AN//: i wrote this on word and copy and pasted it on here so excuse any mistakes thanks.
Peter knew, from the second he woke up, that today was gonna suck. I mean of course it would, it's that day.
He tried to convince himself that it wasn't going to be as bad as last year because, come on! It's been 2 years; it won't hurt as bad as last year.... will it?
Peter shook his head as he dried himself and made his way out if his bathroom.
He silently dressed himself and grabbed his school bad and his phone.
He walked into the living room and called out for May before realising she had an early morning shift today.
Great I'm all alone.
Peter plugged in his earphones to distract him from thinking about it and slowly walked out of the apartment.
For some deranged reason, everything he saw reminded Peter of him.
It reminded peter of the mistake he made and the horrible price he had to pay because it.
He walked into school and immediately had Ned and Mj by his side.
"How you doing, Pete?"
Peter looked over at ned and smiled tightly
"It's.... as good as it can get."
"If you can't take today, just go home. We'll bring you the work." Mj replied as she looked at him
No, he couldn't do that, not to May, not to him. Oh god he couldn't. They made so many sacrifices just so he could live a normal life.
Hey, Peter. Earth. To. Peter."
Ned waved a hand in front of Peter's face.
"Sorry man I'm just.... Ya know..."
Mj smiled softly as she looked at him
"It's okay, Peter."
Peter smiled in gratitude, he really had the best friends anyone could have asked for.
"I can do it. Don't worry."
The bell rang and Peter, Ned and Mj slowly trudged towards class, along with the hundreds of other students.
Peter's day had been hell.
Turns out he forgot an assignment so he got a detention for that and he earned himself a week's detention trying to defend himself from flash, what is that guy's problem?
It's as if the school cares more about girls showing their shoulders than students getting bullied.
Oh wait, they do
After all that all he wanted was to go home so walking into the last period of the day felt great
It was English, all they do is read and read. Peter could easily catch some much-needed z's, I mean he does sit at the back.
"Well class" Mrs. Walker, the english teacher, called out "today we have a guest speaker."
No z's for peter then.
Peter looked over at Ned remembering the last time they had a guest speaker and smiled as Ned snickered.
It was a doctor from the local hospital wanting to educate people on safe sex.
As if a bunch of 14 and 15-year-olds would be doing the deed.
The door opened and in walked in 2 police officers.
"Good morning everyone. I am Officer Petey and this is my colleague Officer Dean"
Mrs. Walker passed out some sheets
"You need to make notes and I want you to write a summary of the subject our guest will speak about"
Wonder what the subject will be
"We will be talking about is gun violence"
Oh god.
Peter's stomach dropped.
Not today. Oh god please not today.
Ned nudged Peter's arm as the officers rambled on oblivious to what was happening
"Dude, are you gonna be okay?"
Peter looked over at Ned, pale as a ghost, and grimaced
"yeah I'll be fine"
Peter tried to concentrate, but it's hard when he could see the blood stained on his hands and hear gasping of breath of the person he desperately tried to save.
Peter's breath sped up as he tried to fight off the tears trying to break free.
A few slid down he cheeks as he realised that he had to get out.
He had to leave.
He had to get out
Peter shot up out of his seat and grabbed his bag and ran out the classroom, ignoring the shouts of protests from the teacher and the officers.
He ran through the hallways and out the school doors, tears blurring his vision.
He ran through the streets of New York until he eventually arrived at the gates of a cemetery.
He ran towards the graves and collapsed in front of them.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Uncle ben" Peter cried out.
"I failed you in so many ways. You were so kind to me and I.... and I......I just...." Peter couldn't get out what he wanted to say so he just resigned to crying into his hands.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Peter whispered hoarsely,his throat worn down due to the hour if crying.
"I just... I know it's my fault." He sighed miserably
It started to rain and peter looked up.
Peter rambled on, talking about the past week, talking about Spiderman, remembering how much uncle ben enjoyed hearing his day.
"I just.... I just need a sigh that you're okay. That you're at peace."
Peter let out the third sigh that day and he slowly stood up.
It was as if the universe was listening because at that moment the rain stopped and the skies cleared.
It was like a Disney movie as the birds started chirping and a rainbow appeared in the sky.
Tears poured down peters face as he laughed.
Uncle ben's okay
It's gonna be okay.
And Peter's heart felt lighter for the first time in a while
Soooo how was it?? i told y'all i was gonna upload. i have an idea revolving around flash, how word u guys feel about that??
im gonna go and watch friends lol.

Fanfiction////////DISCONTINUED///////// oneshots// Spideyson and irondad + Avengers Everyone who is dead is alive. I don't care how, but they are, like they just stood up out of nowhere. please no hate. DISCLAIMER: NOTHING IS MINE EXCEPT ANY OCs. THEN THOSE...