The Planes
When Reznar created the mortals, he knew that they could not inhabit the same world as the beings which came before, and so, rather than create new planets, Reznar—in all his wisdom—created the different planes. Seeing that some beings were good, caring, and helpful in nature, he put them in a plane of celestials, giving them each their own kingdom with their own celestial creatures to control. On the other hand there were beings that were evil, hating, and hindering in nature, he put them in a plane of infernals, giving them each their own kingdom with their own infernal creatures to control. Lastly there were the beings that were of true neutral standing, they did not care either way and only interacted with humans in order to either help or hinder depending on which choice was more interesting, and so Reznar knew that they could neither go to the celestial nor infernal plane, he put them in a plane of abyssal, giving them each their own kingdom with their own abyssal creatures to control.
The celestial planes is a place of prosperity in the sense that hospitality and good health can often be found upon these planes. There are different realms of the celestial planes as well as different levels for each realm. The first realm of the celestial planes corresponds to beings which claim to be of a neutral good nature, beings which will help if it is of convenience to them. These beings will often seek mortals that are good at heart but will not go out of their way to help other mortals. The second level corresponds to beings which claim to be of a chaotically good nature, beings which will help at any cost, by any means necessary. These beings will often seek mortals that are chaotic and unpredictable with good intentions. The third is a realm that corresponds to beings which are of a more lawful nature. These beings often seek mortals that follow the rules when they try to help others or perform good deeds. There are of course realms in between each of the realms and a realm that exists at the cross-section of all these realms; a realm that is host to beings that are of all three natures.
The infernal plane is a plane of hindrance and hatred, hatred and torture can often be found here, the creatures that live on this plane are often pitted against each other for the amusement of the beings that rule that realm. There are different realms of the infernal planes as well as different levels for each realm. The first realm of the infernal planes corresponds to beings which claim to be of a neutral evil nature, beings which wont go out of their way to ruin lives and cause misery. These beings will often seek mortals that are uncaring of the politics of the world but are also sane enough to not kill everything that crosses their path. The second level corresponds to beings which claim to be of a chaotically evil nature, beings which have no real goal other than destruction, hatred and chaos. These beings will often seek mortals that are chaotic and unpredictable with evil intentions. The third is a realm that corresponds to beings which are of a more lawful nature. These beings often seek mortals that follow the rules when they try to take over a village, town, city, or realm. There are of course realms in between each of the realms and a realm that exists at the cross-section of all these realms; a realm that is host to beings that are of all three natures.
The abyssal plane is a plane of cunning and trickery, the beings which reside in this plane do not take sides nor do they consider acts to be judged as good or evil. There are different realms of the abyssal planes as well as different levels for each realm. The first realm of the abyssal planes corresponds to beings which claim to be of a pure neutral nature, beings which are truly apathetic to all the happenings of the worlds. These beings will often seek mortals that are uncaring of politics, good, evil, or chaos, these beings often go with the flow of events and are better fit to adaptivity. The second level corresponds to beings which claim to be of a chaotically neutral nature, beings which have no real goal other than destruction and chaos. These beings will often seek mortals that are chaotic and unpredictable with no real intentions. The third is a realm that corresponds to beings which are of a more lawful nature. These beings often seek mortals that follow the rules. There are of course realms in between each of the realms and a realm that exists at the cross-section of all these realms; a realm that is host to beings that are of all three natures.
The levels pertain to their allegiance to their nature, and so those who hold their natures more valuable are in higher levels of the celestial plains. There are 3 levels of the celestial plains; Apthur, Middicur, and Suupiur. Apthur is the level in the celestial plains for beings that do not hold their standings in high regard, they don't really have strict laws and are only generally of that alignment and so they would have a lower kingdom in the celestial plains. Middicur is the level in the celestial plains for beings that hold their alignment in lenient regards, they will follow through with their actions to a point and then falter for whatever reason. Suupiur is the highest level in the celestial planes, in which beings hold their alignment strictly and have their laws enforced with brutal punishment for insubordination.
These planes are accessible to mortals if the mortal has been invited into the plane by a being which came before.
The Book Of Reznar
SpiritualThis is The Book Of Reznar, the single most religious text in the faith of Reznism.