~Chapter 4~

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3rd P.O.V

Another casual morning,Izuku thought that a little walk would help him relax a little he's already done making breakfast for his parents,other chores are completely done and school starts 2 hours from now still too early to start getting ready,so he did,enjoying the cold breeze from the sea,he is currently on a seashore, only a few meters away from his house.The greenette use to go there with his childhood friend when they're still kids but now, he was sitting there alone remembering the old good days with his long lost childhood friend


He thought,Izuku was on his daze when he heard foots steps behind him and he looked up there he see a young boy that was around his age,his hair is splitted in half white on the right side and red on the left side and the green-haired boy was more amazed by his eyes,it has different colors on both.Izuku didn't even notice that he's staring for a little too long and the bi-colored hair boy started calling out on him

"Umm hello young boy you ok?"

And he was backed to reality, he's so embarrassed to himself by staring at the strange teen for he didn't know how long but he sure made the other uncomfortable and so he's startling mess begins

"I-I-I'm sorry I didn't m-mean t-to s-stare to you I-I k-know t-that makes y-you t-think that I-I'm c-checking you out!!!!! I-"

"It's ok tho, but do you?"

That makes the smaller male even more embarrassed he's face is color red all over like mad man so he covered it up with his arms he didn't even know what to say anymore

"So you're always here?"

"W-well not really I've been kinda busy lately"

The greenette said still trying to calm himself

"What's your name? mines Shoto Todoroki"

"I'm Izuku Midoriya"

"What do you do here tho?"

"Nothin just to ease myself so that I could start another great day of being a punching bag by my classmates and parents

"You're being abused and bullied?"


"Why don't you just say to them 'I'm tired of this shit!'then walk off"

They both chuckled.Their conversation seem to last long until it's time for them to go

"It's nice meeting you Todoroki-kun"

"It's nice meeting you too Midoriya,I'm hoping we could talk to each other more often"

"I hope so too,well then see ya!"

They both discovered so many things about each other and they found themselves having some similarities,the rest of the time spended of them giving some advices to one another.Izuku found Shoto so interesting and so did Shoto,they both seem to be so interested to one another and very glad that they have made a new friend.

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