A/n ⚠️warning!!!⚠️ this chapter contains abuse and murder if you are sensitive to these topics I'll put when it stops and ends!!
Third person POV:
"Yes of course izu it's only fair you get to call me a nick name too!!" Izuku blushed at Noah's words and said "yeah I guess...." "why doesnt bakugou like you izu?" Noah exclaimed curious as to why the ash blonde was yelling at the greenette "o-oh it's because kacchan doesnt like that I'm quirkless so he calls me deku..." Noah was slightly upset about that wondering why her new blonde friend would do that for such a stupid reason. "Well whatever I'll always be your best friend and be here for you sunshine!!" Izuku blushed harder and said "o-ok!!"
(After school back at noahs)
(⚠️WARNING⚠️abuse and death look for another thing like this if uncomfortable)
As soon as noah cane into her house she was greeted to the sound of screaming and the smell of alchohol. She went towards the screaming light tears running down her face. She saw her older brother trying to stop them and called out" brother where is Liza ?" Her parents and brothers head snapped towards them. "Shes at a friends" oh ok..." Her mother quickly stepped towards noah. "Why the hell are you wearing this sh*t I told you no!!!!" Her mother yelled as she ripped the ribbion out of Noah's hair. Noah slightly winced at her hair being pulled at. "Hey leave her alone" her brother screamed. "Dont scream at me you stupid brat!!" Her father went over and stared to hit noah. Her brother(he doesnt have a name srry) quickly went towards noah to help her. But Noah's mother pulled him back and threw him into the wall noah quickly ran towards her brother and her brother pulled her behind him. All the sudden blood splattered on Noah's face. Her eyes widened and she moved as her brother fell backwards. As soon as her brother hit the floor noah was on her knees shaking him. Her parents laughed then they heard sirens they quickly stared to retreate. Once they got out the police came in. "B-brother?!" "Noah take this...." her older brother handed her a beautiful necklace the had diffrent hues of blue swirling In it. The rim and the string were a goldy brown color. "Brother what is this" noah questioned looking at the object in her hands. "Just keep it with you noah..."Her brother muttered fading unconscious. "Brother!? Brother!?" "Little girl I'm going to need you to move." The paramedics said.(a/n idk how this works or what they say but-
(Time skip to adoption center)
⚠️WARNING OVER⚠️Noah held her crying little sister in her arms "sissy promise me we'll always stay together" " yes Liza I promise" (time skip) "Hello girls!! There are some lovely people would would like to adopt you!" Noah and Eliza looked at eachother exited. Suddenly Eliza's arm was grabbed by a black haired woman with emerald green eyes and a guy with black hair and red eyes who looked something like Noah's dad but not quite there. Then noah was greeted by a woman with brown hair and blue eyes and a guy with brown hair and brown eyes. The couple started to take both sisters. "Noah!!!" "Eliza!!!!" The siblings screamed towards eachother but there screams to be near eachother faded as they got to far away from eachother to hear them.
(Time skip to when he is nine)
Noah and his adoptive parents were walking back home from the park,were noah hung out with bakugou and mydoria, when a villan attack suddenly happened. The villan pushed the male and female away then he went towards noah. Noah started crying as his skin felt as though it was burning and cuts were littering those burns. His adoptive father ran towards him to save him when Noah's quirk accendenlty activated. Noah's father yelped in pain then dropped to floor....dead. pro heros came and took care of the villans then the paramedics came and took the father. His adoptive mother was crying on the floor then she got up and went towards noah. "Mama is papa ok?" More tears fell out of her eyes"come on sweetie let's go to the hospital.....".
When they got to the hosplital noah and his mother quickly went to his fathers room,after checking in. Before they could actually go inside a nurse stopped them."are you guys related to mister(insert last name because I dont have a name for him)?" Noah's mother managed to stammer out while crying"yes..is he o-ok?" The nurse had a pitiful look on her face "I'm sorry for your loss" Noah's mother started crying harder while holding on to Noah's smaller body. She stopped and they walking back to the car"mama?" "Y-yes sweetheart?" His mother responded. "Is dad....dead?" Noah's mother started crying again but wiped her tears and started driving"y-yes sweetie" his mother stuttered. Noah started crying and sobbing. They got home and went into the house, locking the door and they sat on the couch. Noah's mother quickly hugged him as he cried. She held back tears while holding her adopted son,who was crying really hard. A couple days go by, the houses vibe seemed alot more depressing now. (⚠️WARNING DRINKING AND ABUSE)One night Noah walked down downstairs and found his mom chugging alchohol"mama....?" The mother looked over to noah and quickly went towards him and then did something noah didnt expect. She hit him. Noah yelped out in pain frantically yelling "mama! Mama what are you doing! Mama please stop!" As she beat him.,(WARNING OVER)

'I'll ALWAYS be Your Best Freind:todobakudeku x oc
Teen FictionBasically the title my.My oc Is noahiko you can replace his name with yours if you want it to be an x reader. Noah loves his friends and would fo anything for them. what happens when he finds out about her to child hood friends and a new found frie...