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Kataang: Thank you every ship name to the annual ship name meeting for Katara. You all should know how it go-

Zutara: ok just get to the point.

Harutara: be patient.

Kataang: ahem, anyway, we will all be voting for who should leave the Katara ship name group.

Jetara: yeah, well it's not gonna be me. They love me!

Katoph: not sure about that.... but don't vote me out!

Azutara: Quiet everybody don't try to win them over. The voter must have a completely unbiased opinion.

Jetara: but wait, having a biased opinion is the whole pint of this meeting thing?

Kataang: OMG just let the viewer decide. You, yes you, don't look at me like that. Comment who should leave the Katara shipping group.
Your options are:
1. Kataang
5. Harutara
6. Katoph
Ship name with the most votes will be opted out. Votes will be tallied by the end of the year. We will update then!

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