Tom Riddle's diary ( and the whole of book 2, The Chamber of Secrets ) happened, but Tom used a memory wiping spell, making all wizards and witches who heard of it forget it ever happened. Although, Harry was the only one who remembered it had ever happened.
She was surprised, to say the least."If it isn't the famous Harry Potter!" Y/N grinned at her friend, who returned it almost instantly. "What are you doing here Harry? And How... Did you get here?" Harry froze before answering. It was going to be one long story to tell. "Well,"
Harry's memories of how he got there were as clear as day. He could recall exactly what had happened, but he settled on telling her the main points that were important. ( But of course, I'll tell you exactly what happened. ;) )
Harry was having a chat with George and Fred. As usual, regarding quidditch. "I heard that the golden snitch has a mechanism-" An unsually loud whimper was heard from the girls' dormitory followed by the shrieks ( most likely from the other girls ), cutting Fred off. Harry immediately glanced at the door. "Should I go check it out?" Fred and George exchanged a look, identical smirks on both their faces, making him roll his eyes. "She's a really good friend of mine, and she could have gotten hurt. Or worse. Fainted, again." Harry said defensively.
"Alright then mate. Go ahead, no one's stoppin' ya'." George winked at him. Standing from where he sat, he quickly climbed the stairs of the girls dormitory, and knocked on the door. No answer came. 'Strange...' He thought to himself. He sighed, opening the door to find a horrific sight.
Bodies of girls in the room lay scattered on the floor, in a circle. Seemingly alive, as their chests heaved up and down. A dead snake lay in the middle of them, it's guts teared out of it's body. Blood was smeared along the walls of the dormitory, and there was writing near Y/N's bed. Written in blood.
❝ I have taken a treasure of Hogwarts. Precious beyond measure, to both you and I. Though I assure you, not for my own pleasure. ❞
The following, was written on the right. The continuation of the supposed ‘ poem ’ was scrawled on the left, which too, was written in blood,
❝ To get her back, would be quite impossible. Unless of course, you possess an orb, darker than black. Located in a lake, where the sun bakes. Good luck, for you shall need it if you choose to go on this perilous quest. ❞
Y/N's bed's curtains were flowing around, coming from a big hole which wind escaped out from. The hole was located where her headboard lay before, the inside pitch black. "Tom Riddle." Harry breathed out, recognising the similarities of the scene that lay in front of him, and the scenes where petrified victims were attacked by the Basilisk in his second year.
He was back.
As Harry was stuck in his thoughts, frozen to the spot he was in, the hole started to close up, bringing him back to reality. Not sparing a second of ( what he knew of, was precious time ), he ran to the boys' dormitory and grabbed his invisibility cloak from his chest. Ignoring the questions the Weasley twins asked as he sped past them, he entered the girls' dorm, and jumped in the hole just before it shrank to a size impossible for him to fit in.
After jumping into the hole, he was surprised to find himself not in a pitch black abyss, but floating around in a long, architectured hallway, similar to that of Hogwarts. And when I say floated, I mean Harry was literally levitating off the ground as if he was in a zero g area. Various objects floated around Harry. Tables, broken wands, old robes, even an old, battered invisiblity cloak floated past him ( which he quickly swiped and pressed against his chest along with his own cloak. )
He then passed by a brown pouch, which he also swiped. Looking inside it, he found that it was an infinity pouch. ( A POUCH WHICH HAS UNLIMITED INVENTORY SPACE, AND YOU CAN CALL OUT ANY ITEM YOU NEED FROM IT, EVEN ITEMS YOU'VE NEVER OWNED OR NEVER PUT IN; I MADE IT UP ). He placed the older cloak in it, and quickly threw his own cloak over himself as he neared a light.
The light which he saw, was an exit. An end to the ‘ zero g ’ hallway. And to Harry's luck, he wore his cloak at the right moment, for if he hadn't worn it at the exact moment he had, he would have been caught. He was situated in some sort of storage room. Old paintings surrounded him, covered in cobwebs and dust. Golden goblets, mirrors, and various items of the past, covered in filth, filled the room. In the middle sat a table with engravings of the Hogwarts houses on it. A pearly white orb sat on the table, glowing in an almost menacingly, yet enchanting way.
Matter swirled in the orb, resembling stars and supernovas Harry had seen during his Astronomy lessons. He longed to touch the white orb. It was so, so beautiful. So enchanting. Just as he was about to touch it, a door which Harry hadn't noticed before suddenly opened, revealing two Slytherins. A boy and girl. They looked so familiar to him. The girl, was bony, reminding him a bit of Aunt Petunia back in Privet Drive. She was unkempt, disheveled. She looked as though she hadn't showered for a few years. Her black hair was a curly mess, and was tangled. Cutting to the chase, she looked insane, and dirty in general.
The boy, was a completely different story. Almost an opposite if you will. His brown hair wasn't a curly mess, but rather combed back. He wore his robes neatly, and moved in a posh manner. ( And looked as though he had showered earlier that day ) Overall, he looked clean. Unlike his counterpart, of course. After studying the two and comparing them to people he had seen before, realisation suddenly hit Harry like a train.
He knew these two well. Very, very well. Two death eaters, whom he had a personal vendetta against.
Bellatrix LeStrange & Barty Crouch Jr.
But how was Barty Crouch Jr. still alive? Harry swore he saw him die last year, after the incident at the Triwizard Tournament. ( That didn't matter now, though. )
Of course. Why couldn't he tell before hand? Their appearances should have made it quite obvious. They were just in their younger forms. Which, he didn't know was possible, but apparently was. The two hurriedly made their way toward the white orb, Bellatrix wide eyed and frantic expressioned, while Barty looked eerily calm. "Where is the Lord and Malfoy? They should've been here by now." Bellatrix inquired the Crouch descendant, who simply shrugged his shoulders."How smart of you to ask me, LeStrange. As if I know the whereabouts of everyone in existence." To which Bellatrix rolled her eyes at.
Bellatrix's eyes suddenly widened, and her jaw dropped. "YOU MORON! I JUST REMEMBERED. THE LORD INSTRUCTED US TO GO TO THE SLYTHERIN COMMON ROOM, NOT HERE IN THIS DUSTY STORAGE ROOM. YOU GIANT OAF, YOU CROUCH! THE LORD'LL KILL US!" Bellatrix suddenly boomed as she carefully picked the orb up and cradled it in her arms. Barty, who was still sitting, had gone red. "WE'RE DEAD MEAT AT THIS POINT, BARTY. MOVE ALONG NOW. WE CAN STILL MAKE IT!"
"Lucius and The Lord are probably looking for that Y/N girl still. Calm your horses, Bellatrix. We have enough time to get there before they do." Barty said to the LeStrange, who simply glared at him, her face still holding a panicked, frantic look at the same time. At the sound of Y/N's name, Harry's ears immediately perked up, listening intently as to find out exactly where she was. "If I'm not mistaken, they should be on their way to the Trophy Room by now... The Lord said something about being able to sense her heart there..." Barty trailed off, before exiting the dusty storage room, Bellatrix following behind with the orb in her hands.
Harry too, followed suit, departing from the room. As he exited the room, he looked around. The two death eaters were no where to be seen, so Harry concluded that they had apparated to the Slytherin common room. Recognising his surroundings, he found he was somewhere near the Great Hall, ( Which was right next to him ), which was strange as he didn't remember there ever being a storage room near there, ( Which at that moment, was quite irrelevant. )
Peeking behind corners, and sprinting through the corridors of Hogwarts, he finally found himself at a hallway. As usual, paintings lined the walls, along with them, the banners of Houses and torches ablaze. The Trophy Room was a few steps away from him, meaning this was probably the place Barty and Bellatrix were talking about, and so he waited. Although, he didn't know exactly what for. Maybe he was waiting to catch a glimpse of Tom? Maybe to wait for Y/N to pass by? ( To be honest with you, he was vouching for both. ) He suddenly heard a whimper, and so he quickly hid in the shadows of a pillar. Forgetting he had an invisibility cloak on.
A girl suddenly emerged from the opposite end of the hallway, with her head down, staggering forth. Whimpers continued to come out of her mouth, indicating she was in pain. She wore Gryffindor robes, and was in a distraught state. Sweat shone on her forehead, and her hair stuck to the sides of her face, making her unrecognisable. But when she lifted her head, Harry knew exactly who she was,
She was directly in front of Harry when she started to mutter to herself. "I have to find To-" and before she could finish the sentence, Harry held on to her waist, pulling her into the darkness with him. To which she squealed in surprise. He quickly took out the old invisibility cloak which he had swiped earlier from his infinity pouch, and threw it over her. "Hey-" she protested, to which Harry clamped her mouth shut with his own hand.
1700 words ✓
✧ thanks for reading, i hope you enjoyed the fifth chapter of this book! please add this to your library if you enjoyed, i'd appreciate that. <3
✧ 1700 words is actually the most i've written so far for this story! so yay! <3 and also, two updates in a week? wHattTttttTtTT who am i? 🤡 ty for reading luv! ( BTW if i don't update, it usually means i'm caught up in hw/revision so i apologise for that. luv u all <3
s e r e n d i p i t a l l a y / /