Chapter 11

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For some reason Blaine went straight back and made sure the kid was alright. The kid didn't move and became quiet as he reached for him.

"Hey are you alright?" Blaine asked, reaching down to poke the kid. I realized too late what was going on so when Blaine's hand got close enough, the kid grabbed onto it and pulled him down. Blaine stumbled and in a split second, the other kid had one Blaine's arms pinned behind his back. The kid had his other free arm to put Blaine in a choke hold. From behind Blaine glared two red eyes at me. Holy crap...

What the heck is going on? I'm not even trying to find the capture targets. It's like the game is just throwing them at me. Ugh! You have to be kidding me!

I stuck my hand on my forehead and heaved a sigh. What am I supposed to do now? He has Blaine in a choke hold and I'm definitely not strong enough to fight him.

"Listen we aren't here to hurt you." I start and take off my hood. The boy- er Rowan continued to glare from behind Blaine. I frown and set down the dagger as well.

"We were just trying to make sure you were okay." Blaine says breathlessly.

"Can you understand us?" I look him directly in his eyes. He loosens his grip on Blaine, causing Blaine to breathe a deep breath of relief.

Rowan gave me a small nod.

"Let go of him and..." I looked at the boys frail body, "I can assure you of a better life. I will introduce you to someone. Your wounds will be treated. Just let go of him." I spoke slowly. Rowan hesitated and began to release Blaine, until footsteps were heard running.

"There he is! The slave boy." I few men barked.

"He's with two kids, whadda we do bout that boss?" Another man asked.

"Take dem kids too, they look well fed so they will be bided on well." He chuckled. I froze. This can't happen. I slowly bent down and picked up my dagger, hiding it again. Then I pulled my hood up and turned around.

"You there, take your hood off." A man glared. All of them were tall and built. I'll call this one piercings because he has more piercings then I've ever seen. A high powered magnet could probably kill him.

"I just put it back on." I sighed. Why am I sassing them back? I'm actually terrified and might die on the spot.

"Do it or yer gonna regret it." The guy looked exactly how he spoke. He had a full mustache and beard, and an eyepatch.

"Fine fine." I slowly took my hood off and shook my head to get the rest of my hair untangled. Then I looked at the man in the middle.

"Wait." He commanded before they grabbed me. Tattoos, he's covered in tattoos so that's his name now.

"Why are we waiting boss?" Piercings asked.

"Idiot, look at her in the eyes." Tattoos glared at Piercings.

"Ooo good eye boss. Her eyes do be golden. She'll sell for a lot." Pirate guy spoke reaching for my face, only to have his hand slapped by Tattoos.

"Whad ya doin boss?" Piercings asked.

"Idiots, ya don't recognize er?" He glared, pointing at me.

"Um, no?" They both responded.

"This is the Grand Duke's daughter and that boy back there in the choke hold is probably the rumored adopted son." Tattoos sighed at the idiots who still weren't getting it.

"Ah I think I see what yer gettin at." Pirate said, "We need to keep them in good condition for a ransom."

"No!" Tattoos bonked him on the head. "That Grand Duke is crazy. He cherishes his daughter so much. He would kill us before we even got a chance to charge a ransom." Both of the others shared a collective glance then let out an oh.

"I suggest you three leave now. Your illegal slave biding is going to come to an end, but I'll give you a head start anyways, not that it will matter though." I laughed lightly.

"Boss what do we-" Piercings began, before being interrupted.

"Shut up and just run." He commanded as he took off. I watched the three of them run away with my hands on my hips. Once they were out of sight, I felt my knees turn into jelly. Slowly I fell to the ground.

"Are you alright?" Blaine said running up to me, helping me up.

"I thought I was going to die." I breathe out, slowly getting to my feet again.

"That was so cool..." I heard a meek voice mumble. Since Blaine was free, it was obvious Rowan let go. We both turned to him who had his arms hanging to his sides and his mouth agape.

Oh right! This is the perfect moment to bring him back with me!

"Yes, yes it was. Now come with me for a better life!" I smiled brightly with a hand reaching out to him. He hesitated before taking my hand. I reached over and grabbed Blaine's as well, squeezing both of their hands.

I pulled them from behind me and began to make our way out of the alley. Then we saw the bright haired girl run our way. Her hood was off from the breeze when she was running.

For some reason that made me look back at Rowan. He was in worn down clothes and shivered slightly, he didn't even have shoes. I shouldn't interact with him, but I am still human.

I unclipped my hood and wrapped it around the small boy.

"Should you be doing that? It was used to disguise you." Blaine mumbled, looking to me.

"It's fine, we can just get back quicker with less people in our way." I finished. He gave me a look before sighing. Soon Victoria joined us.

"I-I am so sorry I got separated!" She gasped for air the whole time. "I-I was pushed into a slave market." She whispered in a lower voice. Then she looked the direction of my right arm and followed where it ended. Rowan stiffened up and took a step behind me. He just had someone in a choke hold and now he is hiding like this?

"Who's that?" She pointed out. Man, she is a good actress.

"He will be a new knight." I nodded, turning to look at him, my eyes meeting his red ones from under the hood.

The walk back was silent and awkward. Rowan refused to let go of my arm and I could just feel Victoria looking at me the whole time. It's not like I was trying to meet him.

We walked in the main door, not the one to the ballroom, but the main door connecting all the rooms. Walking in it was normal. It was dark though. I got a weird ominous feeling about the whole situation. We weren't even greeted by anyone. Where is everyone?

I could tell Victoria and Blaine were feeling the same off putting aura.

"Victoria, Blaine?" I ask turning to them.

"What?" They replied looking at me.

"Both of you go to your rooms. Wait, stay together, go into one of your rooms." I commanded in a firm tone.

"W-why?" Blaine stuttered.

"I'll explain later. Just please go, quick."  I ushered them away. As soon as they were out of sight, my calm demeanor left my body. I ran away from the door and down hall after hall. I even forgot about Rowan and where he might be. I remembered what was supposed to happen that night.

I threw open my father's office and was greeted to the strong smell of iron. It was dark but I could make out a liquid carpeting the floor. I bent down and touched it to see if my hunch was right. Sure enough, blood coated my hand.

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