1:23 PM
Michael is anxiously looking at his watch, whilst he rests his shoulder on his suitcase. His grey sweater which matched pretty well with his grey shoes flew in the wind as he looked at the exit doors opening with a cab waiting for him outside.
"About time," Michael said to himself as he walked to the doors.
The driver was smoking a cigarette inside of his car, as he looked at Michael's fay face, and blonde falling locks.
"Oi, aren't you Michael?" asked the driver.
"Yes, I am!" answered Michael.
Michael smiled at the driver as he looked at his phone.
"Michael Frins, I'm looking for Michael Frins"
Michael stood up and went back to the airport.
"Will, he ever arrive?" Michael thought to himself, as he pulled out his phone.
He started scrolling through social media apps when he got a message from his dad, Jurian Foscarota.
'Hi, Michael! Have you arrived yet? How was your flight?'
Michael almost immediately replied.
'It was great, but I've been waiting for my cab to get here for an hour.' After a minute, his father replied.
'Well, maybe you should look for a bus?'
Michael's face lit up with a smile as he replied. 'Good idea! I'll do it.' as he sent the message, he opened his browser and looked for buses around him. After about 2 minutes he found one 200 meters away from the airport.He left the gate and proceeded to go that way.
Suddenly, someone grabbed Michael's arm.
"Oi, boya! Do you have any cash on you? I need to buy myself a beer and I'm out of money." Michael turned around to see a 6'6 giant smiling at him dangerously from above. Although Michael was a muscular and ripped man for an 18-year-old, he was about 5'8.
"Sorry, I just got here, also beer isn't very healthy." The guy looked straight in Michael's eyes.
"Is it? You little punk? Will you give me some money, or am I gonna have to get it by force?"
He lifted him by his shirt.Suddenly, when the giant closed his eyes Michael just disappeared from his grasp. The man also felt dizzy.
"Good grief. I didn't expect things like these near the airport, but I guess I don't know much about Australia, do I?" said Michael, who was suddenly behind the man already. "There is a knife on your back, you should better take it out." The man looked at his back; he tried to look at it. He noticed a stream of blood coming out, he then collapsed to the ground, and Michael continued his small trip to the bus.
He sat on one of the back seats.
He looked up the place where his hotel is and picked the ideal ride to get there. The bus started 5 minutes after Michael has entered it.
Out of boredom, he decided to take out his sketchbook and draw something on it. He drew 7 stick figures, 4 males and 3 females. He started sketching their clothes when he noticed that one of the female's legs were looking pretty weird, so he decided to redraw them, but that didn't work out, it looked like the female was going away from the group of friends.
When the bus suddenly stops on a street, Micheal's pencil made a straight line through the neck of one of the females
"Shit.," Michael said quietly to himself. He put the notebook down and took out his phone.
*Incoming Call
Kaskilian Kaderan*
-Yes, Kas? What is it?-
-Okay so I know you're in Australia right now but I am at a store to buy some sport shoes and I don't know if I should buy the blue or the black ones.-
-Kas...--I mean black would match my overall outfit but blue would match my school outfit...-
-Buy the black ones..?-
-Good Idea! I'll buy both!--How do you have money for all of this?-
-I got it from my uncle, Adam!-
-Oh my god...-
-So anyway I've bee-
Suddenly the connection between the boys has been interrupted because the bus went into a tunnel.
Michael put his phone in his pocket and the sketchbook that was laying on the seat next to him inside his backpack.
Out of nowhere the bus just stopped. Michael looked out the window to see a black wall, which meant they were still in the tunnel. The guy behind him stepped up.

Viaggio Di Vita
General FictionMichael Foscarota, an 18-year-old boy comes to Sydney, Australia to properly spend his spring break. When his taxi doesn't arrive, he decides to take the bus to his small and modest hotel. Unfortunately, he winds up getting himself into a sticky sit...