Daniel James.. Nathan's father on the side....
"I want to know who he is" Ava hadn't stopped since the auction, We'd had dinner and were just speaking with my mother, Most of the Guest had left.
"He's not important" She frowned
I looked around the living watching my mother interact with him, He must be here for a reason and i had a feeling it wasn't to visit the family, My mother left the room with my Father and we were left alone with him.
"Hello, Im Ava i dont think we've met" Great, She just had to get involved.
He smirked at me walking over and taking her hand, My fist clenched.
"No dear, We have not, I would without a doubt remember a face like yours" Smug Bastard.
"I believe you knew my son Nathan?" Ava shrunk back a little grabbing my hand
"Back off Daniel, Were leaving." I stood up taking her hand.
"Oh are you leaving dear" Dad nodded towards me silenceing my mother.
"Yeah mom we'll see you on friday for the baby shower." I didn't give her time to reply and began pulling Ava from the room.
"I'll see you around Rogan, I may be staying for a while"
Nathan's father. He didn't seem like a threat to me, His son just died, Maybe he wanted to be around family, I mean his son just died.
Rogan wasn't taking this lightly he was certain he had some kind of alterior motive.
I had showered and changed picking up my book from the nightstand, I'd gone through several baby books since I found out the sex and none of them were making sense.
Rogan came from the bathroom In his sleeping pants, His bare chest and tattoo's on show, He got in next to me taking my book and putting it to the side.
"I need you to listen to me, Daniel may not be a threat, But he never cared about Nathan thats why He was always hanging around here, I dont trust him and neither should you" I rolled my eyes, He was such a Drama Queen everything around here didn't always have to have an alterior motive.
It was Friday, And everyone was already down stairs for the baby shower, Daniel hadn't shown his face since the Gala not that i minded he seemed okay, He's done nothing to arouse suspicion.
I jumped nearly falling backwards
" I already knew! Jesus that was not needed." They laughed at me. I wasn't joking Mel told me as soon as she started planning it so why where they screaming!
They moved from the circle they'd formed and my eyes watered at the woman stood before me, Her beautiful brown hair fell down over the blue sundress she was wearing, She smiled at me opening her arms.
"Mom!" I ran, Well tryed to run over to her and wrapped my arms around her.
"I've missed you so much." Tears fell on there own accord.
"I missed you too Baby... Look at you" She held me at arms lengh and her face was wet from tears" You look beautiful"
"Okay you two, The crying really has to stop, It's depressing me" I laughed a little at Mel and wiped my face. "Come open your presents most of the big things are already in the babys room"
"Well then maybe we should g-"
"No Ava, Im not stupid Rogan already told me, Its a suprise and your not allowed to see the babys room till its finished."
I sighed falling back against the chair.
After opening the presents and speaking to some off the Clan members and Rogans mother they left just leaving me with my Mom and Mel.
"I just can't believe my little girl is having baby's" She was still talking about it.
"Mel could you give me a moment please"
"Sure, When your finished I'll be outside to show you to your room Julia"
The door clicked shut and i turned in my seat, I ran my hand over the babies, I'd told my mother the names we'd chosen but not the middle names.
"So me and Rogan where thinking for Teal's middle name to be Julia after you and RJ's to be Michael after his father, Grace called dibbs on the next one" I chuckled remembering that conversation.
"Oh sweetheart thats wonderful i feel honored." She hugged me again looking down at my bump, There was only a month left of my pregnancy, I was a bit sad about it having to end but i couldn't wait to finally meet them.
"That's not all, I feel like you should know this, You deserve too....Rogan killed my dad" Her face didn't move she stayed silent"And i killed Brent, I didn't kill Mindy but she is dead and i'd say it was my fault...I know you must be so dissapointed in me-"
"Don't you dare....Don't you dare think i would blame your for any of that" She took my head in her hands wipeing the tears away" What they did to you was discusting, Your father may not have had any part in it but its based on his reckless behavior, Dont you dare feel guilty, I'm so proud of you baby"
She kissed my head running her hand down my hair.
"Come on now, Im tierd and i bet you are aswell lets get to bed" She lead me from the room an Mel was stood outside waiting.
I watched as my mother walked the stairs turning round to smile at me one more time before she turned the corner.
I walked into the kitchen, It was empty apart from Jake
"Hey Shortcake, You okay?" I nodded and walked over wrapping my arms around his waist.
"I love you Jakey" He smiled down at me.
"Aww, Sorry sweetheart but im taken" I slapped his arm pushing him away.
"Stop laughing asshole" I pulled a bottle of water from the fridge and it slipped from my grasp after i'd taken of the cap.
I felt a twinge in my stomach.
"Oh God! Jake!" I grabbed the counter feeling the cramps rise in my side.
"Calm down Ava, Its just abit of water, Il clean it up" He walked around me grabbing a towel.
"No! ... Jake!... It's me" His eyes widened and he dropped the towel"My waters have Broken."
Two updates in two days! Won't be updating now till Thursday.

Rogans Devotion
Любовные романыAva Mitchell. The girl most people never notice her plain brown hair and brown eyes, her skinny jeans and band t-shirts she blends in to any and every crowd in her small town of Ashland(Oregan). With a crazy and over dramatic personality, the people...