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Mena's POV. I was laying in my bed thinking about what happend. Tears came out of my eyes thinking about how Jay fell to the ground and the ground covered with his blood. I lay my head into my knees and began to cry harder. 'It's all my fault! If I didn't come with him, he may hadn't been injured!' I yelled hard with crying at the same time. I heard someone knocking on the door so I looked up and saw Vanessa. 'Mena are you alright?' She asked me. I nodded but it didn't seem like she believed me. She closed the door and walked over to me. She sat down and lay her arm on my shoulder. 'You have to calm down Mena.' She said. 'B-but I don't even know if Jay is alright or not maybe he's dead.' I said and I began to cry again. 'Before I came here I was by Jean.' Vanessa said calm while I was in shock looking to her. 'Why were you there?' I asked her. 'We discussed about Jay's condition.' She said. 'A-and what did he say!?' I yelled. 'Jay's alive but he's in a pretty bad condition. He can't do a thing for at least two weeks.' She said. 'So Jay is alive then?' I asked her while she nodded. I began to smile and I wanted to get to the door but I was stopped by Vanessa. 'Jay is unconcious and we don't think he's going to wake up soon.' Vanessa said while making the grib around my arm tighter. 'Alright.' I said while looking down. 'You know what, we're going to drink a cup of tea and talk about happy things.' Vanessa said with a smile on her face.

Jay's POV. I was in a woods with my mother and my brother. I looked at my hands and they were small. 'What happend to my hands? And my legs and my whole body!' I thought. I looked at myself in a puddle of water and I saw that I looked at a kid. 'Jay are you coming!?' I heard someone yelling so I looked up and saw my brother standing with my mother on a hill. 'Yeah i'm coming!' I yelled so I ran over to them. I grabbed the hand of my mother on her left side and my brother grabbed her hand on the right side. We walked and smiled as a happy family. 'Do you want to play tag Jay?' My brother said while I nodded happy. We letted go of our mothers hands and my brother ran after me. He is fast so he he already tagged me. I ran after him and he ran as fast as he can into the woods. I ran after him into the woods making my mother go sit down on a bench. I saw a little bit of him very far. 'Wait up!' I yelled but he just ran further. After some time I didn't know where he was anymore. 'You've won!' I yelled waiting for response what never came. I ran back to my mother and she looked worried when she saw my face with tears. When I finally was mby my mother I began to cry and hug her. She hugged me back while rubbing my back. 'Jay, where is your brother?' She asked me. 'I-I don't know.' I said while crying. ' Alright Jay, i'm going to look into the woods for your brother and you go to your uncle to ask if he wants to help him look.' My mother said to me while I rubbed in one of my eyes to rub the tears away and nodded. My mother ran into the woods and I ran to the house of my uncle. After a while I came by the home of my uncle. I knocked as hard as I could on the door waiting for someone to come. After some seconds the door is finally opened and revealed my uncle. 'Jay? What a nice suprise!' He said while smiling. 'Uncle, you have to come with me.' I said making my uncle looked shocked at me. 'Is everything alright?' He said while he putted his hand on my shoulder. 'N-no, it's about my brother he's somewhere in the woods and mom and I don't no where he is.' I said with some tears caming from my eyes. 'Alright I come with you.' He said while picking up his shoes and coat. When he was done we began to ran to the woods. Finally after some minutes we came into the woods. Mu uncle called my mother to ask where she had looked. After he was done we began to search. After some hours me, my uncle and my mother were at the same place. 'Did you find him?' My uncle asked while my mother looked sad. 'I see.' My uncle said sad. 'M-mom what are we going to do now?' I asked here with tears caming from my eyes. 'We're going to ask the police if the will find him.' My mother said. 'B-but we still can search now, can't we?' I said almost yelling while my mother didn't say a word. 'Hiruko!' I yelled why I fell on my knees with tears.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was laying on my bed. 'So it was just a dream.' I quietly said. I tried to get up but that did hurt very much. 'Oh that's right, I protected Mena from that shot.' I thought. 'I hope she's alright.' I quietly said while I closed my eyes again.

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