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Sprinting into the hospital with red stained eyes Aria looks around to all of her friends besides Hanna and their parents along with Jason, Melissa, and her family.

"What... what happened?" She sniffles looking to anyone, someone, for answers.

"They said it was a hit and run. It's not looking good." Byron whispers, trying to be strong for his family.

"Is he going to die?" Aria quietly cries.

"Shut up." Mike snarls, angry at his sister for even talking like that.

"We don't know what's going on Honey, he has been in surgery for hours now and he was in pretty rough shape when the ambulance got to him." Ella explains slowly.

Jason stares at the floor and anxiously taps his foot on the ground. "He knew who it was." Melissa quietly states. "He doesn't make mistakes. He has everything planned to a T. How could he have not seen it coming?" She rants to her old friend her grief turning into anger.

"He knew." Jason mumbles numbly, staring blankly at the wall infront of him.

"What?" Melissa questions confused.

"He called me before it happened. He said he was close to figuring it out and that he knew he wasn't going to win this time. He said that whoever this person was is the reason Allison disappeared." He says monotonously. "He saw the SUV following him."

Melissa takes a moment to digest the news and lays her head in her hands taking deep breaths to calm herself.

"Where is Hanna?" Spencer questions Emily as she keeps her eyes on her sister and Jason.

"I haven't talked to her since she said she was going... shopping with Theo." Emily panics looking towards Spencer when she realizes that no one has heard from Hanna.

Aria sits in between Spencer when the elevator ding brings their attention forward. Hanna slowly walks through the entry way looking around her with a puffy red face. Before running towards Aria and and squishing her in a hug sobbing. "It's all my fault. He left upset because I wouldn't talk to him."

"It's not your fault Hanna." Emily assures but Aria doesn't speak.

Lifting her phone she whispers quietly,

You were too busy in bed to even answer your brothers call.
What would he say about his precious Princess now?


Jason and Melissa watch the girls gather around the phone all whispering with fear filled eyes.

"He was right. It's happening again." Jason quietly says.

"He was the only reason it stopped last time, what are we going to do?" Melissa questions.

Arias brows furrow in confusion. "Answer his calls?"

Swiping down to see her notifications her breath hitches.

1 missed call from Theo
1 New Voicemail from Theo

Shakily pressing on the voice mail she brings the phone towards her ear. Spencer, Hanna, and Emily all learning in to hear.

Arias lip trembles at the sound of her brothers shaky voice. "Hey princess. I need you to remember that I love you and Mike so much." There's a pause on his side of the line.

"I only have a few seconds. You need to be careful. Do whatever you have to, to protect yourself. Jason will protect you but even he can only go so far. I love you. Don't let them win."

They were so busy listening to the message that she didn't notice the doctor walking into room with a solemn look.

"I'm sorry. We did everything we could. There is a very little chance that he'll wake up again. We have him on life support for the next 72 hours where we will then attempt to take him off of the machines to see if he can breathe on his own." The doctor informs them all.

Aria had fallen to her knees, her chest racking in sobs as Hanna stares at the wall numbly, playing their last conversation in her head over and over again. She denied his kisses and blew him off. It was her fault he left in the first place.

Seeing that no one in her family could comfort her in their own moments of grief Jason walks towards Aria and brings her into a warm hug as he attempts to keep his own tears in. As she sobs into his chest he makes eye contact with Hanna who stares aback numbly.

"It's not your fault Hanna." He assures her but seeing as it had no effect on the blonde he pauses for a moment before speaking again. "I talked to him a few minutes before the accident. He told me that he loved you."

Hanna's breath hitches in her throat. "Loves?"

Nodding his head silently as he runs his fingers through his best friends sisters hair in a gesture of comfort he watches Hannas face comfort into pain. The kind of pain that hurts so much that it makes your stomach churn.

"Aria." Ella softly whispers to the sobbing girl. Giving Jason a thankful look.

Lifting her head she looks towards her watery eyed mother who gives her a small smile. "We can see him now."

Aria slowly gets up from the floor and follows her mother through the hallways until she reached the room with her brothers name on it.

Spencer begins to whisper. "He knew about A. He knew what was happening."

"Shut up Spencer." Hanna mumbles, her head spinning in exhaustion.

"No, Hanna look, if he knew something..." she cut off by Hanna screaming at her.

"JUST SHUT UP SPENCER." She yells, her eyes fuming. Bringing the attention of everyone in the lobby on her.

"Hanna..." Ashley Marin softly speaks walking towards her daughter. Only for her to stomp out of the hospital. With Melissa Hastings on her tail.

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