Usui's smirk as well.

Misaki's lip twitched. "I-"

"Yeahhh! We're friends! Aren't we..~ Misa-chan?~" Usui answered for her.

"I feel like kicking him in the-" "Ohhhh! Well, I'd like to order 1 plate of moe moe omu rice!" Kuuga cut Misaki off before she could finish that thought.

" plate of moe moe omu rice," She took notes in her tiny notepad. "And what about you, master Usui?" She gritted her teeth when she said his name.

Usui gave a cheeky smirk, "I'll have the same, Misa-chan~" he thought it was hilarious to say her name that way. "Alright, so two plates of the moe moe omu rice with special service added!" She tried her best to sound cheerful, while on the inside, she was picturing Usui being yeeted into the sky.

Misaki walked away, internally screaming and yelling things about how her life sucks. "What an interesting girl."

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