Part 6

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I have learned not to find myself in others or define myself through others from an abusive friend who just ended our friendship but he also tried to make me hate myself as a souvenir from him. "You easily get nervous I do not like that in you" he said. "Your opinions sound stupid, stop saying them", "do you like your "fat" body? Are you able to carry yourself? I do not think you can", "I have vanished you and your memories from my mind, just leave". Words that I could hear in front of the mirror. I could see his eyes somewhere in the reflection in the mirror when he was saying "we will never see each other again. His eyes were burning and their flames broke into my heart and turned it into aches. I kept asking myself why for months but as usual I found neither logical nor illogical answers for this question. Why for anyone to hurt anyone else anyway? 

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