Chapter Eleven

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Mary couldn't sleep that night after getting home

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Mary couldn't sleep that night after getting home. On the way home she was super quiet and so lost in thought that Angela couldn't help but ask about what transpired when she went upstairs but she received no answer till they got to her house and got dropped by Mary's driver.

Mary kept turning on the bed unable to find a suitable position to sleep. She was restless and scared. The lights in her room were turned off and it was dark except for the little moon light that was shinning through the window. Her head was still taking in what happened and her thoughts and imaginations were running wild.

She kept thinking of how calm and peaceful her night would have been If she didn't attend the party in the first place and what would have happened is she didn't go up to ease herself in the first place.

She kept replying the scene in her head over and over again. She felt angry and disgusted at the same time.

Angry that she was so helpless and unable to protect herself and disgusted at the strange boy who wanted to take away her virtue without a second thought. If there was a time her father would never support her decision it was when it came to the subject of immorality.

She had the freedom to do anything she wanted in this life and she used it to the fullest. She may be rough around the edges and seem stubborn and wayward but deep down she knew she Wasn't any of those things.

Just like any "traditional" girl who has religion and culture carved deep into her very being, she wanted to keep her virginity as a gift for both herself and her husband. She didn't think about those who didn't as indecent people. But she wanted to do it her way, at least the way that has been preached to her countless times by her mom and dad.

But then a stranger appeared out of nowhere and nearly took away what she nutured for years. That too without consent but with force.

And then came Dean the boy she disliked with every vibre in her being, who pushed their enemity out the window and came to her rescue.

He could have just walked away after seeing that it was her. The girl who always looked for an opportunity to put him down. But he didn't and that was what puzzled her the most.

He didn't mock or laugh at her after saving her, like she expected from him, and the most surprising part was that he didn't wait for her to thank him.

All these things were rolling around in her head and she wished she could shut everything off and just have a peaceful nights rest.

What would you have told your parents if he did rape you? A small voice in her head said

And that brought a new set of wonderings to her head.

What would she have told her mom who went to her friends baby shower and instructed her to stay at home?

What would her moms reaction be?

What about her dad?

She couldn't even imagine what his reaction would be.

What if she had ended up getting pregnant?

She took a pillow and placed it on her face, she screamed into the pillow and threw it in a random direction. She raked her hands throught her hair shut her eyes tight hoping to sleep off.

She started feeling sleepy and her last thought before getting lost in dreamland was.

I need to thank Dean when next I see him


Monday came fast the start of another week in school or hell as Mary lovingly puts it. She arrived late and the assembly had already started. She got down from her car and got into the school. She made her way to the assembly hall but was stopped outside the door by Diane, Dorathy and two other girls she didn't know.

"And where do you think you are going?" Diane said

"You know where I'm going so why the questions? or is something wrong with your brain today?" Mary replied with a frown set on her face

"The only person with a faulty brain here is you, look at this" she points to the iron batch on her pocket

"What does it say?" Mary looked at the prefects batch with a look of distaste and looked back at Diane's face.

"You are a prefect so what?"

"You are late so you need to go and serve your punishment" Dorathy answered for Diane while the remaining two girls watched on.

"Ogini?" Mary asked

"Punishment! Now drop your bag and start picking any papers, nylons and whatever you see on the ground" Diane yelled

"You must be dreaming. Do you see me putting on Lawma uniform?" Mary retorted

"No but you sure look like one" Dorathy replied and laughed along with Diane

"It is your mother that looks like a lawma worker. Blind Idiot" she hissed and pushed them out of the way.

"Mary! Come back here! I'll report you to the vice principal if you don't serve your punishment" Diane yelled after her with anger burning in her eyes.

"And I'll tell the vice principal that a lowlife prefect called Diane tried to make the daughter of his friend, do the cleaners job" She sneered and walked into the hall.

The girls standing with Diane and Dorathy started laughing and mocking them.

"You wanted to insult her but She turned it against you" Diane fumed at that even though she knew what they said was the truth.

No student is allowed to discipline another student in Lekki High School and especially not an SS3 student.


Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting!

I really appreciate the love and support. Na Gode

Sorry the chapter is short. Apologies for all the grammatical errors.

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