Chapter 13: Do I have a pimple?

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I was woken from my trance by Eric hugging me from behind. I was still shivering. My mom sat down next to me and gave me her jacket. I was a little warmer now. People around me were still cheering, but most of the students were making their way to the boats.

"Honey, are you alright?" Asked my dad. My teeth were clattering.

"It's very c-cold," I replied. He picked me up and engulfed me in a warm hug. We made our way to the boats as well. I saw Harry walking a bit in front of us with Hermione and Ron.

My dad's arms were always a safe place. I was finally relaxed since the task ended.

"Why'd you go back under?" Asked Eric suddenly. "You were back just in time, but then you went back down, why?"

"Eric, honey, Ariel just wanted to help her friend. It was a noble thing to do," my dad told my brother. "Besides it earned her a shared second place with that Krum boy, and we're very proud. Aren't we Juliette?"

"Extremely, Frederick," responded my mother happily, though she didn't look it. I don't think that she likes me being around Harry that much.

"Wait, shared second place?" I asked. I hadn't even thought about that yet. I wonder what place Harry's in.

"Yes, honey, your heroic actions in the lake earned you an all over second place," explained my mother. I was stunned. I didn't know hoe to react.

"Who was the little girl by the way?" I asked finally. We had now reached the big front doors leading inside the castle. It was so much warmer inside that I didn't need my moms's jacket anymore so I gave it back. "The one I saved?"

"She was the french girl's little sister," explained Eric. "And she's really cute"


"Hey! I'm never whining about you and Harry Potter kissing all over the place," spat Eric. I smacked him hard on his arm. My parents looked at me awestruck.

"You're making out with Harry Potter," stated my mom dully, an undertone of anger in her voice. "What happened to Draco? You went to the ball with him right?"

"Well well Julie. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation," my dad reasoned with my mom. "I'm sure she's only trying to make Draco jealous by making out with Harry Potter."

"No, I'm not!" I defended. "I actually like Harry! He's kind to me. Draco's a selfish prick!"

"Ari!" Called my dad shocked. "There's no need to make such things up. Are you mad because he doesn't like you like you like him?"

"What? I don't-," I asked shocked.

"Well why else are you so nasty towards him?" Asked my mom. I looked at them both with my mouth hanging open in shock. Eric shuffled behind us, keeping his mouth shut. I'll handle him later.

"It's getting late, guys. I think you should go home," I told my parents. "I'm going to celebrate with my friends." I said as I walked away from them.

"What friends," called Eric from behind. I pointed my finger to him from over my head.

I raced up the stairs leading to Ravenclaw tower. My hair felt dirty and I was cold. All I wanted was a hot shower and then I'd look for my friends. I reached the door to the common room, but I was too tired to answer the question the doorknob asked me. I sat outside waiting for a bit, but no other Ravenclaw came along. I knocked on the door. Somebody unlocked it and I pushed to open.

As soon as I entered the common room a loud cheering filled my ears. Almost all of the Ravenclaws were cheering. It's the most noise I've ever heard them make. Not counting the heated debate many of us had on the function of keys when we can simply use alohamora.

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