It was a dark and chilly night when a mama turtle had to push her egg out into the hole she dug out just recently. She was expecting this day to come since forever. She couldn't wait to see her baby grow up, and learn to walk and swim. Of course she didn't expect twice the pain she went through today.
With one final push, the egg released into the hole. A billow of sand puffed up.
Something wasn't right though...
The mama turtle didn't make it.
She collapsed.
She felt like her body burn and twist in vigrious pain. The mama wouldn't die without doing whats right; protecting her baby. Slowly, she covered the egg with sand, sweeping her arms around. Moments later her heart beat pulse soften, to nothing.
The next morning is filled with siren alarms and crowds of people crying. The biologists put the mama turtle to peace. No one thought of what she was doing, or checked the strange sand markings underneath her.

Satans Bedtime Stories
Short StoryA collection of sad stories that involves a dead turtle, an unfortunate alligator and more!