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"It is a lot easier to be angry at someone then to tell them your hurt" - Tom Gates 

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"It is a lot easier to be angry at someone then to tell them your hurt" 
- Tom Gates 

Emma's pov 

I could feel myself fade into conscious  my vision was blurry as was my memory all i knew was that i was angry really angry before i was seeing dots and hearing someone's voice whisper into my ear when the dots took over and all there was the back of my eyelids. I could barely move i felt like i was drugged, all i felt was someone hand on my arm there rough grip tugging me along 

"" The person spoke but i could only make out a few words from what they where saying

"While.. I know. ....a...great....he" I could know hear the rough way the person spoke so I now knew it was a he. He kept dragging me i knew we where outside when I felt the cold wind hit my face bringing me slowly into consciousness. I heard a gasp and I turned my head to where I heard it a saw a male face but he was very blurry 


"Don't... They look delicious" I could finally make out what the man was saying, and when i could it was like everything else hit. the scent of something sweet and metallicly  wafted into my noise, and a pounding of someone's heart began it's insistent drumming against my ears my gums began to ache and the thought of me sinking my teeth into that vein that would allow blood to flow into my mouth had me letting out feral growl 

"Oh look at that, sisters hungry Ethan you wouldn't mind sharing a few drops of blood would you" Along with the thirst and the aching in my mind memories of the man who bit me and knocked me out rushed into my mind and the thirst that I had turned into angry, and while Jessie was talking and Erica bite into Rory's mouth all I could think about was sinking my teeth into the man in front of me. I was ready to attack when someone else's hands where pulling me away I didn't register who arms where around me but I screwed in there hold hissing and throwing my body trying to free myself from there hold.

I didn't see as Ethan and Benny pulled out light saber like weapons  and wield off the vampire, I felt the cushion of a chair as I was thrown into the back of car 

"Stay here" I heard a woman's voice before there was a click and a slam as they locked me in the car, I was breathing roughly trying to calm myself down. When i did the doors opened three people making there way in when the people sat down the metallic smell came back and the beating of two hearts pounded in my ears  the aching in my  teeth came back along with the thirst 

a hiss cam out of the back of my throat bringing the attention of the three people to me, i noticed who they where and tried to resist the urge to sink my teeth into there throats and drink that sweet metallic sent that wafted from them. I grabbed onto and arm and squeezed to take my mind off of the thirst and the aching in my mouth. I eventually was able to come back to my senses and loosen my hold on the person 

"Are you good" The person I was holding onto asked I nodded my head and layed back sleep coming at me 

"Are you okay" Ethan asked as he was sitting in the front driving the car 

"Not really" I was low key terrified and angry at myself for letting someone trick me and to drink something that I had no clue of now I was put in this situation someone who craved other peoples blood. I wrapped my arms around myself as my eyes slowly fluttered shut exhaustion taking over 


I woke up to a raging headache and a really dry throat I raised my hand towards my head and sat up looking around to find I was in my room I got up and went towards my dresser walking over to my door to go to the bathroom seeing a huge whole in my door 

"ETHAN WHAT HAPPENED TO MY DOOR" I screamed barreling my way towards my brothers room, ignoring the sent of his blood I grabbed the edge of his bed and flipped to where he landed on the floor, he groaned as he hit the floor 

"What the heck" He said before getting up from the floor to see what had made him fall he saw a pissed of sister standing on the other side of his bed and gulped 

"Morning" He waved at me wearily, making my eyes turn to slits 

"You going to pay for a new door" I said between clenched teeth walking away and walking to his door where I punched through it "Two doors" I turned and gave him a fake smile 


Sarah had came to my house right after I had punched through Ethan's wall and forced me to the cemetery 

"What are we doing here Sarah, I was really hungry" I groaned as she kept looking towards the ground 

"Yeah that won't do nothing for the thirst" She replied before running at something, i couldn't see what it was until she turned around holding  a rat 

"Is this some kind of weird initiation thing are you like going to force me to sacrifice a rat to be a part of your cult, if so I kinda have to decline thanks for the offer''I Said giving her an awkward smile, 

"just Drink it" She demanded handing me the rat and crossing her hands, i could feel and hear as the rats heart beat in my hand 

"Hurry before where late" She pushed, I looked down at it in disgust before moving it towards my mouth 'what happened in my life that brought me to this point a rat in my race which apparently I have to drink so I don't drink any unsuspecting huma...

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"Hurry before where late" She pushed, I looked down at it in disgust before moving it towards my mouth 'what happened in my life that brought me to this point a rat in my race which apparently I have to drink so I don't drink any unsuspecting human' i started to think before the little incsors in my mouth sprang out and I pushed them into the rats body, the taste almost made me spit it out but pushing it down a sucked the rat dry before dropping it

"Welcome to your new life" Sarah said giving me a fake smile and grabbing a hold of my hand taking us away from the graveyard and towards the school

"Great that taste will forever be stuck in my mouth" I groaned as I dragged my feet after her 


Thank you for reading my story 

Sorry it took so long kinda being lazy and school is starting so yay online classes

okay bye hoped you liked it. 

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