Chapter 12 - Soft smiles

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Shifting slightly in the bed you feel an arm wrapped around your waist. Finally opening your eyes wide enough you see your bedside table and slightly open curtains. Rolling over with a blush to face the other side you see Alastor smiling peacefully in his sleep, taking your finger you boop his nose making him mumble unintelligible words. Seeing two arms wrapped around Alastors waist you recognise the fluffy pink sweater and grin. Getting out of the radio demons arms, with slight difficulty, you reach for your phone and snap a photo of Angel cuddling Alastor.

"Cute," laying back down you turn to Al and poke his nose again. "Al..." he mumbles a small 'no' making you chuckle. "Al, wake up," his eyes shut tighter. You rustle his hair making him smile. "Al, wake up, sleepy head," thankfully eventually one of his eyes peak open.


"What's up, Red," his grin widens but stops when he looks down to see Angels arms around him.

"Angel... let go of me!" The spider shakes his head as Charlie and Vaggie jump awake.

"No thanks, daddy," Alastors eye twitches.

"Angel, my dear, If you do not let go, I will make sure, for you, every waking moment for the rest of eternity is one of pain and suffering,"

"Kinky," you burst into laughter and fall back clutching your stomach. Alastors microphone conjures up in his hand, using his mic he repeatedly smacks Angels hands and head. "Oh, harder daddy," at this point Al's twitching grin was hiding the fumes that would have exited his ears if this were a cartoon.

"Alright, Angel, come on let the poor demon go," you walk to the other side of the bed and pry his arms off the radio demon.

"What time is it?" Charlie looks up from the couch as you read out the time.

"9 o'clock," Charlie nods and collapses back into Vaggies arms. "Sleepy time," you jump back under the covers as Angel goes to Husk and cuddles him. What was weird was that the cat demon smiled in his sleep. Fluffing up the pillow you watch as Al looks up at the ceiling like the night before. Smiling you move closer to him and ruffle his hair, his eyes close as cheeks dust pink.

"Morning!" Niffty bursts into the room with a large cart holding food. Those who were asleep or about to sleep were now wide awake as the smell of bacon and coffee filled the room.

"Niffty, have I ever told you that you're the best demon in hell?"

"Aw, thanks, Y/n!" She hands out plates of food to everyone along with drinks. Happily eating the delicious bacon you get Vaggie to pass the remote.

"What will it be, Vaggie?"

"I'm not sure... give me some classics,"

"Musicals included?" Angel let's out a long groan making you chuckle. "Guess no Musicals..."

"Go for more ones less on the casa Blanca side,"

"Alright... American psycho, Beetlejuice, nightmare before Christmas, clueless, Mean girls, Pulp fiction or literally any marvel movie,"

"Marvel seems tempting... but to annoy you I'm going for Mean girls," frowning you put on the movie. Leaning back you watch the movie and eat breakfast as everyone divided their attention from the food to the movie.


"I personally think I'm like Regina," Angel says proudly when the movie ended.

"Angel, you're more like Karen," looking around the room realisation hits. "I could actually match everyone with a character... Al is Regina, Charlie is Gretchen, Angel is Karen, Vaggie is Janis, Husk is Damian and Niffty is like that girl at the end wanting everyone to be happy,"

Radio Love: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now