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Chapter Five

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Two Years Ago

9:26 p.m.

"What's your name?"

Scarlett almost said her name before she pondered about it. They'd been talking for the last twenty minutes or so and the boy seemed harmless enough, but something was holding her back. Something about her didn't want to be Scarlett Alvarez tonight. She didn't want the baggage that came with that name. She didn't want to be the girl who just lost her father and had no clue how to help her family. Tonight, she wanted to be someone else, and sitting with him felt like that could be possible.


"No, it isn't," the boy said immediately with a shrug. Scarlett looked at him, taken aback. "But that's fine, we can use fake names. Hm... I'll be Mason, always liked that name."

"What makes you think it's a fake name?" she asked pointedly. "Have I met you before?"

"We go to a thirty-thousand student university in a massive city, I've never seen you before. But you just don't look like a Quinn," he reasoned and Scarlett scoffed, giving him a look. "What? You don't!"

"That logic makes no sense but whatever, you don't exactly look like a Mason either," she shot back, crossing her arms defiantly.

"Good, because it's not my name."

Despite herself, Scarlett smiled.

"Well, Mason, you don't need to sit with me, if you have somewhere to be. I'm sure you weren't planning on spending your Saturday night exchanging fake information with some random person," Scarlett offered, part of her was hoping he would stay with her. They hadn't been talking for long but she was enjoying his company.

"Trying to get rid of me?"

"You would know if I was trying to get rid of you. I'm giving you an out, there's a difference," she corrected.

"Well, I'm not taking the out. But why fake names? You a criminal?" 'Mason' joked, nudging her with his elbow.

"Yes, actually. You caught me. I just got back from robbing a bank. Can't have anyone knowing my real name," she played along, her tone airy and dramatic. "But since you know that now, I'm afraid I can't let you out of my sight- never know who you're gonna run and tell."

"Guess that settles it. We're spending the night together," he said with a grin before his eyes softened slightly. "But care to share the real reason?"

"I have no idea how you knew I was lying," she teased as she gave him a look, sighing out slightly. A part of her was hoping he'd drop it while another part of her wanted to drop the act and tell him everything- that part scared her. "Maybe I just want a night where I'm someone else. Where I don't have to deal with life."

He nodded, seeming to understand her. "Well, I'm certainly up for being someone else tonight. You can be Quinn, and I'll be Mason, deal?" he proposed, putting his hand out to shake. Scarlett stared at it for a moment before bursting out with laughter and taking his hand in her own, giving it a small shake.

"God, you are so a business major."

"Hey! I don't just do business, you know, I'm also a-"

"No, stop!" Scarlett squealed, covering her hand over his mouth. He froze abruptly, quirking an eyebrow at her. He slowly raised his hand and wrapped his fingers around her wrist, bringing her hand down.

"Care to explain why you just attacked me?"

"First of all, that's a bit dramatic, don't you think? Second of all, the whole point of using fake names is to not be ourselves for tonight," she reminded him. He gave her an exasperated look before she pushed herself off the ground and stood up. She placed her hands on her hips, shrugging when he didn't say anything. "What? Do you want a printed copy of our arrangement?"

"What about after tonight?" 'Mason' asked her, still on the ground.

Scarlett paused for a few moments, contemplating it. "I think the only way to just let go is if we decide this is a one night only deal. That way there's no pressure, no worrying about what'll come next. Just for tonight, we're free."

"And what if," he began, leaning forward while tilting his head, "you just so happen to fall for me?"

"In one night? Don't flatter yourself."

Though, you are gorgeous.

"I think you'll be very surprised what one night can do."

'Mason' then stood up from the ground and Scarlett just now realized their height difference. He towered over her, making her feel small. She swallowed when she realized how close they were, feeling his breath on her face. His eyes flickered down from her eyes and to her lips. When she saw his eyes wander, Scarlett abruptly turned her head away, pretending to be very interested in the tree nearest to her. The sound of his gentle chuckle filled the air.

"See that? Already falling for my charms," 'Mason' taunted with a tilted smirk. "You sure you'll be able to control yourself, sweetheart?"

She rolled her eyes, turning back to him. "Well, we have all night to find out, don't we?"

"That we do."

Just for Tonight (2021 Watty's Winner)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon