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"I'm so hungover." Logan whined, rolling over to press his face into my pillow.

"Dude." I laughed as his weight squished me. "I'm trapped."

Logan wiggled his hips, making me giggle despite my lungs being crushed.

"Logan." I laughed. "Please."

"I'm going to find that guy who brought fireball last night and I'm going to kick his sorry little ass." Logan groaned, shaking his head. "Ow that hurts." He groaned again.

I wriggled out from underneath him before snuggling up close next to him.

"You'll survive this. Just sleep it off." I laughed, trailing my fingers up and down his back.

He was shirtless and his skin was tan, smooth, and absolutely gorgeous.

"Seriously, you got so tan in the Bahamas, I love it." I whispered, pressing my lips to his shoulder.

Logan grunted, shifting his hips again without lifting his head.

"If you want sex right now, you're gonna have to do all the work. I can't move." Logan mumbled.

I pulled my hand away.

"I think I'm good. You're a bit too hungover." I whispered with a laugh.

"Put your hand back, woman." Logan mumbled, slowly turning his head to look at me. "Oh thank goodness, the lights are off."

"I know how to take care of a hungover man." I laughed, sliding my palm down his back. "Someone's been doing squats." I raised my eyebrows, squeezing his butt.

"I've got a lady to please." Logan winked, his eyes squinted and sleepy as he looked at me.

I leaned forwards, pressing my lip to his nose.

"Guess what." I whispered.

"What?" Logan whispered back, letting his eyes slowly close.

"My brothers are fine with us." I said softly. "And it's a new year."


"We're in the clear, baby. This is the beginning of a beautiful, beautiful relationship."

"We can go out on proper dates."

"Double dates." I reminded him. "And we don't have to hide."

"And I can openly spend the night without sneaking around."

"Okay well no that's never gonna happen." I shook my head.


"Marley!" Mark yelled, bursting into my room.

Logan let out a pitiful groan as Mark turned on the lights.

"Dude chill! We're not doing anything!" I exclaimed, sitting up straight.

"No it's not about that." Mark hissed, firmly shutting the door behind him. "I need your help."

"Hm?" I raised my eyebrows. "You need my help?"

Mark took a deep breath, marching over to my bed.

"Listen." He said quietly, sitting down on his knees on the bed. "I just heard Jane and dad talking downstairs."


"And dad was telling her that she needs to step up her parenting game." Mark said urgently.

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