Day Eight

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A/N - No, you didn't skip any chapters, it's supposed to go from Day Five to Day Eight :)


Savannah didn't get to see Nick on Saturday or Sunday because they didn't have school. And despite only knowing the boy for a week, Savannah was absolutely giddy at the prospect of seeing him again today. She practically skipped into her math class that Monday morning, cheerily greeting Mr. Romero. Even he noticed that she seemed to be extra happy today. If that were even possible. Savannah hurried to the back of the class where she spotted Nick already sitting at his desk in the corner. His head was flopped on the table over his forearms like it had been the day they first met.

Savannah plopped down in her seat next to him and set her bag down by her feet, turning to Nick immediately. He had already turned his head to look at her, his grey - almost silver - eyes staring right at her. Savannah grinned down at him, "Good morning, Nicky,"

Nick sat up and leaned back in his seat, stretching out his arms as he regarded her. "Good morning, Van," He replied, his voice deep and smooth, rumbling right through Savannah's body and making her toes curl. How could the sound of someone's voice have such an affect on her?

"I have something exciting to tell you," She turned her body to face him fully and he gave her his full, undivided attention. He nodded, urging her to continue. "Today is officially one week since we met!" She exclaimed happily.

Nick tilted his head slightly at her, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You're happy,"

Savannah's face fell slightly, "You're not?"

Nick didn't answer her question, instead he stated simply, "But I suck,"

After a beat of silence, Savannah broke out into a fit of giggles, her nose scrunching as she curled over, holding her stomach. She looked back up at Nick a moment later once she'd calmed down, "Why would you say that?"

He continued to look down at her in confusion, "Why would you be happy about having to spend a week with me?"

Savannah's face softened considerably as she stared up at him. She leaned forwards slightly, looking up into his eyes. "Nicky, I like spending time with you. You don't suck. Math class is my favourite class of the day. And not just because it's one of my favourite subjects,"

Nick's eyes widened slightly as he looked down at her, "Oh,"

Savannah giggled, "You're cute, Nicky,"

And with those three words, Nick's heart jumped in his chest in an attempt to meet hers.

And with those three words, Nick's heart jumped in his chest in an attempt to meet hers

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