jihoon woke up in his bed in clean clothes and puffy eyes. jihoon looked around to find jeonghan asleep in a chair next to jihoon's bed. jihoon sat up and blinked a few times as he remembered the panic attack that he had last night.
jihoon got up quietly and decided to not try and move jeonghan but to find seongcheol instead. jihoon walked to his office and entered without knocking. seungcheol looked up with obvious lack of sleep.
"you feeling better?" seungcheol asked and jihoon nodded. he hadn't acted like this since he was a kid.
"jeonghan wouldn't leave your side. crazy bastard was so scared that you were gonna wake up and need him.. gave us quite a scare kid," seungcheol said as he leaned back in his chair.
"he's still in my room.. take him and go to bed. i'll hold down the fort," jihoon said with a smile and seungcheol nodded.
jihoon walked down into the empty living room as everyone was still asleep. the only people up this early were students and office workers. the weather seemed calm and jihoon needed to desperately leave the house and since it was so early jihoon thought it would be safe.
jihoon changed clothes after seungcheol and jeonghan left his room. he put on a jacket to hide his chest gun holster which had a pistol and dagger in it. jihoon left the mansion and began on his walk.
the streets were empty except for the occasional student walking by or car driving by. jihoon just absorbed the calm weather and comfortable temperature. jihoon was walking when he noticed something. he slowly turned his head to notice a few figures in an alley.
jihoon slowed down to hear it but kept walking once he dismissed it as not his business. yet as jihoon kept walking he got worried. against all of his better judgement he turned around and began to hurry back to the alley.
once he got closer he saw a familiar scene of two men in blacked out clothes hovering over a high school student. they had guns pointed at the student who was trembling.
"get the fuck off of that kid!" jihoon yelled as he hovered his hand over his gun.
"wah it's lee jihoon.. he's back for more," one of the boys said as he took a step closer.
jihoon pulled out his gun and held it steady. both of the guys stepped closer and hoped that the high school kid would just run away. when they noticed jihoon was focusing on the student they rushed jihoon knocking him down.
one pounced on jihoon and jihoon pulled out his dagger with no hesitation and stabbed him right in the spot between his neck and shoulder. the guy fell over dead and the other guy ran away.
jihoon wiped the blood off of his face and rushed to the boy. he was out cold and was bleeding. jihoon mumbled fuck over and over again as he fumbled to his phone and called mingyu.
"mingyu i need you to get the fuck out of bed and come to *** right now. someone is dying."
"okay- fuck- i'm on my way boss."
mingyu arrived in the car in less than a minute. mingyu looked around shocked as he noticed the dead guy and the unconscious boy jihoon had his hands applying pressure onto a wound.
"put that fucker in the trunk, help me with him," jihoon ordered and mingyu put the dead enemy gang member in the trunk.
jihoon sat in the backseat applying pressure onto the high schooler's wound. jihoon was begging for the boy to live, he didn't want another innocent to die. once they arrive back at the mansion mingyu carried the boy in while jihoon kept the pressure.
"EVERYONE GET THE FUCK UP! WE NEED JEONGHAN! BLEEDING OUT!" jihoon yelled and heard thuds and steps hurrying around.
mingyu and jihoon brought the kid to jeonghan's treatment room. jeonghan stumbled in still exhausted but snapped out of it when he saw the blood. mingyu brought the dead guy in and seungcheol looked at it confused. mingyu just shrugged.
"jihoon get out of here. i got him," jeonghan pleaded and jihoon reluctantly complied.
seungcheol stood there staring at the body with the rest of the gang members and looked to jihoon for an explanation. jihoon sighed and looked at the dead guy, he had no idea who he was.
"i went for a walk. stupid- i know but it was early. i walked by an alley and saw these two guys over this little kid and i just ignored it but then i got nervous because they're on our turf. i intervened, stabbed this guy because he pounced on me, the other guy ran away, then i found that kid bleeding out. i don't know.. i just had to save him," jihoon explained and seungcheol let out a sigh.
"ah.. this is so annoying!" seungcheol complained and everyone silent agreed.
"wonwoo see if you can figure out who the hell this guy is and that kid. the person who is behind this didn't come to play,"
"yes boss,"
• author's notes •
howdy im tired so if this one is sorta rough that's why and also if you haven't guessed yet the high school student is soonyoung.. :)

don't go • soonhoon (completed)
Fanfictiona normal high school student has a run in with the leader of a gang that changes them both forever. •soonhoon mafia/gang au•