Chapter 1

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Pucca's POV

I woke up from bed and the first thing I thought of was my beloved garu.. I miss him so much, apparently every day I guess. I just love him that makes me want to always be by his side even through his tough times. I can't leave him *sigh

If only he could love me back maybe I wouldn't have to feel this pain.. Ugh stupid love at first sight.

I went down and ate my breakfast, so I could see garu right away.

"Pucca where are you going" my Uncle Dumpling said.

"Oh I'm going to see garu"

"Okay well take care and have fun" then I rushed out of the restaurant to find garu.

After speeding around town, I finally saw him but with Ring Ring.

He was meditating and Ring Ring just clings on to him.. I guess thats also what I do to him always.. its quite annoying and a disturbance to him ehe..*sadness filled my mind and heart

Seeing them from a far makes my heart clench.. it hurts to see him not avoiding girls like her and every other girl that admires him.

He was also dense after all by someones affection. He didn't even realized mine unless I clearly showed it to him and confess my love by actions. Like staying by his side and not leaving him whatever it takes.

Unfortunately, everyone gets tired too especially on loving someone who doesn't even loved you back..

Gosh it hurts seeing him. All my hard efforts are a waste in his eyes.

My eyes starts to water and I quickly run away before he notices me.

I arrived in my room, not getting caught by anyone that I was heartbroken again..I will never make that same mistake once more.

Looking up in my room, garu's pictures hanged. It made my tears shed even harder until I got tired and slept my pain away.

Garu's POV

I was meditating until I felt someone cling on to me. I just shrugged it of, thinking it was only Pucca..

Well I am used to her clingliness by now but not always. I'm not used to her affection even if she says she loves me. A ninja isn't all lovey dovey and do romance things. Thats not in my moral book.

My main goal is to claim honor as a great ninja and honor to my families clan. However, I can't help but admit that I think about Pucca often. Her smile, laugh, beaut-- Ugh! What am I saying.. Its not like I love her. I will never fall in love right?

I noticed that person is still clinging on to me, when I opened my eyes and shockingly realized it wasn't Pucca. It was Ring Ring.

Then I quickly pushed her away and angrily groaned.

"But Garu I thought you liked me clinging on to you. You didn't even pushed me away like Pucca" she said cockly and smirked at me.

I just looked at her in disgust and went off my way.

I really thought she was pucca, so embarrassing. *Face palm inner me

I left Ring Ring fuming with anger. Who would even thought that I will like this girl.. So annoying tsk!


Hi guyss!! Hehe hope you enjoyed the first part.. I clearly dont know if I'm good enough to write stories but I did my best teheee ;3💗💗💗

A Late Blossom (Under Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora