Chapter 1: Granger and Silvanna meet-cute

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Granger shrugged on his leather jacket as he got up. He was so eager to leave this disaster of a group meeting. No one could agree to anything, not even a topic.

"I've got to go." he said bluntly. His teammates sighed as they made plans to meet up again.

Granger gathered his books, and quickly turned to leave the library, but he bumped into something. Hard. Books scattered on the floor.

His wasn't the only one, as the girl he'd bumped into had the exact same problem. Her books and papers were strewn about.

They both bent down, gathering their things. Granger grabbed some of the papers and held them out to her.

"Thanks," she said. "You know, you should watch where you're going."

"Yeah sorry about that."

"It's okay." the girl tossed back her blonde hair. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Granger's eyes lingered on her, before he gave a polite nod and they parted ways.


Granger closed the door with a sigh. He tossed his keys on the dining table and was sorting out his things when he came across an A4 sized green notebook he didn't recognize. Puzzled, he opened it.

It was filled with neat handwriting that was obviously not his.

He flipped through it, till he thought to look at the inside cover. A name was written there.

Silvanna Knight

Granger puzzled over the book, till he finally made the connection. The silvery blonde girl he'd bumped into in the library. He'd obviously taken her book by accident, thinking it was his.

Now what?

"What are you staring at?" his roommate Alucard asked, as he set up the Xbox in their living room. Granger showed him the book and explained what happened.

"Silvanna Knight..." Alucard wrinkled his nose as he thought. "Oh yeah! I know her brother. Dyrroth Prince."

"Dyrroth Prince?" Granger echoed, thinking of the short messy-haired sour boy. "They don't look anything alike."

"I dunno, different mothers or something." Alucard shrugged. "I can call Dyrroth and see if he wants to pick up his sister's book for her or something."

"Not likely," Granger huffed. He knew how the boy didn't really care for anything other than himself. "Call him and see if I can talk to her? I'll give the book back to her somewhere at Uni."

Alucard dialled the number.

"Hey, man!" he said cheerily. "I found one of your sister's books. She must have dropped it by accident. Is she there? Can I talk to her?"

Granger heard grumbling on the other side. Alucard listened for a while, then passed the phone to him.

"Have fun." he winked, turning back to the Xbox.

"Hello?" A feminine voice came on the line.

"Hi." Granger stammered. "Err, I'm Granger. The guy you bumped into today at campus? I found one of your notebooks with me, the green one? I must have accidentally picked it up."

There was a "who?" and then a pause, "Oh, leather jacket?"

Granger glanced at the soft black leather jacket he was still currently wearing. "Yeah, that's me."

"Oh, thank god!" her voice breathed. "I thought I lost it!"

"Yeah no, well, it's with me." Granger said awkwardly.

"Can I pick my book up from you tomorrow? Say, at Mossenia cafe?"

"Sure. Around 3pm?"

"Sounds great."


One coffee together turned into two, as they started swapping stories. Turns out Silvanna was on the debate team, and the notes she'd prepared for next week's debate was in this notebook. She'd freaked out when she got home and tried to look up her notes... only to find out she couldn't find them.

She brightened up when Granger mentioned he knew Dyrroth - yes, he was her half-brother, hence they had taken different surnames. She'd managed to persuade Dyrroth to move in with her when he got accepted by Moniyan University.

He in turn shared about how he decided to minor in music, having picked up a love for violins since he was a kid. He never had siblings, but he had known his friend and current roommate Alucard for half his life, to the point that they were basically like brothers.

Or, sometimes taking care of Alucard felt like he already has a child, he adds, as they both laughed.

Granger jumped when he glanced at his watch; they'd been talking for over 3 hours, and he needed to get home. It was his turn to make dinner tonight.

He paused awkwardly, not really wanting to leave.

"My.." he burst out. "Err, as in... Alucard's having a little house party this weekend. Do you want to come? Your brother'll probably be there."

"A party?" Silvanna said, pausing for a moment. "I don't really do parties actually."

"Me neither." Granger grinned. "Want to hide in a corner and raid our wine collection?"

"Sure." Silvanna smiles back. "It's a date."

Granger and Silvanna - but at UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now