Chapter Four

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     Tinsley slammed her door closed and looked around the yard. There were people hanging around every corner of the lot, music coming from the clubhouse. The door was open and people were coming and going with ease. Laughter and conversation bubbled across the ground toward the two girls. Itzel strode around the car and wrapped her arm around her sister's shoulder.

     "Vamos, we've got people to meet," Itzel said. The gravel crunched under their feet as they walked toward the door, "You nervous?" Itzel whispered as they took the steps up to the porch. There were a few low whistles but both ignored it.

     "I'm never nervous," Tinsley smirked. Itzel laughed as the walked through the door.

     "No, that's true," Itzel said. Tinsley looked around the clubhouse, taking everything in all at once. It was filled with a warm, yellow light that caught the liquid in each glass. A long bar ran along the sidewall where a few people stood. Couches and chairs littered the free space everywhere. The music was loud but the conversations still buzzed on. Smoke curled around the ceiling and ice clanked in whiskey glasses.

     "¡Mi corazón!" Gilly's voice cut above every other sound in the clubhouse. Both women looked over at the sound, "¡Mi hermana!" He was walking over toward them, with his arms open wide with a beer in his hand. Itzel smiled and skipped up to her husband, who wrapped her in his arms completely. He peppered her face with kisses, clearly already slightly intoxicated. Itzel laughed and pushed at his face playfully. Gilly let go of Itzel and turned to Tinsley. Tinsley laughed as she was scooped up into a tight hug, "Welcome to the clubhouse babes," he muttered as he swayed side to side slightly. Tinsley laughed and tried not to lose her balance.

     "Come on! I wanna introduce you to everyone and then we can get a drink," Itzel said. Gilly threw his arm around Tinsley's shoulder and steered her in the direction of a group of men that were sitting in a tight circle. As we neared them, they detached themselves from their conversation and looked up at the newcomers.

     "Is this our guest of honor?" one of the men asked with a growing smile. Itzel appeared at Tinsley's side and wrapped her arm around her sister's waist.

     "This is my sister, Tinsley!" she said with a wide smile. Tinsley smiled wide.

     "You can call me Tins," she said off-hand.

     "Tins, this is Hank, Che, Bishop, and Marcus," Itzel introduced. Tinsley reached out and shook each of their hands in turn.

     "It's great to meet you all," Tinsley said.

     "How long have you been in town, querida?" Che asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.

     "I just got here last night," Tinsley made a fake grimace and laughed once.

     "And you're out partying the second night? What a champion," Marcus laughed, taking a drink from his glass.

     "Well, Tinsley, it's a pleasure to meet you and welcome to the family," Bishop said, holding his beer up in a cheers before taking a long drink. The other men followed his action. Tinsley smiled, a flood warmth flooding through her chest.

     "¡Gracias señores!" Tinsley said. All four men looked slightly shocked that she knew Spanish but didn't say anything about it. Itzel's hands appeared on her sister's shoulders

     "Venga, there are more people to meet," Itzel whispered into her sister's ear excited. Tinsley laughed and let her sister pull her away from the group. "Bishop is the President of the MC and Che is the VP. Hank is his Sergeant at Arms. Marcus is the MC's Padrino and Bishop's cousin but more like his brother," Itzel whispered in Tinsley's ear as they walked away. They neared another group of men. This group was younger than the first and had a few women scattered in it. As they neared the group, Tinsley instantly recognized one of the girls. She ducked out of Itzel's arms and leaned forward.

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