"Is that all?"
As the group finished their tour, Bomi excitedly pointing things out to her dad, Sunwoo's Dad left them on their own. Haknyeon was in awe of the space, he had never seen something so stunning.
"Sunwoo, Thank you so much." Mina smiled sadly, her baby was going to have a great life here.
"Of course, Mina-ssi." Sunwoo patted her shoulder softly.
Jaehyun had tied Changmin to a chair in the janitors office. He had never been so angry in his life. How could Changmin say those things, they were making Juyeon's life even more difficult.
"What the fuck, Lee?" Changmin cursed as the boy finished tying him up.
"You're ruining my best friends life. You need to know it." Jaehyun stated grabbing another chair to sit down across from Changmin.
"Okay, I am ruining Juyeon's life. Can you let me go?" He scowled sending a hateful look towards Jaehyun.
"Shut up, Ji." Jaehyun cursed.
"Eric, are you feeling a little better?" Jacob asked.
"Yeah, I'm feeling fine." He nodded looking at the elder tiredly.
"I'm really sorry, Eric." Kevin sighed leaning down next to the younger.
"It's okay, hyung. Really. I'm not mad." Eric laughed patting Kevin's curly hair.
"Okay, If you're sure. Maybe would get you somewhere so you don't have to rely on drugs." Kevin suggested. He hated seeing that Eric had to rely on drugs to survive.
"If you can find somewhere, I'll go." Eric promised.
"Juyeon and I have been friends for years, Ji. I know everything about him. " Jaehyun started, he was going to torture Changmin with what he had done.
"He was never loved in his biological family, his sister being murdered by his older brother. It was terrible. She was infamous, and so was Juyeon. Sure he was being referred to as her brother. But he was still the boy who everyone thought killed his sister. For something like revenge. The entire thing was a scam. It was his brother and parents plan to get him punished. He hadn't done anything wrong but they wanted to punish him. They hated him so much, they let their daughter get killed just to frame him." Jaehyun was looking at the articles that had been posted at the time as he spoke.
"But their plan backfired, they are the ones who got punished. Or at least the public thought they were being punished. But really only Juyeon was being punished. Since the moment his sister died, he has known it was his fault. He didn't lay a hand on her, but it was his fault. Coming here. No one new that he was her brother. He stayed quiet. And then the day you too fought, he gained confidence. He called you out. Juyeon beat you. You had never lost a fight until then. But Juyeon was hurt worse. Because now, because of you, the entire school thinks he is a murderer. When in fact the real murderer was let out of jail two days ago." Jaehyun finished his rant.
"Is that all?" Changmin asked he felt terrible but he refused to show it.
"The real murderer, he has connections. Something bad is going to happen. I can feel it."

Spill the Z {THE BOYZ}
FanfictionLee Jaehyun and Lee Juyeon have been friends for 10 years. It's just been them, Jaehyun and Juyeon, Juyeon and Jaehyun. But one day, three foreign kids transfer to Crecker Academy and the duo are assigned to be their friends. Will the duo live happi...