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Zayn watched as Diana spoke, studying her lips carefully as they formed each letter. The story of her mother's diagnosis struck a chord in him, causing him to choke up as well as her.

"I'll be here for you, love" he told her as he wrapped his arms around her, finding comfort in the simple movement. "No matter what happens to your mother."

He looked into her teary blue eyes, the water developing in them only making them shine more.

"Crystalline" he murmured to himself, looking around the room for a clock.

"What?" she asked, curiosity invading her speech.

"Crystalline. It means clear or sparkling. It's what your eyes look like right now" he smiled, watching her cheeks flush pink.

"Oh" she whispered, entangling her fingers with his spare hand, locking them together.

"My father taught me that word. He said it was the first thing he ever told my mother."

"That's lovely" she spoke quietly, rubbing her thumb against his.

Zayn glanced around the room, taking in every moment as it passed. He would never get this time back, he thought to himself, much like his father was running out of it.

"Do you know what really annoys me about cancer?" he spoke, carefully turning towards Diana, moving his head closer.

"What?" she answered, locking her gaze with his.

"The fact that the cycle never ends. That the only real cure for cancer is death. Even if you survive the cancer itself, you live with the consequences for the rest of your life. When my father went into remission, he had trouble eating most things. I remember one night, we were eating pasta," Zayn giggled at the memory, "And he threw down his fork after a few bites, claiming that the dish tasted awful, and that his chemo-ridden body would never recover." Zayn sighed, removing his hand from Diana's to push his hair back.

Tears brimmed his eyes for the second time that day as more memories of his father started flooding back.

"They said he only has a few more days, princess. And then it's over."

"It will never be over, Zayn. The memories will always last. One day, you'll tell your kids these stories of how great your father was, and how much of a hero he was to you. And I promise you, that they will carry those stories on to their kids, and they will pass to theirs. Your father's memory will never die out, Z" Diana spoke with confidence, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I should go and see him" Zayn said before unwrapping himself from her, standing up. Just before walking out the door, he turned to face her again, a grin on his face.

"Did you just call me Z?" he asked, trying not to giggle at the nickname.

"Yeah, sorry about that" Diana laughed before standing up herself, brushing her shirt down.

"Don't be sorry, I like it."

it will get more interesting in the next chapter I prOMISE

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