Part 30 - Brave

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Cole/The seats are filled with my closest friends and family. My army brothers hold the room together as they honor me for my bravery.

I gave my life trying to help put out a fire in the kitchen on base. I saved a few guys who were working to get dinner ready as a gaspit blew.

Inhaling too much smoke, I passed out before the fire department got there. Although loving the scent of a burning cigarette, I could have never imagined that smoke would be my killer. Even with CPR they couldn't get me to wake up again.

But the thing that stings the most is that I would've never been there, if I wasn't meeting up with Jo. Saying our 'farewells' for one last time. I needed to cut the chord. I love Dannii! But I'm not a dick, so I wanted to see Jo one more time and explain.

Now here I am over looking this church, feeling all the pain and grief. And there's nothing I can do about it. No actual goodbyes were said, no more hugs to give, nor a last kiss to taste.

Dannii is sitting in the front row. She's dressed in a black skintight dress, hair pulled back into a ponytail, just the way I like it. Gorgeous as always. She's crying her eyes out, in the arms of her sister Charlotte.

I would've been so proud to call Dannii my wife. I know I did some stupid things, but I did love her more than life itself. On the other side of Dannii is Jackie, who's keeping it well together, considering she just lost her twin brother... Nick as always by her side.

Before the pastor starts the ceremony, my brother Ben quickly walks in. That makes my heart swell. We fought the last time I saw him. But I'm glad he could put that aside to say goodbye at my funeral.

He walks down the aisle and takes the seat behind Dannii. Putting his hand on her shoulder to give her some kind of comfort.

When she returns the gesture by grabbing his hand tightly, my ghost-self gets a punch in the nuts.

I'm not a fool, she loves him. A man can tell if the heart of his girl, doesn't belong to him anymore. To be honest I don't know if I ever had hers to begin with.

I'm glad to see a few friends talk at the ceremony, guess I really was loved after all.

As Jackie lets her heart speak, the whole room seems to feel her pain. She walks over to the casket and lays her hand on the cold dark wood. I wish I could just jump out of the coffin and hold her close one more time.

But when Jo stands to speak I hold my breath, well... I'm dead. I don't actually need to breathe off course!

"I was fortunate enough to work side by side with this incredible man. So vibrant, so eager to help, so in love with life. His life, next to the military was Dannii. He would've done anything to get back to her and his family. But his heart for people made him go into that room full of fire. That's how I will always remember him. Brave!" She talks with such pride as a single tear finds its way to her pink lips.

Wow, that was ... I never knew she saw me, in that way. But it's true, I would've never let anybody behind.

I'm thankful for this moment, seeing everyone I love in this room, before heading 6 feet under.

When the room empties Dannii stays seated, Ben still in her shadow. After a while he stands to take the seat next to her.

No words are spoken, no looks are exchanged. When she lays her small hand on his, resting on his knee. He starts to cry. Not one tear, but buckets of water falling down his beaten up face. I've never seen my brother cry, like ever. Not even at my fathers funeral.  And why does his face look like Rocky Balboa after a boxing match?

Dannii turns to him wrapping her loving arms around his shaking body. Like that, they sit there in silence for a while. Even when the undertaker comes to take my casket, they don't move!

I make my peace with what's playing in front of me.

They will be alright!

This was a tough part to write. I hate funerals, because of the grief, the loss. I always feel every body's pain. Writing it through Cole's eyes was the best way to do it. 💗

Hope you can all agree with me. 😘

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