~Chapter Five~

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As people leave the room falls into an awkward silence, Mr. Aizawa is just staring at me. We stay like this for a good amount of time before he breaks the silence.

"So, Iida. Are you aware of why your here?" He says not breaking eye contact. It's creeping me out, what if he found out i'm a villain!

"I apologize sir but no, no I do not know why I am here." He sighs and begins marking papers as he talks. 

"You were acting rather odd during class today, is anything wrong?" I don't know how he is doing this, grading papers and talking to me, I hope he grades them wrong.

"Oh, I was...? I'm sorry, I must have been distracted, I was evaluating the fight that happened beforehand, it was rather interesting to play the part of a villain might I add, it tested my acting skills which I found enjoyable." I blabber on about the fight, it seems to remove all worries he had as he dismisses me much earlier than I thought. 

Going to Aoyama's dorm I begin to wonder what he wants to talk to me about. It'd better be something good as I had a meeting to attend. Something about Friday. I had contacted them at lunch saying I will be late, I did also discuss the possibility of me not showing at all. They had said it was fine and it could be re-scheduled to tomorrow. 

As I walk in I notice many things about this room. It's not as sparkly as I believed it would be, quite the opposite really, the room is dull and grey, only a few books and poster here and there. Sitting on the grey bed is Aoyama. He's staring at the ground, hands over his face. I decide to approach him, slowly and cautiously. 

"Hey... Are you alright..?" I spoke quietly as to not spook him. Being careful of my words I attempt to calm him as I notice his slightly jagged breathing. Sitting next to him I can see he's been crying, his bed is soaked in tears.

My heart breaks as he looks up at me, his usually bright face is dull and tear stained, his usually bright eyes have red bags underneath. 

"B-bonjour Iida."  He stutters, struggling to form words. Who do I have to kill?!

"Aoyama.. What happened? It's fine if you don't want to tell me, i'm not going to make you." I prayed he would tell me, I need to know.

"I...promise you won't hate me?" Hate him... why would I hate him?

"Nothing could make me hate you Aoyama, why would you think that?" I say, worry lacing my voice.

"W-well... I'm Agender, Mineta found out and shouted at me, he was saying all sorts of transphobic things. It made me feel horrible, it reminded me of home..." He cries, I'm glad he-they told me, I know it's a big thing to tell someone, especially when you've been treated like this. 

"Fucking Mineta! I'm going to kill that Bitch!" I growled, this is the last straw! I'm killing him early. Wait.. No I can't do that, It'll mess up the plan. Ugh!

Aoyama gives me a weak smile before bursting out in tears again. 

"I'm glad you told me, that was very brave of you. If anyone says anything like that again tell me, i'll deal with them!" I announce, making them weakly laugh. 

"I'm sorry, I thought you'd hate me... Everyone else i've came out to rejected me." They whimper. In an attempt to calm them I begin to sing.

 (Song at top) 

"There was a time when I was alone Nowhere to go and no place to call home
My only friend was the man in the moon
And even sometimes he would go away, too Then one night, as I closed my eyes
I saw a shadow flying high
He came to me with the sweetest smile
Told me he wanted to talk for awhile
He said, "Peter Pan, that's what they call me
I promise that you'll never be lonely, " and ever since that day I am a lost boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
"Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me
Away from all of reality Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free
Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe
Believe in him and believe in me
Together we will fly away in a cloud of green
To your beautiful destiny
As we soared above the town that never loved me
I realized I finally had a family
Soon enough we reached Neverland
Peacefully my feet hit the sand
And ever since that day I am a lost boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
"Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me
Away from all of reality Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free
Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Wendy Darling
Even Captain Hook, you are my perfect story book
Neverland, I love you so
You are now my home sweet home
Forever a lost boy at last Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Wendy Darling
Even Captain Hook, you are my perfect story book
Neverland, I love you so
You are now my home sweet home
Forever a lost boy at last And for always I will say I am a lost boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
"Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me
Away from all of reality Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free
Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free"

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