Chapter 18: Two Months

Start from the beginning

"Alright. I'll take my dad's car. I'll be there in 20 minutes." Logan said before hanging up.

I'd just gotten dressed in a pair of sweatpants and an under armor shirt when I got a text from Logan that said he was here.

I sneakily made my way down the hall, careful to not make any noise.

Logan gave me a heavy kiss as I let him in through the door.

"Logan!" I whispered, pushing him away. "We're in public!"

"What? I'm happy to see you." Logan smiled, sliding his hand into mine.

I stuck my tongue out at him as I turned to walk towards the hall.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw Henry standing there. He had Marisol on his lap, and they were both looking at me.

"Oh shit." I whispered.

"Balcony doors. Creative." Henry gave me a wink as he walked past. "I'm guessing this isn't something to be shared with your set of brothers?"

I slowly shook my head.

"Got it. We can keep a secret, right Marisol?" He asked his daughter.

She just giggled and nodded as they walked down the hall to her room.

"That was weird." I whispered to Logan, pulling him down the hall towards my room.

That was probably one of the only interactions I'd ever had with Henry.

But so far, he actually seemed pretty cool.

Logan shut the door behind him as we walked into my room.

"So how was your day?" Logan asked, pulling me up into his arms as he walked towards the bed.

I let out a giggle, grabbing onto his shoulders. He laid me down and instantly cuddled up next to me, resting his head on my stomach.

"My day was pretty shitty. I got puked on by a 6 year old." I shrugged, instinctively twisting my fingers into his hair. "But it's also pretty great because there's this guy I've liked for a while and today is our two month anniversary."

Logan grinned, looking up at me.

"I got you something." He said happily, sitting up on his knees.

I raised my eyebrows, pushing myself up to my elbows.

He pulled a little box out of his pocket.

"Open it up." He said happily, handing it to me.

I raised my eyebrows at my boyfriend as I took the small velvet box.

Logan watched me with excitement as I slowly opened it up.

My eyes instantly widened at the necklace laying inside. It was a thick chain with a charm on the end of it. It was a little silver heart with a smooth back and diamonds studded on the front.

"Are those-"

"Diamonds? Yea." Logan nodded with a laugh.

"Holy shit." I whispered.

"Only the best for my girl." Logan grinned, sitting up on his knees. "Here turn around so I can put it on you."

I slowly sat up on my knees as well as I pulled my hair to the side and turned around.

Logan softly kissed my shoulder after he clasped the necklace.

I giggled and turned around to face him.

"You're pretty awesome you know that?" I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Logan shrugged. "You've told me once or twice."

"Oh! Wait let me get you your present!" I exclaimed, quickly rolling off of the bed.

Logan laughed as I ran over to my desk and grabbed the envelope.

He raised his eyebrows as I jumped back on the bed and handed him his gift.

I sat down on my knees while he opened up the gift.

Logan's eyes widened as he saw what was inside.

"You didn't! Lions tickets?!" He exclaimed, looking up at me in shock.

I just grinned. "Figured you could go have a fun day with Mark." I shrugged.

"Not you?" Logan frowned, looking at me in confusion.

"You'll enjoy it more with Mark." I laughed. "Don't worry."

"You're the best girlfriend ever." Logan laughed, pulling me down onto his lap.

I let out a giggle as he attacked me with kisses.

"Wait wait." I laughed, putting my hand on his chest. "Do you want ice cream? Because I want ice cream."

"Didn't you already go today?"

"Yeah but it wasn't exactly a positive experience." I grimaced.

"Stroh's?" Logan suggested.

I nodded with a giggle, biting my lip.

"Alright put some shoes on let's go." Logan laughed as I sat up.

I grinned, kissing his cheek before rolling off of the bed.

I pulled on some adidas slides and followed Logan out of my room.

We quickly ran down the stairs and out of the front door before anyone could see us.

The last thing we needed was to be interrogated by Jane, or worse, Michael.

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