Final fight between Ice and Fire

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{after 2 days pass Raven gathered his friends to the ice kingdom to help despite having almost (bec of Frost) no business with the ice king, Jaeger gathered his hero friends too Lynx, Drift, St. Winter (unknowingly), the pirates, Master key (Drifts brother) and two turned hybrids a blue one named well... Hybrid and a pink one named Tia (the two are dating as expected...) and all of them are now in meeting}

Plagues POV

"Hey aren't you two the ones who kept causing trouble down in Plesent?" Raven gave out a dramatic laugh "yeah and nearly put bullets in our brains yep that's us" I glare at Raven "yeah and Raven toootaly wasn't the one who nearly blew up John frickin Wicks house" Raven jumped  it looked like his hart nearly burst out of his chest "uuuuuhhhh heheh no that wasn't me" I gave out a sigh "whatever" Hybrid looked confused "well if you two caused trouble why are you on our side?" I crossed my arms "well Hybrid we aren't villains we only pranked people for fun and made mistakes a lot in the process of having fun we still do it but we don't want to cause harm just prankster trouble" Hybrid looked down and nodded to himself "oh yeah well sorry we nearly killed you then?" Lynx says in worry "that was all in the past it's alright we got worse things to think about"

Snowfoot POV

Me, my father, mother and...Krampus walked in the room, I whispered in my mother's ear "mom why did we have to bring damn Krampus" she grabbed my curling hook things on the side of my mask/head "well first of all we need help from anyone who's willing, second what have I told you about the language?" I yelp quietly in pain as she yanked my head closer to her "ow! Ok ok sorry mom" she let go I stood there in total embarrassment I slightly herd Krampus laugh, I wanted to beat his ass right there and then but I stayed focused "well glad to see you all here" my father says in his low echo voice, everyone else showed their greetings and nodded 

"well we just found out the dragon eggs where missing so Prisoner must be on the move" the others nodded "well first things first we need to trace his location and find out his motives" Lynx added "I know him he would first get his full power and strength back" in the corner of my eye I could've sworn I saw Snowstrike "hey is it alright if I have a moment?" my mother nods to me, I walk off and go around outside and my eyes whernt deceiving me it was Snowstrike I hugged her and held her close "hey Snow" I smiled under my mask

"it's been a long time since we saw each other" Snowstrike giggles "it's only been a few months" I laugh in embarrassment "yeah your right it just felt like forever" we shared a kiss to each other "that was nice to feel you again..." she blushed "yeah it was nice feeling you too... hey I heard what had happend what's going to happen to us? to the island?..." I held her close her head under my chin "it's ok Snowstrike my father will do his best to save us..." I hoped my words weren't wrong as I held Snowstrike in my presence as she embraces it... 

(U guys need to make more Snowstrike and Snowfoot pics like- seriously there's like no cute pics of these two common man ik season 7 is dead but common I like these two it's adorable)

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(U guys need to make more Snowstrike and Snowfoot pics like- seriously there's like no cute pics of these two common man ik season 7 is dead but common I like these two it's adorable)

Frost POV

As Snowfoot walks off I could've sworn I saw something there Snowfoot must've seen something too, after all he hasn't seen Snowstrike in a long time after her long mission of trying to see if the snow went further in the horizon than it did the reason why for this questionable/strange mission I'm not sure of but we gotta stay focused on here and now but after a few minutes of discussion Snowfoot came in Snowstrike holding his hand as they walked in "Snowstrike? hey your back" I go up to her we share a quick hug "glad to be back Rav" she says with a hidden smile "hehe got dirty ow!" Scourge hit Raven for him to shut up "I'm here to help your highnesses" Jaeger nodded "good we need all the help we can get"Krampus sighs "we don't have time for dilly dally"

Suddenly it felt like the entire earth was about to collapse it was shaking violently Snowfoot quickly knelt to the floor and hid Snowstrike under him for protection some of the others fell over on the ground


Krampus teleported all of them outside and saw why the ground was shaking so violently "that son of a bich..." Jaguar mumbled, a volcano started forming on the other side of the island the ground was still shaking the others struggled to keep on their feet after a few long minutes the shaking finally stoped "ugh I think my headache got worse" Raven complained "well I just feel like my brain was stuffed in a room that just threw my brain around my head..." Drift added "yeah I could say the same" Lynx shook her head to get rid of her dizziness "common we need to get planing now or things will get uglier than it already is..." Krampus says as they got teleported back inside

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