1-Death By Poodle

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So.....here's my first chapter. This is a story that happened to me, and it's a 100% true.

One day, my family and I were walking down the sidewalk. Now, I have no idea why we were walking, probably for some fresh air, but that's beside the point. So we passes this house with a tiny fence. Literally, I could step over the fence. Anyway, as we walked by the house, two poodles came running from the inside. They were shorter than the fence. Of course, they had startled me. My dad was a whole 'nother story. He ran as fast as he could away from the poodles. He was also shouting at the top of his lungs.

So imagine: A 45 (about) year old screaming and running away from a few poodles. To this day, that's the fastest I've seen him run.

Don't know if that was funny...but yeah.

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