Shocking Revelations

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A/N: So the second version was written by Hans51. The First 20 chapters of the second versions are the same as the chapters written by Hans50 but from chapter 21 to 27 is written by Hans51.


Yeah! And what's wrong with all of you?" Chris said turning to the councilors of the minor gods. "He brought your parents the honor and respect they deserve. He got you cabins built for all of you and your parents. He got them to claim you and moved you out of the Hermes cabin. You act as if he never did any of that!"

All the demigods pondered their words and had looks of uncertainty on their faces. "Hey guys! Don't listen to them. I saw with my own eyes Percy doing all those things. I heard him say all those negative things about you all too!" Zane said with a smug grin as they began to nod their heads. 

When that boy said those words, there seemed to be a sort of yellow-whitish glow around him. It was faint, barely even there, but still enough for me to see. What was that? I was torn out of my thoughts when I heard my father yell. "ZANE ANTHONY SKYE! What have you done?" 


Third Person POV

Everyone in the throne room turned to look at the King of the Gods in shock. The Olympians used to his frequent outbursts and temper but there was something different in his voice that signified something was seriously wrong. Laced in his outburst was an undertone of worry and...was that panic? His face was red with rage but also with a tiny bit uneasiness and dread.

Zane looked at his father trying to keep his face neutral and innocent but was failing miserably. He looked guilty of something and looked like he just got caught red-handed. "Father, I don't know what you m-" Zane was cut off as Zeus slammed his bolt into the floor in anger. "Don't you dare lie to me, boy! How long have you been doing this? Why would you do this to your fellow demigods?" Zeus demanded. He had a look in his eye that did not sit well with everyone present.

Zane just stood there in silence, not being able to form any coherent sentence. All the demigods were looking at him in confusion and curiosity while Clarisse, Chris, and Chiron were looking at him in suspicion and disgust. "Father, what do you mean by what he has done? What did he do?" Athena asked anxiously. "Something that I have prayed my children would never inherit." Zeus said in dismay. "What are you talking about brother? Get to the point and stop talking in riddles!" Hades said annoyed. Zeus glared at his brother before looking down at the floor so that no one could see his eyes. He took a deep breath and began his explanation

"It started over two thousand years ago when we first defeated father and drew lots. As you know, I drew the sky, Poseidon drew the sea, and you drew the Underworld." They nodded their heads in agreement and motioned for him to continue. "With me gaining the sky as my domain, I became master over everything in the sky. This includes clouds, rain, storms, and, my most known power, lightning. Lightning also correlates to electricity and electric impulses, so I can also control anything electric. The power of lightning is very powerful and can cause a lot of destruction."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Ares interrupted getting bored. He shrunk back into his throne from all the glares he received. Zeus turned away from his son and continued. "But with the power over electricity, I got a much more subtle but also very dangerous power." The tension was getting thicker in the room as everyone was leaning forward in their seats anxiously, enthralled by Zeus's tale. As the story progressed, Zane was getting more and more uncomfortable.

"As I'm sure most of you know, the human body produces its own electricity. If you don't know allow me to explain. The human nervous system generates electrical impulses within the brain that travels down the nerves to control movement. Nerve impulses act within the brain and they spread out throughout the body. It is also responsible for forming thoughts and helps make our conscious and unconscious decisions and actions. Even though the human body doesn't generate massive amounts of electricity, it is still enough." Zeus said. He started to get a far-away look in his eye as he got lost in his memories.

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Athena's eyes widened in realization and horror at what he was implying. Most saw her expressions and their nervousness increased even more. Zane looked really fearful now and looked ready to bolt. Taking a deep breath he plunged forward into his tale. "With the power over electricity and the electric impulses that humans produce, I realized that I could influence their thoughts and decisions by controlling the electrical impulses within their bodies. Meaning that, if I wanted to, I could make some people think a certain way, nudge them into thinking a certain way, or, if completely mastered, be able to have complete control over their nervous systems and minds."

Everyone's eyes widened till they looked like they were going to pop out of their skulls. They were processing this information and the implications before gasps were heard all around the room. The demigods looked at Zane who was trying to look confident but was failing miserably. "While I may be a bit paranoid and power-hungry at times, even I knew how serious the implications of this power could be. So I swore on the River Styx to never abuse this power of manipulating the electric currents within the body." Thunder rumbled in the background. 

"As soon as I found out the full range this power could do, I immediately began to take precautions to ensure my children would never be able to inherit this power. Such power in the hands of mortals, even my own children would be too much of a temptation for them to abuse." Zeus said seriously. "Unfortunately, it seems that this power has finally manifested in one of my children after all this time." Zeus finished as he turned to glare at his son who seemed to be trying his hardest to disappear. 

"So that's why the campers have been acting too weird and distant from Percy." Chiron said with a surprising amount of anger in the old centaur's eyes. Percy was by far his favorite student and was like a son to him. Clarisse surged across the throne room towards Zane, grabbed him by his collar and slammed him up against one of the marble pillars. "What did you do you corpse-breath worm?" She yelled in his face with a furious expression adorning hers. She had a fist raised as though she was ready to punch his lights out. Zane flinched in pain at being slammed into a solid, marble pillar by an angry daughter of war. He had a little bit of fear in his eyes before trying to exert his power. When he began to glow slightly, she decked him right in the nose, breaking it instantly as blood squirted out.

"Try that again, and you'll get even worse, I swear it." She whispered in a quiet but deadly voice. "Unhand my son demigod!" Zeus boomed raising his master bolt at Clarisse. Clarisse just turned her head to glare at the king of the gods, not even flinching. "Why should I? He's the one that has been messing with my friends and making Percy's life hell! Why shouldn't I cream him into a bloody pulp?" She seethed in anger. "Even though he is in the wrong, he is still my son and I will not allow you to harm him! I, and I alone, will decide his punishment." Zeus said with steel in his voice.

After a few moments, Clarisse reluctantly released the bleeding demigod and headed back over to stand by Chris, all the while glaring at the son of Zeus. Zane walked back over to where the others stood but everyone moved away from him, making his stand by himself. "Can you remove the effects from the campers, pops?" Apollo asked.

Zeus nodded his head and raised his hands towards demigods. His hands and eyes glowed an electric whitish-yellow before the aura spread from his hands and coated the campers. A yellow-whitish glow surrounded the campers that were affected, which was everyone besides Chiron, Clarisse, Chris, and Annabeth (surprisingly). The aura around the affected intensified while their expressions turned pained before they relaxed as the aura dispersed and the yellow-whitish glow that represented the effects faded.

The demigods affected looked disoriented for a few seconds before realization and horror crossed their features as they realized what they did to one of their closet friends and their savior. They turned to look at Zane with murderous glares and looked like they wanted to tear him limb from limb. "So Lord Zeus, what you are saying is that Zane was using his power over electric impulses to control and influence our thoughts over Percy?" Katie said in a voice choked with emotion as her eyes filled with unshed tears. Travis pulled her into a comforting embrace, but he and everyone else didn't look much better.

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