Zelk's POV (bet you didn't expect that after 4 chapters that focused on Mega)
As I handed a latte to a bashful girl, she gratefully smiled. I watched her nervously exit the cafe and shuffle along the evening street. It was late, almost closing time, so I waited for a bit, looking at the dimly lit road, passerbys strolling, and cars honking in a traffic jam- in short, the everyday street life of a large city.
After I wiped the tables, took out the trash, closed the counter and switched off the lights, I slowly made my way out of the cozy coffee shop. I enjoyed working there and I grew fond of the place- but I still felt like I was missing something crucial in my life.
I got the job two days after I lost my position at Invaded Lands, mostly because I needed a distraction; money was the last thing concerning me at that moment. I missed my old job, my friends like Zak, and of course, Mega.
As much as I wanted to put him from my mind, my thoughts still wandered to him every day. He made it clear that he didn't want to talk to me and I should respect his choice. But I longed to hear his snarky jokes, sarcastic remarks, and his cute laugh, which I heard when one time he forgot to mute himself.
Unable to resist the temptations to call Mega, I took a drastic measure: I deleted every single one of my social media accounts. Now that I think about it, it was probably not necessary- but there was no going back.
He probably hates me. Somehow that only strengthens my affection for him.
Mega's POV
I shivered from the cold and wrapped myself tighter in my blanket. But for the first time in weeks, I felt motivated. Today was the day things were hopefully going to change.
Still reluctant to get up from my bed, I picked up my phone for the first time in weeks, wiping the dirty screen with the back of my sleeve, and prepared myself to make two important calls.
Surprisingly, the talk with my landlord, who turned out to be a kind old lady, went really well. I informed her that I will move out within a day and she took it relatively well, only asking for the apartment to be sparkling clean when I leave. I eyed my surroundings and supposed that it'll only take me a few hours to completely clean the whole thing.
Encouraged by my small success, I confidently pressed a button to call Zak. He picked up almost instantly.
"OMG Mega where have you been we thought you died what happened" he yelled through the microphone with his excited, childish voice.
"Hey Zak, I just wanted to ask if you and Zelk still lived in Jacksonville, Florida?" I asked and giggled as I heard his jaw drop- after all, I've never used my voice to talk to him before.
"Zaaaak, earth to the bald diamond man" I impatiently called after a few seconds of silence from his side.
"M-Mega? Yes, yes we do but what happened- and your voice-" was what he finally managed to say.
"Perfect, that's just what I needed to hear" I smiled as I hung up the call, leaving a dumbfounded and puzzled Zak alone with his thoughts.
Not wanting to lose precious time, I jumped out of my bed and performed my usual morning routine twice as fast. Right away, I started scrubbing, wiping, mopping and dusting every surface I could find.
After two hours of arduous work, I was finally satisfied with what my apartment looked like, and went outside to take out the piled up trash. It was still early morning, and the crisp, cool air was a great refreshment to me after spending weeks inside. I felt my chest rise up and down as I took deep, frequent breaths, like a newborn baby gasping for air.
When I returned home, I hastily stuffed all of my few belongings, like a laptop, phone, notebook, some hoodies and jeans, not forgetting my iconic scarf and the plushie Zelk sent me, in an old backpack. I shot a last look at where I used to live and took a confident step outside. I was eager to leave the place for good and get a fresh start with my life.
thanks for sticking with the story so far!
yes, I know that nobody likes author's notes but...
just a reminder: please vote if you like the story! I'm also always open to any suggestions or requests that you guys might have :)

«Guys and Games» Zelkpvp
FanfictionMega's whole world collapses when Invaded Lands shuts down, but most importantly when his crush, Zelkam, finally confesses his feelings for Mega- and gets a blunt rejection. Can Mega fix his mistakes before they are completely irreversible? (request...