05 | 1997

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It has been such a long time, you guys, and I'm really sorry about that. But in lieu of George Floyd's death, it simply didn't feel right to post any new updates. I hope that—whether you're part of the protests in the US/Hong Kong, or under lockdown due to Covid, or facing tensions within or beyond your country's borders—you're safe wherever you are. I'm sending all my love to you.

Also, if you have the time, please visit the BlackLivesMatter(.com) site to donate and/or sign petitions. This is something we can all do, no matter where we live. 2020 has been a difficult year and a little support will go a long way.


On to a little lighter stuff, casting Harry was tough because Daniel Radcliffe is pretty damn perfect. But when I recasted everyone else in Draconian, I had to pick a new face. Many fancasts have listed this particular actor as Remus or even James. But since I'm not writing a Marauders fanfic (ever) (don't ask me, please, I'm not a fan of the Marauders), why should I let him go to waste? So, presenting—

Andrew Garfield as Harry Potter

Andrew Garfield as Harry Potter

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DIAGON ALLEY IS filled with the usual hustle and bustle of activity, despite the looming threat in the horizon. Beneath the cheery atmosphere, she hears it. Hushed whispers about the Darkest wizard of all time, his band of Death-Eaters and the war that is to come.

She tries to shake off the unease, but it's difficult with the wide berth everyone keeps around her. She's a Greengrass, after all, known Pureblood supremacists. Back in the common room of Slytherin, there are talks of Draco Malfoy already being recruited as a Death-Eater. Goyle, Crabbe, Bulstrode, Nott, Parkinson and Zabini will soon follow.

It is a future that she already knows.

She looks at them everyday and tries to ignore what they will eventually become. She tries to pretend she doesn't see the way they relish torturing the other students under the Carrows' commands. She tries not to think about the fact that she hasn't Seen hers or Daphne's future, and the possibility that they, too, will become one of the monsters.

She's so caught up in her thoughts as she leaves Flourish and Blotts that she trips on the doorstep. Someone else pushes into her on their way out, and she stumbles smack into a warm, firm chest.

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