Chapter 1

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{Author's Note: My last story I was writing, I wasn't really feeling it so I decided to write this one instead and make things a bit more interesting. Enjoy :) - A}


We are perfect. Our family is the best in the neighborhood. We have such loving parents who give us the best they can to make us the best we can be. Father is a lawyer. Mother is a nurse. I am 16 and I am a dancer. Brandon is a star football player, 15. Little Juliet is a sweet girl with a powerful voice and I know someday she'll be doing it big and she is only 11. My family is strong and encouraging. We are the family that everybody knows and loves.

Although people can be so blind to what is really happening. Little do all the people of this small town know, that behind doors we are everything but loving, caring, and most of all perfect. We are useless, worthless and dumb. We are futile, cowards, and...

"Pathetic!" Father yells at my mother. Tears streaming down her face leaving streaks like a burning trail. Brandon holds Juliet in his arms closely. And I watch father strangle my mother for the last time. I walk out of my room into the hallway and close my door. Giving my brother a stern look to stay in there. I turn around and I see my father look at me and let go of my mother, and she drops helplessly on the floor. Gasping for air and choking. Tears are already filling my eyes. Seeing my mother in pain and there's nothing we could all do about it. I snap into reality as my father yanks me harshly closer to him.

"Stupid kid, I said stay in your room." he yells and has obviously been drinking liquor. Again.
He smacks me in the head, only tightening his grip on my wrist. I loosen my grip from him and slap him across the face with all of the anger that I have been holding back. "You fucking abusive asshole!" I scream at him at the top of my lungs, hopefully so the neighbors could hear how screwed up this family really is. Suddenly I feel his body pick me up and throw me against my bedroom door. I feel my father's rough hands on my neck and and my vision begins to blur. "I'm going to make sure those are the last words we hear from you again," he whispers into my ear. Oxygen fails to enter my lungs and I know this is the end. I hear from behind my door, the sobs from my dear brother and sister and I pray that they run away safely, and find the happiness they deserve. As soon as I am ready to let go, my father collapses onto the ground and I fall on top of him.

I cough and gasp and breathe quickly. I look up to my lifeless father and then up to my mother. "Mom?" I whisper. "What have you done?!" And she reaches for my hand and I grab it. She pulls me up into a warm embrace.
"Vanessa he's only knocked out. He's going to wake up and you guys need to pack quickly." She pushes me away. "Hurry sweetie please, and do not ask questions."
"But mom!" I beg.
"Get ready now!" She yells and looks back down to all the glass shattered on the floor.

I run quickly inside my room and Brandon and Juliet runs into my open arms.
"What happened?" I see Brandon with his eyes full of tears.
"Everything will be okay, get packed guys. Quickly, and don't ask questions. At all." Brandon looks behind me into the hallway and horrifyingly at my father on the ground. "I'll explain later Brandon, go now!" I say. My voice still shaking from what had just happened.

Minutes later we are out of the house and loading our odyssey with nothing but all of our clothes and water.
"Your father should wake up anytime soon my love. I need you to leave and drive all the way to this destination. And do not stop." My mother says as she hands me a map. With a red dot in New York. I shake my head and start to sob.
"Mom, you're not coming?" I ask and she begins to tear up.
She takes off her necklace and lays it in the center of my palm.
"Her name is Aunt Linda. She will take care of you, I promise."
"I am not going anywhere without you mom!" I cry and she pulls me into one last hug and kisses me on the forehead.
"Goodbye Vanessa. I'm giving you a chance to live an amazing life."
"I don't want another life if it means I can't have you there with me."
She cries. "There's not much time, Vanessa please. Leave!"

I back away slowly and turn around to jump in the car. Brandon and Juliette already in the car. I start the engine and back out the driveway quick and take one last look at my mother. She stood there in her night dress and a zip up jacket over. Her hair still long brown and beautiful like always. But you can see the bruises that the horrible man has given her all over her legs. "I love you," I mouth to her and step on the gas, not looking back.

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