Vrag is back in the afternoon. The chambermaid has just finished changing Zils' bandage after she finished her lunch. They brought her pigeon meat soup, which taste so amazing she ask for second bowl. The maids gladly bring it said it's good for her recovery. The chambermaids excuse themselves and left the two of them alone.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm feeling better. The bitter drink work wonders."
Vrag placed his hand on her neck, still a bit warm. "You will have to drink it again."
Zils nod while holding Vrag's hand on her neck. His hand feel cold, it's soothing.
"Is the wound still painful?"
"A bit...but it's alright. Not as bad as we thought. The doctor checked on me today and he said he will check again after few days." Zils smiled.
Images of Zils' pained expression when he raped her few months ago flashed on Vrag's mind. Vrag look at Zils with unfathomable expression.
"Something happened?"
"No. Nothing happened." Vrag collected himself. What the hell? What is that?
"Remi said you went to the dungeon today..."
"That woman will disturb you no more."
"Oh." Zils answered short, she knew what that means. That woman will be executed.
"You don't approve of it?"
"No... It's just..." Zils hesitated.
"Spill it."
"I mean...you were intimate with her, don't you feel sad to have ordered her execution?"
"If I know it will come to this I will execute her earlier."
"What? Because I considered her service to me in the past I let her live eventhough she created troubles. Now you see what happened? I shouldn't have spared her life!"
Zils keep quiet, she can't say anything back. Vrag treated it in a cold way, it's like he is withdrawing his emotions.
"Once you recovered I need you to meet someone."
"You mean Edmund?" Zils face lighten up.
"No...It's my mother."
"Your mother???"
"She requested it so I can't refuse."
"Why me? Oh my God, is it because that day she was angry to see me in bed with you?"
"She is not angry about that...it's just that it seems she met your father before during their younger days."
"The Queen...knew my father?"
"Yes. She recognised you in one glance. She said you look exactly like your father."
"But now we are at war with each other...are they friends?"
Vrag thinking for a while and decided not to tell Zils about his mother and Zils's father past relationship. It's better that Zils didn't know. It will complicated things when she speak to his mother.
It's hard to tell if the war is really a continuation of Balevia territory fall to the hand of Slothia like Klog mentioned. Her mother marriage to the Crown Prince of Slothia, with Balevia as the dowry, secured her the Queen's position. But the tension between two countries keep going for years. After three decades they should have moved on. They all have their own children in the end. Besides the war started three years ago.
"I don't know...maybe...and about your father..."
Vrag's tone make Zils sense something is wrong.
"What's wrong with my father?"
"Actually I sent a peace treaty to Arethea after I captured you and Corinth...but your father has been missing since."
"What do you mean missing?"
"He hasn't make any appearances for few months now and my messenger never come back."
"How do you know this?"
"It's from my informants in Maranth."
"Maranth? Why?"
"Oh my God, you are going to go war with Maranth?"
"If we get it, Arethea will consider the peace treaty for sure...with or without your father."
"You can't. Don't do this, please."
"Your father love you the most, don't you think it's weird they didn't make any move with you and Edmund's life at stake?"
"I...I thought mo-the Queen will not approved of it. I'm just a bastard child that she hate...she will prefer me dead."
"But Edmund is her child."
"My other brothers might go against it too. If it's like that then nobody will support father on this."
Vrag sighed.
"You knew that we are on winning side right? It's more beneficial to negotiate a peace treaty...unless..."
"Unless you all have something in Arethea that guaranteed you will win the war."
She is hiding something from you.
"What are you talking about? Child soldiers like in Judecca? It's impossible such thing exist in Arethea, we will know."
"How about the silver steel?"
"Silver steel? What are you talking about?"
Vrag took out a silver colored knife from his side pocket. He put it on the bed for Zils to look.
"Wh-what is this?"
"This is what your country have. Stronger but lighter than normal steel. I found the ores in Judecca. Our normal swords can't stand againts it. "
"I never seen this before."
"Are you sure?"
"I never know about child soldiers in Judecca. What makes you think I know about this?"
"Arethea will easily slaughter us with this..."
Zils realized that the situation is more complicated than she thought. Why Vrag suddenly interrogate her. Is he all right?
"Are you suspecting me involved in this?"
"You pretend to be an unimportant Princess eventhough your father love you dearly."
"I didn't want to be the downfall of my country...I'm just a bastard child and you are an enemy..."
"I am still one, isn't it?"
The tension become more overwhelming.
"That's not what I mean. Listen, Vrag...Maranth have the strongest defense among all cities in Arethea. It's impossible for you to penetrate it. You will get killed."